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Founded by Nelson #Mandela in 2007, we are independent global leaders working for #peace, #justice, #humanrights and a sustainable planet. #LongviewLeadership
Nov 20, 2022 5 tweets 3 min read
At the close of #COP27 in Egypt, Mary Robinson remarks on the outcome:

“In a year of multiple crises and climate shocks, the historic outcome on loss and damage at COP27 shows international cooperation is possible, even in these testing times.”

🧵 1/5 #LossAndDamage “Equally, the renewed commitment on the 1.5℃ global warming limit was a source of relief. However, none of this changes the fact that the world remains on the brink of climate catastrophe.”

🧵 2/5 #COP27CoverDecision #COP27