The Macro Bootlegger Profile picture
I want to expand access to economic data for the common man. Python coder. Physics PhD. Use my toolkit to access data, github link below.
Jan 29, 2023 25 tweets 21 min read
USD NET LIQUIDITY (NLQ) -important macro metric to track. Originally formulated by @42Macro, NLQ provides estimate of total liquidity to markets from Fed, treasury & bigFunds. Markets show high correlation with NLQ. Use my #python script to track this yourself w/daily update.🧵 2/ Following March 2020, the huge surge in net liquidity caused by unprecedented QE made this liquidity tide the primary driving force in markets. High correlation now seen between SPX, NDQ, DJI, BTC etc & NLQ. Great intro here by @maxjanderson:
Jan 29, 2023 25 tweets 20 min read
USD NET LIQUIDITY (NLQ) - important macro metric to track. Originally formulated by @42Macro, NLQ provides estimate of total liquidity to markets from Fed, treasury & bigFunds. Markets show high correlation with NLQ. Use my #python script to track this yourself w/daily update.🧵 2/ Following March 2020, the huge surge in net
liquidity caused by unprecedented QE made this liquidity tide the primary driving force in markets.
High correlation now seen between SPX, NDQ, DJI, BTC etc & NLQ.
Great intro here by @maxjanderson:

Mar 7, 2022 13 tweets 8 min read
Yield farming (YF) basics part 1: understanding impermanent loss. This will be the first of a series of threads covering defi fundamentals. Part 1.1: impermanent loss (IL) in one dimension. IL curve log base 10 X-axis, full range. IL is the no. #1 thing to learn about if getting involved in YF. There are some good guides and threads out there covering the topic. Here are some (sorry if I missed yours):……