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🇨🇦 Non-Profit Canada’s largest psychedelic therapy directory, offering expert psychedelic training and human-centred care in a trusted ecosystem.
Feb 2, 2022 9 tweets 5 min read
Thread 🧵

BREAKING: Health Canada has just notified TheraPsil and dozens of health care professionals seeking psilocybin access and training that their section 56 exemptions are to be denied. (1/ ) This will affect 1000+ health care professionals on our training waiting list and thousands of patients who are seeking help in applying for section 56 and SAP access to #psilocybin. (2/ )
Feb 2, 2022 5 tweets 3 min read
Minister @jyduclos,

Registered counsellors, like Carmen, are urgently asking you to approve their section 56 exemptions so they may finish training and be best prepared to facilitate safe and effective #psilocybintherapy for patients.

Please respond.

Minister @jyduclos - HCP's have now waited over 300 days for their exemptions. Why are these healthcare professionals not equal to their peers whose exemptions were approved back in December 2020? Why are you blocking access to the tools these HCPs need for training?