Tea Pain Profile picture
Guardian of Democracy - Born Thomas Elmer Addison Pain - July 4th, 1976
HereWeGoAgain Profile picture Barb Profile picture Solve for WHY Profile picture Maddi Hausmann Profile picture Wheretheresawill Profile picture 29 subscribed
Jul 27, 2022 6 tweets 1 min read

1) Consider these things. Yesterday's massive bombshells didn't come from the DOJ, it came from cooperatin' witnesses. A little tidbit you might have missed is that the Feds had phone records since APRIL. 2) That means there has been DOJ interviews and investigations long BEFORE the Jan 6th Commission. But up until this point, the witnesses have been tightlipped. Then suddenly, over the past 48 hours, the cooperators have been given the green light to go public.
Feb 4, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
1) If DOJ chooses not to act within 90 days of an election, that puts the end of July as the deadline to do somethin'. If the DOJ chooses to do nothin' before then and the Republicans win in 2022, they will start dismantlin' DOJ on day one thru defundin' and endless hearings. 2) If Tea Pain was in charge, he'd freeze Trump immediately by indictin' him on Mueller's rock solid obstruction charges. This would force Republicans to choose Trump or dump him before the mid-terms. It would split the GOP right down the middle and give the Dems a leg-up.
Jan 9, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
MINI THREAD on Democrats campaign strategy.

1) The Dems make a big mistake with messagin' because they think they need a single message to get behind.

Wrong! Have you ever thought about Geico Insurance? 2) Geico's got at least 5 different ad campaigns goin' at any given time, and you know what? They work.

It ain't the little lizard 24/7. They throw in Angry Birds, a wild west parody, even Animal from the Muppets. Essentially they got somethin' for everybody.
Nov 9, 2021 7 tweets 1 min read
MINI-THREAD on Insurrection Messagin'.

1) Remember how America came together when Saudi terrorists attacked our country on 9/11? That was a no brainer. It was an outright attack on our country. Everyone came together as Americans. 2) But when Trump and his far right mob attacked our Capitol on Jan 6th, there was no bi-partisan reaction and it barely moved the needle. Why?
Nov 3, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read

Listen up, Dems. You've got to stop campaignin' like it's 1994. It ain't. If you wanna win, this is what you do. Ready? 1) Simple Messaging. Pick three to four simple messages and stick to 'em. Short catchy phrases that invoke emotion like patriotism, hope and help for the American people. The GOP just beat you over the head with "Critical Race Theory." "KISS" it. Keep It Simple, Stupid.
Oct 4, 2021 10 tweets 2 min read
MINI THREAD: "It's impossible for a MAGA to be a Christian."

1) Jesus was a mighty smart feller. He was able to condense 1.5 millennia's worth of Judaic law into 2 simple sentences... 2) "Jesus replied: ’Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself. All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”
Sep 12, 2021 10 tweets 2 min read

1) Yesterday, Tea Pain went to the 9/11 ceremony up at Big Cedar Lodge on Table Rock Lake in Branson, MO. While he was up in that neck of the woods, he decided to make his semi-annual trek to the holiest-of-holies of outdoor stores: Bass Pro Shop up in Springfield. 2) Tea's gonna share a little secret with ya. If you're a fisherman, don't waste your time and money goin' in the big store where you'll pay 5 bucks for a pack of 8 worms or 9 dollars for a single crank bait, no sir! Drive around the corner of the complex to the...
Sep 10, 2021 6 tweets 1 min read

1) Tea Pain's gonna make a bold statement. 9/11 and Jan 6th are inseparably linked. 2) Think about it for a second. On 9/11, a group of religious extremists attacked New York City and our nation's capitol. 9/11 fueled the anti-Muslim radicalization that infected the far-right, which was later adopted as a Tea Party mantra.
Aug 22, 2021 13 tweets 3 min read
1) Tea Pain loves fishin' more than life itself, but sadly he ain't been since Trump got elected in 2016. Now that Joe Biden's in the White House takin' care of business, Tea thought it was time to treat himself, so he and his good friend Dewey Oyler headed up to Table Rock Lake. 2) There ain't nothin' better than to unplug from the interwebs and spend a day in a boat communin' with nature with nothin' but a rod, a reel and a cooler of PBR. But the best thing about about the lake is that it's a great way to get away from politics. Or so Tea thought.
Aug 14, 2021 10 tweets 2 min read

1) When Tea Pain was a little boy, Tea's neighbor's to the West were the Whittens. Their 9 kids were usually poorly dressed, barefoot and always in trouble in school. Their daddy was Jimmy Whitten, a part-time mechanic and full-time alcoholic. 2) Tea recalls this one time he was playin' at the Whittens with their boys near their daddy's shed where he was workin' on a old car he could never seem to get runnin'. Tea was standin' near the taillights and could smell the Johnny Walker comin' from under the hood.
Aug 7, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read

1) This week the MAGA feller that proclaimed he was “glad” he caught COVID died a miserable death at the hands of the deadly virus.

This is a tragic indictment of downward trajectory Trump put half our nation on. 2) How did we get to a point where a livin’, breathin’ human bein’ can be ecstatic about contractin’ a deadly disease that ends in such a miserable demise? The answer may be simpler than you think.
Jul 18, 2021 9 tweets 2 min read
MINI-THREAD on Trumpism:

1) After 4 years of embarassin' failures and gettin' wiped out in 2020, why does Trumpism still appeal to Republicans? Tea believes we'll understand it better if we break things down into their essence. 2) Trumpism ain't a doctrine. It's an act, and it's actions can be distilled down into three basic categories.

a. Ignorance
b. Racism
c. Cruelty
Jul 3, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
MINI-THREAD: If Tea Pain was Cyrus Vance, this is what he'd do. See if you agree.

1) Drop a few indictments over the next couple of months on some of the lesser imps and demons not named Trump at TrumpOrg. This should slowly raise the temperature in Weisselberg's crock pot. 2) Once Weisselberg starts simmerin' good, dump a load of paper on the Trump kids. The kids will have a choice of droppin' a dime on dear ol' dad or go after CFO Weisselberg. 99% chance they will blame Weisselberg for the mess they're in.
Feb 6, 2021 9 tweets 2 min read
MINI-THREAD on White Christian Nationalism.

1) Religion is a funny thing, ain't it? It can guide you, comfort you, then turn around and try to kill you. Tea would bet you a set of banjo strings that almost every one of them traitors that attacked our Capitol identify... 2) ...as Christian. How does a religion founded by the "Prince of Peace" transform into a blood-thirsty mob bent on killin' their own brothers and sisters?
Feb 1, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
MINI-THREAD on Patriotism:

1) Republicans have been wavin' the American flag for years, callin' themselves "patriots" and paintin' Democrats as "unpatriotic." On Jan 6th, we found out what a bunch of bull-squirt they've been peddlin' all the years. 2) The GOP wants you to believe they are the party of 1776, but when their white supremacist messiah lost badly to Joe Biden, they stomped on the cornerstone of our Democracy, attemptin' to overthrow a free election and wage war against a peaceful transfer of power.
Jan 9, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read

1) Mike Pence is not a "principled leader." As a matter of fact, he's no better than Ted Cruz or Josh Hawley. He should get no credit for follerin' the Constitution on Jan 6th, considerin' the alternative was prosecution and political ruin. 2) Chew on this. On Wednesday, Trump's mob was stormin' the Capitol while he was inside presidin' over the electoral count. While shoutin', "Hang Mike Pence!", mob leaders were carryin' multiple Zip-cuffs to "arrest" Pence and other Congressional leaders to escort them...
Jan 3, 2021 10 tweets 2 min read
MINI-THREAD: 1) Tea Pain has never been more ashamed of our government than he is now. Over 100 Republican members of the House and a dirty dozen GOP Senators are throwin' in with Trump's seditious attempt to overthrow a certified election. 2) True enough, Republicans don't believe America is a Democracy, rather a Republic, but by definition a republic is where "sovereignty rest with the people through their elected representatives." Republicans also believe in "States Rights" rather than centralized power.
Dec 13, 2020 7 tweets 1 min read
MINI THREAD on sedition.

1) We are watchin' a coup-attempt to overthrow a free and fair election develop before our very eyes. Hundreds of elected officials are knowingly, willingly, joyfully breakin' their vow to defend the Constitution. 2) The fact their fool-hearty efforts are doomed to fail should not diminish the severity of their crimes in the least and the next administration must hold them accountable for every last one.
Nov 14, 2020 10 tweets 2 min read
MINI-THREAD on Trump's mysterious appeal.

1) Tea Pain is still wrappin' his flag-hat festooned head around the mystery that is Donald Trump. America has just witnessed the most disastrous and failure-rich four years of any modern presidency. 2) By every measurable metric, this election should have been a one-sided, WWE smackdown butt whippin', but somehow it was still relatively close. Tea is left askin' the eternal question, "Why?" What is it that makes Trump unswervingly popular with 47% of Americans?
Nov 8, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
Mini-Thread on Pardons. Tea woke up gamin' this out in his head. Here's some possible pardon scenarios.

1) Trump pardons himself. This would be fought all the way to #SCOTUS. 50/50 chance SCOTUS let's it stand so it might be a little risky. This leaves Pence on his own. 2) Trump resigns, then Pence pardons him. This would be the most "legal" approach, and mirrors what Ford did for Nixon. The biggest difference, however, is Pence may be complicit in some of Trump's criminal behavior and he'd be left twistin' in the wind.
Nov 1, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read

1) This week we saw one of the most disgustin' aspects of Trumpism rear it's ugly head. In Texas, an armed MAGA caravan of vehicles intercepted a Biden-Harris campaign bus and attempted to run it off the road. 2) Calls to Trump-friendly police for help were met with the response, "not our jurisdiction." At least one of the Biden campaign's vehicles received damaged as a Trump-flag-wavin' black pick-up attempted to force it into another lane at high speed.