How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App can’t sit with us! And I still don’t have a toaster! egg white is optional but gives it good cronch without adding more sugar. Mix in dried fruit after cooling. I did security education for colleagues, I emphasized that first point quite a bit. If you fall for a phish, we’re not going to shame you, we just want you to tell us what happened so that we can take the appropriate mitigating actions. Blamelessness is key., and I also completely fumbled on my response to the “public cloud infra vs on-prem”. I had spent the afternoon writing product release notes and my brain was a bit liquified. (“KMS” was the AWS acronym I was grasping for). A few additional thoughts I’d struggled to verbalize: last role drew upon many tech skills, but I didn’t write code for a living. If I can be called “non-technical” on the security operations team of a security company while wearing my NetWars Champion hoodie, no amount of technical prowess will make Bro DiMaggio shut up.