Jun 12, 2023 8 tweets 5 min read
Diary from Prague (long thread):

1/ On my way from the airport to the hotel, I got recognized by Roy from Breez wallet. He became the first of 300 conference attendees to receive a free BTCTKVR sticker.

Three days later, I was walking around the Prague city center and I… twitter.com/i/web/status/1… Image 2/ BTC Prague was the first event where I met fellow Romanians. On Monday morning, I had breakfast with Vlad Stan from LNBits (motorina0). Two days later, my friend Daniel Ses came to town to record some videos from the conference.

On Saturday, I’ve also met Liviu and his… twitter.com/i/web/status/1… Image
Jan 16, 2021 12 tweets 7 min read
I usually stay away from price predictions, but this time I couldn't help it. Just published "10 reasons why bitcoin will hit $100.000 in 2021".

Share it with a normie friend, maybe he/she will understand the value proposition of #Bitcoin

bitcoin-takeover.com/10-reasons-why… Reason no. 1: during its 12 year-old existence, Bitcoin has performed a lot better as a store of value than gold.

Sep 30, 2020 18 tweets 4 min read
After reading some headlines, I decided to watch the #Debate2020 myself and draw my own conclusions. As a political science graduate, I know a little something about media headlines, partisanship & ownership.

So here's a thread with my personal analysis/takeaways 🧵 1/ It was easy for me to observe the strategies of both candidates.

Trump's plan was to make Biden look old, weak, senile, out of touch, incompetent after 47 years in office, corrupted, involved with Russia & China through his son Hunter, and a mere puppet of the radical left.
Sep 16, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
New Song: Bitcoin Bounce

While playing Bitcoin Bounce by @jackeveritt & @thndrgames, I realized that the game still doesn't have a soundtrack. So I wrote & recorded a song which has 3 sections of varying intensity.

Hope it gets added to the game 👇

Download the song for free on Soundcloud: soundcloud.com/user-87506791-…
Sep 12, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
Decided to research Bitcoin pr0n and found this gem:

– Couple tries to buy BTC from ATM, stranger approaches them to inform that fees are too high;
– Stranger takes them to their office to sell them BTC in person.
– Boyfriend doesn't have enough money, so he trades GF for 1 BTC. ImageImage *his office. Sorry, I'm not very good at typing with one hand.
Sep 2, 2020 6 tweets 3 min read
I'm running an experiment to see if a crowdfunded podcast can work in the Bitcoin space.

🚫No sponsored ads to ruin the conversations' flow & no sponsored guests who shamelessly shill because they paid for airtime.

🔥Pure content.

🪙Donate to @BTCTKVR

patreon.com/bitcointakeover Also, no compromises with shitcoins. Even McLarp has shitcoin donation addresses on his website, even if he makes more than most Bitcoin devs from sponsorships.

I'm not interested in getting rich here, I just want to produce the purest form of Bitcoin content w/ interesting ppl.
Aug 12, 2020 6 tweets 2 min read
My interview with @evoskuil is now completely transcribed & it's some of the best $30 I've ever spent.

I'm really happy that I get to be the historian who documents his views on Bitcoin development, Austrian economics, and security. Truly unique stuff 🔥

bitcoin-takeover.com/s5-e8-eric-vos… First of all, he explains the axiomatic dimension of Austrian economics – which is a principle which strongly opposes phony Twitter attempts to predict price, such as S2F.

"Misean economics is an axiomatic system. So it is not in any way based on observation"
Jul 7, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
If you have to cover your windows with drapes, the surveillance State won.

If you have to use Bitcoin as an alternative, the fiat system won.

Need any more bad takes to make you question your thought leaders of choice? If you wear underwear and panta to cover your private parts, the revenge porn industry has won.
Jul 2, 2020 6 tweets 5 min read
Saved $200 for a new 8 GB RPi node setup, but spent it all on transcripts for my @BTCTKVR interviews w/ @AlenaSatoshi, @giacomozucco, @udiWertheimer, @BitcoinErrorLog, @francispouliot_, @nopara73.

I think these dialogues are invaluable resources & deserve availability in text. So before I do any more interviews for @BTCTKVR, I'll try to make the most of what I already have. So far, only season 4 is completely transcribed.

Oh and I've also had our interview transcribed for posterity, @hodl_american. Your explanation of 6.15 shall live forever in text.
Jun 24, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read

In his first ever podcast appearance, @Blockstream engineer @wintercooled talks about his work on the Liquid sidechain, his vision on scaling Bitcoin & his views on economics & politics.

bitcoin-takeover.com/s5-e9-matthew-… The episode is also available on iTunes:

Jun 7, 2020 4 tweets 3 min read
Please watch & retweet my #DeleteCoinbase video.

The issue is much bigger than Neutrino:

💰their Ventures program funds no #Bitcoin development projects

⛔️they supported every contentious hard fork for Bitcoin

📵using CB Wallet doxes everyone’s txs

Hey @hodl_american & @udiWertheimer, can I get some love from you with this #DeleteCoinbase video?
May 20, 2020 10 tweets 1 min read
Quarantine game: Guess the song #12

This time the prize is 20.000 sats via Lightning!

Write a comment with the name of this song, pick a number from 1 to 100. A random number wins the sats.

This song's from 1969, can you guess it? Numbers picked: 1, 22, 72
May 14, 2020 4 tweets 3 min read

In @BTCTKVR S5 E8, @evoskuil talks about working on Libbitcoin, his new book "Cryptoeconomics" & axiomatic Misean economics.

Interesting points:
– Satoshi wasn't a professional programmer
– S2F is not Austrian
@Trezor offers the best hw security Image Listen to the episode on iTunes/Apple Podcasts:

May 2, 2020 5 tweets 4 min read
Shadowban analysis websites tell me that my account is fine, yet my post engagement has reduced drastically in the last couple of weeks.

Terrible time to launch season 5 of @BTCTKVR (now on iTunes & Spotify).

bitcoin-takeover.com/s5-e4-francis-… Anyway, I’ll attach the links to this thread, maybe they will gain more visibility if they’re packed together.

This interview with @nopara73 is a must-listen for everyone interested in BTC privacy. Explains some upcoming features like #P2EP: bitcoin-takeover.com/s5-e6-nopara73…
Mar 5, 2020 20 tweets 12 min read
1/ I've been researching hardware wallets intensively in the past months, and season 4 of @BTCTKVR is my Sgt. Pepper's:

A collection of 10 interviews with representatives of the biggest 6 hardware wallet companies, as well as hackers & skeptics.

bitcoin-takeover.com/category/seaso… 2/ In an ever-growing Bitcoin space, answering the question "How and where do I store my coins?" is extremely important.

And since we always tell newcomers to withdraw their BTC from exchanges, it's important to also have educational resources that help them with best practices