Tara Van Ho Profile picture
Senior Lecturer/Assoc Prof, @EssexLawSchool @EssexHRC. Increasingly in a bluer, skier place - same handle.
Jul 19, 2024 17 tweets 4 min read
Now, for my major takeaways in #ICJ #Israel #Palestine Advisory opinion:

1. This was a whole rebuke of Israel & the USA's political positions regarding the impact of the Oslo Accords. The Court is clear that the Oslo Accords must be read in line with other parts of int'l law, notably IHL and IHRL. This should have been obvious as the Oslo Accords explicitly state that they are to be read that way, but they've often been used as a 'get out of jail free' card by Israel and the USA for whatever Israel chooses to do with the settlements.
Jul 19, 2024 62 tweets 9 min read
The relevant part of the judgment begins with assessing the jurisdiction of the Court. The jurisdiction of the Court is decided by the ICJ's Statute and as the Court emphasises the Court can only issue opinions on *legal* questions. The Court recognises that the questions posed by the General Assembly are legal. It also considered whether this was an inappropriate effort to circumvent the ICJ's normal requirement for consent in bilateral disputes. The Court found:
1. This is not just a bilateral one but one that also has importance and impact for Israel
Jan 12, 2024 85 tweets 15 min read
As with yesterday, I'll be RTing @MollyQuell & @juliettemm on actual proceedings and giving my own views on the side. @MollyQuell @juliettemm Good invocation to the Court as a place where "truth should matter" and "words should matter." As expected, Israel will be arguing that South Africa's factual assertions are off. The law is on South Africa's side so Israel needs to focus on facts & a few legal disputes.
Jan 11, 2024 19 tweets 4 min read
I keep reading this here, but assuming Israel wants to truly challenge the allegations, the only legitimate Court-facing reason Israel would have to use this imagery would be to try to justify statements about "animals." That's a dubious justification for a few reasons: 1) Hamas's actions are not before the court & legally cannot justify genocide. All they can do is help contextualise Israeli government outrage & anger. But in doing so, it could give the impression that 1) 🇮🇱 was seeking revenge, 2) 🇮🇱 feels this language is justifiable, not
Dec 30, 2023 12 tweets 3 min read
It was not that long ago that teaching human rights law meant teaching about how states never used the mechanisms available to them to hold each other accountability. There had never been a interstate treaty body complaints or a petition to the ICJ under the Gen Convention. States created these mechanisms as part of their stated commitment to secure & ensure protection for human rights. Their lack of use demonstrated a lack of care for the realisation of those commitments in practice and turned human rights law into nothing more than a
Nov 2, 2022 16 tweets 8 min read
The policy changes from @MorningstarInc show such a lack of competence in #BizHumanRights, international law & human rights standards as to raise questions about the company's basic competence to do ESG research.

A brief 🧵

responsible-investor.com/morningstar-di… First, "occupation" & "occupied territories" are legal terms. The conditions for those terms are met in the Occupied Palestinian Territories. @MorningstarInc's refusal to accurately describe the situation & geography is a legally unsound choice.

Nov 2, 2022 23 tweets 5 min read
This took a few days to reach me (b/c thankfully Irving is irrelevant to my life). Irving -- a flat Earther -- should never be listened to about anything other than basketball, but his actions & this statement are so dangerous they need to be dissected & addressed:
🧵 Once again, racism in all its forms -- including anti-Semitism -- is so prevalent that people can believe, repeat & amplify racist things even while proclaiming they aren't racist.

See, eg: DJT & every white person who has ever said "I'm not racist -- I have a Black friend!"
Aug 8, 2022 44 tweets 12 min read
I've been decisively described as a "scholaractivist" more than 1x. Perhaps unsurprisingly, but I take it as a point of pride that my research has impact beyond its "merely discursive" contribution.

A brief 🧵 in which @tarunkhaitan's & my differences seem bigger than they are. First, let's admit that in today's UKHE, it is a privilege to focus on "merely discursive" contributions yo the law. The UK Research Excellence Framework & grant-making bodies prioritise the kind of impact @tarunkhaitan dismisses as activism.
Jun 14, 2022 24 tweets 8 min read
🧵 I swore I wouldn't do this b/c I have other, more important things to do but if @TimesRadio is going to discuss Steven's 'article,' I'm going to respond to it by going through the article and explaining why it's wrong: 1. No one (credible) is saying this is a breach b/c it's against the EU's interest. Let's presume for now that international law is law (I'll address that shortly). One source of int'l law -- roughly equivalent to a statute -- is a treaty, like the NI Protocol.
Jun 11, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
Brief 🧵

I understand 18-year-olds feeling like their lives are over if they aren't accepted onto their top choice degree. Current economic uncertainty copuled with the marketization of the Russell Group as something more than it is will lead them here.

theguardian.com/education/2022… But it's absolutely shameful that adults are feeding this. Many of these types of students can get an excellent education elsewhere but have been fed this notion that they'll be 'held back' if they take their place elsewhere. That's just not true.
May 12, 2021 29 tweets 11 min read
🧵 I have (another) update on my friends' experience with racial discrimination at @ZalesJewelers. A before, I'm going to use this to #TeachBHR #BizHumanRights on reparations. When the @winlawjournal symposium videos are up, you can see me do this here:

wilj.org/about/symposiu… This is the letter my friends received from @ZalesJewelers regarding the outcome of his complaint of racial discrimination when he was a customer in one of their stores.

(sorry for the weird cropping... I'm old. Not ancient like @scottjshapiro, but still old.)

May 11, 2021 15 tweets 13 min read
We have baby geese on campus -- and 5 more jobs with @EssexLawSchool!

In order of my own personal interest... the first job is for a Lecturer in corporate governance. #CSR #BizHumanRights

vacancies.essex.ac.uk/tlive_webrecru… We're also hiring a Senior Lecturer interesting in leading in one or more of the following areas: international criminal law, terrorism, international criminal procedure and evidence (including digital evidence), and international environmental law.

Apr 22, 2021 19 tweets 8 min read
So it's been 3 days since I tweeted this story about my friend facing racist treatment @ZalesJewelers. Zales asked for a contact. I gave them a phone number. They never called. My friend's wife reached out via FB & got a reply... And now I'm going to use my expertise to explain why this answer is an inadequate #remedy & why @ZalesJewelers has failed from a #BizHumanRights perspective to address #Racism in its operations.

The tl;dr: Zales needs to do better. This is shameful.

Sep 6, 2020 15 tweets 5 min read
Remember how I said you can't crowdsource a 'race & int'l law' reading list? Also true about decolonizing your curriculum. Geraldo's twitter-sourcing provides an important entry point to a tough convo we need to have re: IEL education in light of the decolonizing movement.
1/ First, white men 'invented' modern IEL by imposing it on others via colonialism (IEL *practice* predates colonialism, but Europeans forget that). If you start there, you can start the process of decolonizing IEL by asking how others responded to realities imposed on them.
Jun 22, 2020 34 tweets 7 min read
THREAD: This has popped up in my feed a few times & I've held off on saying anything because I appreciate that people are trying, but I've also pledged to have difficult conversations on race with white people so POC don't have to. So here we go white Twitter academia:
1/ We are in the midst of a significant moment in history in which we are being challenged to confront our role in structural racism. There are two ways in which we can respond to this moment in time: (1) perpetuate structures that privilege us at the expense of POC while
Jan 19, 2020 10 tweets 5 min read
A thread on misogyny, abuse, & the Royal Family:

I don't like talking about the Royal Family, but after reading yet another story quoting #MeganMarkle's dad, I think the news media needs to keep a few things in mind when quoting #ThomasMarkle & @piersmorgan:

[1] Based on @piersmorgan's statements:
1) Megan befriended him online
2) They met in person
3) Her relationship w/ Harry went public
4) PM starts dishing about her & their friendship on air, presumably to gain ratings
5) She stops speaking to him
6) He complains she's a snob.
