The Clear Cider 🦋 Profile picture
Oh, stop it! Laugh. Parody, satire, & truth as needed. Prevent truth decay, brush with Clear Cider. Caution, I run with scissors. Dog lover. 🦋 🌹
Oct 3, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
"So, nobody has done more for Christianity, or for evangelicals, OR FOR RELIGION ITSELF, than I have!"

-- Donald J Trump, September 30, 2021

Holy Schitt.
Dec 13, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
Not a one has spent a night outside of their childhood homes, huh?


I found the guy who volunteered to do the inscribing due to his good penmanship.


Jan 15, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
🇺🇸 #Pompeo #Yovanovitch

I've posted this interview with @SecPompeo for a few months now, as he refuses to answer if he’d been in prior contact with @RudyGiuliani in Feb 2019 while both were in Warsaw.

It was a simple question to answer.



Now we know why he didn't want to answer.

He knew that Giuliani was up to no good in Ukraine with Parnas, Hyde, etc, under Trump's orders.

And if he answered that question, it would tie him into the plot to intimidate, or possibly assassinate, an American ambassador?
