Substance Profile picture
We're a team of chemists, social workers, computer scientists, pharmacists, and people who use drugs, partnering to provide and evaluate drug checking services
Nov 2, 2020 7 tweets 5 min read
Our Quarter 3 report is now available on our website. It showcases #drugchecking findings from July 1st - September 30th, 2020, in #yyj. Below are some key findings from the last quarter ⏬ We tested a total of 456 samples. This
shows an increased uptake of testing from the prior quarter, where we only tested 269 samples. This increase was seen across every drug category. Find our first two quarterly reports here:
Oct 29, 2020 5 tweets 3 min read
Trick or Treat? A Halloween Thread.

Unlike the chocolates and candies we get from the supermarket during Halloween, drugs don't come with an ingredients list. When we get illicit drugs, we don't always know what's in them and that can sometimes lead to spooky situations. /1 Imagine wanting a Caramilk, but when you bite into it, it's an Aero. No juicy liquid center, just air pockets, kind of sucks right? Now imagine ingesting what you think is cocaine, only to find out it's actually ketamine, and all of a sudden you're in for an unexpected ride /2