Andre Mullen Profile picture
Founder & CEO of @_paradigmagency | Founder of The Paradigm Shift
Apr 25, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
4 music industry platforms that every #artistmanager and #artist should be aware of: 1. @symphonyos_ - "fanbase growth on autopilot"

The company creates smart marketing solutions for creators.

Their work with artists like @sza has shown they know what they're doing.

From "Forever Saves" to "Maestro", their marketing AI, they're changing the game.
Apr 23, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
From releasing merch making a couple of hundred dollars to making $9,446 per day.

That’s the power of working smarter not harder.

That’s the power of a system.

Yesterday, 300+ people learned how to use systems to generate $252,825.

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Have a great weekend.