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Jul 15 15 tweets 4 min read
JD Vance on DEI Image JD Vance on Woke Capitalism: Image
Feb 5 7 tweets 3 min read
"I can say with 100 pct confidence that anyone who believes “Equity” is “about providing equal outcomes” does not understand what the Equity in DEI is. “Equal Outcomes” is the disclaimer the Anti DEI movement uses to try to scapegoat DEI as unusable and unsuitable. You will not find that in any corporate DEI program. Ever. (Feel free to provide a company website that says equality of outcomes to prove me wrong )"

- Mark Cuban (@mcuban)

Sure, let's prove this wrong. Attached are examples from Kamala Harris, Disney, and Microsoft.Image
Thank you to @ConceptualJames for helping me gather these.


Sep 22, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Newsom is experiencing a fraction of the frustration parents feel when schools teach their kids race and gender nonsense.

At least in this case Newsom can parent his children by regulating their online activities.

What can parents do when activist teachers are shoving unwanted politics into their kids’ educations?
Image Source:…
Jun 1, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Tesla before Pride Month vs Tesla during Pride Month

Good brands don't feel the need to virtue signal. ImageImage Twitter before vs Twitter after ImageImage
May 29, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
42% of the 15k+ people who answered the poll were unaware of the true number of documented fatal police shootings of unarmed Black men.

When confronted with the reality, some in the replies shifted from the narrative that "police are killing large numbers of unarmed Black men"…… Image Black-on-black homicides in 2019:
May 11, 2023 31 tweets 12 min read

New Article: "The Data Dam Break of May 2023: How Twitter Challenged the Racial Industrial Complex"… Image 2/X

I don’t know who needs to hear this, but data is not racist, yet many people certainly seem to think it is. Since I became active on Twitter last year I have sensed a stigma around discussing the data surrounding specific uncomfortable topics such as racial crime disparities
May 9, 2023 36 tweets 15 min read
0/X: The Racial Industrial Complex

Given recent discourse around race and the Legacy Media, I decided now is a good time to reshare my thread on the Racial Industrial Complex. This will also serve as a primer for new followers who wish to understand my arguments on race issues. 1/X

I've written 2 articles arguing the existence of a Racial Industrial Complex:
- The Racial Industrial Complex: An Introduction & The Legacy Media's Grift
- The Racial Industrial Complex: Universities, Fake Degrees, & Woke Racism

And will attempt to transpose for Twitter.
Mar 25, 2023 12 tweets 5 min read

New Article: "Children are Changing Genders"

I hope the info covered will make it harder to ignore:
• Rising Gender Dysphoria
• Children are transitioning
• Children are being put on puberty blockers
• Children are getting surgical treatment… 2/X

I was recently scrolling through Twitter and saw a video shared by @GovRonDeSantis where he discusses child transitions and the story of a girl, @ChoooCole, who was put on puberty blockers at age 13, had a double mastectomy at age 15, and detransitioned at the age of 16.
Mar 24, 2023 57 tweets 24 min read

Thread: Everything is Racist

Innocuous items are being labeled racist. Accusation merit varies but many headlines are comical. This thread will link articles with a screenshot of the headlines to show how all-encompassing our race talks have become.… 2/X

Eating is racist…
Mar 18, 2023 5 tweets 3 min read
4 terms that describe phenomena I've observed amongst the Woke Left:

- Wokam's Razor
- Progressive Fragility
- Projective Altruism
- Bigotry of Good Intentions Wokam's Razor: If an opposition authority presents itself to challenge a pre-existing consensus, shave off that authority to restore the state of 'expert consensus.’

This is how artificial consensus is reached.… Image
Mar 9, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Ibram X. Kendi noted that over 1/3 of White students lie about their race on college applications; ~1/2 of these White applicants claimed to be Native American.

Question: If White Privilege is so prominent then why would Whites lie about their race in college applications? Over 3/4 of the students who lied about their race were accepted.

People lying about their race to secure positions will henceforth be labeled the "Warren Coefficient."
Feb 27, 2023 36 tweets 15 min read
0/X: The Racial Industrial Complex

Given recent discourse around race and the Legacy Media, I decided now is a good time to reshare my thread on the Racial Industrial Complex. This will also serve as a primer for new followers who wish to understand my arguments on race issues. 1/X

I've written 2 articles arguing the existence of a Racial Industrial Complex:
- The Racial Industrial Complex: An Introduction & The Legacy Media's Grift
- The Racial Industrial Complex: Universities, Fake Degrees, & Woke Racism

And will attempt to transpose for Twitter.
Jan 11, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Image The over 500 #BLM inspired incidents during the 2020 "Summer of Love" caused billions of dollars worth of damage including to Black businesses and properties. Image
Jan 10, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
"Everything is ideological"

And somehow, @jimmy_wales expects us to believe Wikipedia is unbiased. When @elonmusk called out the bias at Wikipedia, Wales wrote him off and said "Reading too much Twitter nonsense is making you stupid"
Jan 9, 2023 21 tweets 6 min read
New Article: Trust as a Service (TaaS): A Vision for Twitter

"Twitter, at its core, is offering Trust as a Service (TaaS) to its user base by trying to sell its audience on the idea that we can entrust it to host important conversations on its platform."… When analyzing the space inhabited by both traditional and new-age media companies one of the necessary prerequisites for customer buy-in is Trust. Without trust, people can not consume a media source especially when that media source purports to be a purveyor of news and info.
Jan 9, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Classical concepts of “equality” meant equal opportunity regardless of race or gender.

The modern concept of “equity” means equal outcomes in regards to race and gender.

Subtle but significant difference. Image Misguided pursuits of equity created modern systemic racism in the form of affirmative action:
Jan 9, 2023 6 tweets 4 min read
You're the editor-in-chief for @sciam which was once a scientific publication and are allowing people to abuse the platform as a political mouthpiece.

Scientific American is now a part of the Racial Industrial Complex thanks to your failed leadership.… Not to mention the poor logic where @laurahelmuth thinks any reply to a tweet about systemic racism proves its existence.

Theories, including those regarding systemic racism, are supposed to be falsifiable. Otherwise, they aren't scientific making them inappropriate for @sciam.
Jan 4, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
Self hating white liberals are cringey. This demographic regularly engages in the strangest behaviors that even minorities find bizarre rather then flattering. Many of us wish to live normal lives which is sometimes made difficult by this weird virtue signaling group. Exhibit B: Feet washing…
Jan 2, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
The women's deadlift and bench press weightlifting records in the UK were broken by @ZubyMusic who identified as a woman at the time.… Image Deadlift
Dec 31, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Over 500 riots were recorded in the summer of 2020. These riots, for the most part, have been forgotten by Legacy Media. Meanwhile, J6 is regularly discussed.

Selection bias at work.… Not that Legacy Media ever did a good job of covering these events which destroyed American livelihoods.
Dec 26, 2022 10 tweets 4 min read
Twitter is Trust as a Service (TaaS). Twitter is trying to sell its audience on the idea we can entrust it to host important conversations and, to an extent, acts as a "trust broker" in the sense that conversations happening on Twitter can make or break trust in institutions. Historically, we had what is now a 'Legacy Media' that brokered trust by telling us who we could and could not trust. Now Legacy Media has destroyed its own reputation by failing to adapt to the increasing levels of transparency that came with the Internet.