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May 26, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
1: Kai, this abaya issue is very upsetting. It highlights one of many reasons the ummah is engulfed in so much fitna. Saɓon Allah ya yi kanta. Haram ma haka. You’ll be hard pressed to find a single person who can produce the required evidence to prove that a certain woman did.. 2:..zina to obtain abaya. Sai dai rumors!

In surah Nur, we learn that one of the worst sins an ENTIRE ummah can commit is to accuse a SINGLE woman of indecency, without evidence.

The Quran makes it clear that it is sinful to accuse a muslim woman of sexual immorality even if
May 31, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
1: If rape is so atrocious that SWT permits us to send back the criminals to Him, then why aren’t we taking it seriously?

If we were serious about rape in our ummah, then the 1st thing to do is to make it clear that rape is worse than zina & demonstrate no-tolerance for it 2: Rape violates 2 of 5 fundamental values in Islamic law: honor & even life. Thus scholars have historically categorized rape under "hiraba" for which the Quran 5:33 endorses 4 punishments: execution, crucifixion, amputation of opposite limbs or permanent exile/life imprisonment
Mar 20, 2020 10 tweets 2 min read
Thread: Muslims beware

1: Re: tweets/videos, even khutbahs propagating conspiracy theories: “Gaddafi said it: coronavirus was created”, “corona was created to prevent Hajj”, or “God created corona to punish xxx”. The latter is the worst: it claims knowledge of SWTs Intentions 2: Here are the issues with these kinds of tweets/“information”. First, those who propagate these conspiracy theories have absolutely no actual proof or eye witness evidence to back up their claims.

A muslim should be a person of concrete evidence not hearsay, else,
Feb 24, 2020 19 tweets 5 min read
1: The hadith is simple and grounded in reality, not “pessimism”. Camels are known to have a tendency to stray therefore one should take measures from losing the ride. Likewise, marriages in our society have a tendency to go astray and leave a woman destitute. Since power.. 2: of divorce is not in the woman’s hand, then the least a woman can do is to protect herself from destitution should a divorce occur.

🤔After all has been said and the focus switched to semantics and intention, no one can ignore the reality on ground: that marriages..
Feb 23, 2020 12 tweets 3 min read
😳🤔Nah! Tie your camel! (Thread)

1: You are assuming here that being prepared for the worst dilutes or even negates good intention and/or tawakkul in Allah. And that’s a dangerous assumption. A muslim works with reality & does not do so naively or idealistically. 2: In an ummah in which divorce rate is high, social security is unheard of, destitution among divorcees is common & emotional abuse using finances as a carrot- stick approach is rampant, it behooves any thinking muslim woman in our society to strive for financial bouyancy.
Nov 23, 2019 7 tweets 3 min read
Toh! 74% failed😭😭


1: The shape was rectangular: the House includes that open space called the Hateem/Hijr Ismail.

5yrs before Prophethood, the Quraysh decided to rebuild the Kaabah after a flood had damaged it. Trouble was they didnt have enough money and.. 2: building materials so they made it smaller/cuboid and demarcated the rest as the Hateem.

This is mentioned in several hadiths. When Aisha RA told SAW that she wanted to pray in the Kaabah, he SAW took her to the Hateem and explained that it’s part of the Kaabah
Nov 23, 2019 13 tweets 4 min read
While we wait for the quiz time to elapse..BONUS THREAD

The Kaabah! much to say. What a witness. It has been flooded several times; it has been burned in a war between muslims, and its black stone/Hajr al Aswad was smashed, literally stolen and held for ransom for >20yrs 2: Just 40yrs ago, one of the saddest events occurred: on Nov 20th 1979 (1st Muharram 1401), a fanatic group led by a young zealot called Juhayman seized and barricaded the masjid after Fajr prayer. For 2 weeks, there was no azan, no tawaf, no congregation, no jumuah 💔💔💔
Nov 9, 2019 19 tweets 4 min read
🙆🏾‍♀️😭😭😭 78٪؜ FAILED


1: Long after Ismail’s AS time, ZamZam was lost for centuries until Abdul Muttalib (re)discovered it. The well hasn’t been lost since then.

Ofcourse, the history of ZamZam begins with Hajar’s (RA) sa’ay btw Safa & Marwa 2..when she went looking for water for baby Ismail. Following this, the Jurhum tribe, an arab tribe that were passing by for trade, tracked down the water to the arid Makkah valley. They asked Hajar for permission to stay. She agreed on condition that the well remain in her care
Mar 4, 2019 16 tweets 3 min read
“Umm is barren”: The power of words (thread)

1: 🤔Alhamdulillah for everything, including the humble ability to thank Him.

Sometimes 1 tweet, 1 word, 1 look makes all the difference, inspiring one to be introspective, to reexamine stances in the faith, of the faith. 2: “Umm is childless” vs. “Umm is barren”. I dont know about you but I think many will agree that even though both lines mean “lacking a child", the two lines inspire different feelings, with barren implying a deeper connotation of lack.

When someone says barren, you FEEL it.
Jan 22, 2019 9 tweets 3 min read
🧐 SHORT THREAD: Men & “non-emotions”

1: As I mentioned previously, the idea that men are non-emotional (not motivated by love or largely "incapable" of it) is a myth.

It's actually a lie.

See, Allah tells us that mawadda (love) is a means/goal of spousal companionship 2: Since marriage in Islam is between man & woman, then man & woman must both be capable of mawadda.

Allah is Just & “does not burden a soul beyond its capacity”, therefore most men & women have capacity for mawadda.

🤔It would not add up to enjoin commitment a marital life..
Jan 21, 2019 28 tweets 5 min read
THREAD: “Who is responsible for raising a child?”🧐

1: The best case scenario for a child-male or female- is the active participation of both parents in his/her upbringing.

But what if we were dealing with situations that are far from ideal, like our current lives? 2: Yesterday, @Abdulrahmanleme asked a rather rhetoric question which got me thinking about this issue. The knee jerk answer is that in our society, a child’s upbringing is the primary responsibility of “the mother”. But is that truly the answer from an islamic perspective?
Dec 29, 2018 8 tweets 2 min read
Instead of uniting as an ummah to discuss how best to address this tragedy, how to prevent it, how to ensure those at risk get appropriate therapy etc, the talk has been about Haram & Jahannam. How does that help those who feel like they’re in an abyss? What have we turned into? 2: Suicidal ideation is probably as old as humanity itself. Reflect on this hadith. SAW himself acknowledged that some muslims experience a dark sense of despair & suicidal thoughts. He didnt lambaste them. He didnt declare them ungrateful or weak in iman.
Dec 12, 2018 8 tweets 2 min read

1: Well, that’s a loaded question but I think the Quran provides great answers that undermine this pervasive perception. I’ll have to trickle in my thoughts but I’ll start with what I understand in regards to the issue of witnesses. Again, I am not a scholar. 2: I think that there is a PERCEIVED idea of male “superiority” but it isnt quite there in the Quran although it is very much present in Fiqh. In the Quran, the 2 to 1 male witness is quite specific for business transactions for which the Quran recommended a scribe (Q2:282)
Aug 3, 2018 24 tweets 5 min read
“And the male is unlike the female”..#Thread

1. 🤔Boys are boys & girls are girls. There are biologic differences between a male and a female. We are built & wired differently; there’s absolutely no doubt about that. We are meant to complement each other but ofcourse,.. 2:..societal nurturing plays a massive role in creating profound, often strict gender roles that entrench a wholescale gender hierarchy on us, to the point where it has proven detrimental to one compared to the other. Most worrisome is how this pernicious gender hierarchy..
Jun 29, 2018 56 tweets 12 min read
Amidst the pain & heartache of 🇳🇬, dont forget to recite Surah #Kahf today. Infact it is a great one to contemplate on in these circumstances, considering its recurrent message of the symbiotic relationship btw effort & faith.

Infact here are my personal reflections..THREAD 1. Alhamdulillah, we r blessed with the Living, Immutable Book of Wisdom, replete with inexhaustible treasures & discreet enigmas quietly tucked away like pearls adorning the soft beds of an unpolluted ocean. For me, Surah #Kahf ranks close to Ikhlas, the sura dearest to my heart
Jun 17, 2018 16 tweets 3 min read
Random reflections?

1. Perhaps it was the controversy about moon sighting that got me thinking about the dual issue of time and the delicate act of witnessing. In any case I gazed up at the sky last night to behold the shy, youthful moon adorning the greying sky.. 2. It triggered a host of emotions, an intense yearning to know more about that mystery that is time...Time: that elusive concept that we all know about yet know so little about.
Apr 19, 2018 8 tweets 3 min read
1: Yesterday, I was challenged to discuss my thoughts on the place of girl-child marriage in Islam. Here’s what I think 🤔🤔🤔 2: on girl-child marriage contd..