Tamika D. Mallory Profile picture
Social Justice Leader/ Movement Strategist/ Author/ Harlem Girl. My bio is in my daily work✊🏾 All inquiries: Latoya@TheBBMAgency. com
💜joyfulnoyz 😷 #COVIDIsntOver ✊🏾 Profile picture 1 subscribed
Jan 30, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
A thread.

We don’t play about @CoriBush. We got her back yesterday, today, tomorrow and every day after that.

She’s not alone and has her people with her. I am tired of seeing Black women targeted & having to look behind our backs to protect ourselves, our colleagues and our families from white people who can’t fathom to see us in our rightful place - positions of power.
Aug 1, 2019 5 tweets 3 min read
This is a thread about what occurred at the Democratic Debate when @KirstenJohnFoy @Mysonne @angelopinto720 @lsarsour and I made the decision to stand up for Eric Garner and the sanctity of Black life. #DemDebates We could not sit silent while @NYCMayor Bill DeBlasio misrepresented his positions on Stop and Frisk and continues to employ the police officers who killed #EricGarner, in particular Daniel Pantaleo.