Tiffany Thigpen Profile picture
Jul 22, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
The public shaming of a precious 16 yr old who finds herself in circumstances she hasn’t planned (pregnant) should be being LOVED, protected,sheltered
NOT publicly shamed because of her father’s platform!

This stuff is so damaging & will forever stay with her

If you ever read this ***** (her name) please know this isn’t your shame, this is not a mistake, you and your baby are worthy of love, honor, respect and shame has no place under Christ
He set you free & knows you and your baby & the young man by name

Do not walk in shame
May 7, 2024 14 tweets 4 min read
While confronting your abuser later in life is an act of extreme courage & healing, it is for you to heal & take agency back

Not all can do so

It does not heal the abuser or stop him from abusing in the years prior to confronting or after

#SBCAbuse I wrote to my abuser after reporting him to Vines
I stood up to him in reporting & writing & powerful people covered it up so he continued abusing. Before I came fwd as an adult some 17yrs later he was still abusing & why I went public to add testimony to theirs to prosecute
Apr 21, 2024 25 tweets 5 min read
When atty client priv was waived, it was so that members couldn't hide behind attys in answering ques. under investigation
So that documents could be handed over & not hidden -this does not mean that all documents were seen nor that there was cooperation
There was no force🧵 It was an ask,not enforceable Please do not misunderstand and assume the GP received full cooperation Members were not forced under a court to cooperate, nor did all members cooperate GP still faced scores who flat out refused and never were interviewed never turned things over🧵
Nov 30, 2022 7 tweets 3 min read
I just laughed this morning, first they yell about her, tell her to #gohome, she can’t be a pastor (though she wasn’t trying nor wanting to be)
She left battered & bruised but free (🙏🏻) now they want her to act like a Pastor 🤷‍♀️😂 have alter calls
You can’t make it up🧵 I laugh because if she did they’d yell about it
People who’ve truly grown in grace & truth, who’ve eaten of the at times painful fruit of being humbled & you sit at His feet because you believe Him not because you “deserve” it or are privy to some secret knowledge…you have 🧵
Sep 22, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
There were so many things bothersome about these last two days. My emotions are switching between anger and sorrow. Waking during the night feeling like I wish I could wash it off, the icky feeling of watching some of these people at work. The lies that drip from tongues…🧵 The many layers of deception, of manipulations, of behind the scenes meetings & coming out with motions new atty’s (already hired) to push to votes on EC members sitting there like deer in headlights Some just go along & “trust” others thank the Lord show discernment & question🧵
Sep 20, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
Welcome to Nashville folks @SBCExecComm I’m here, on my own dime, to see how well you care for the abused

I don’t want heads to roll, I just want the things of Jesus to be mirrored to the world through His people
I’m tired of the duplicity &the lies It’s time to act #ImHere 🧵 I met many of you tonight &truly I’m honored to shake your hands 2meet I because I want to look u in the eye & remind you whom you serve
Our creator
Our Father sent His son to die a painful death on our behalf & I’m not going to sit quietly by as you make mincemeat of His gift 🧵
Jul 9, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
Having had conversations about the members of this task force & lengths taken to choose them, for the first time in many years I feel some hope. It’s devastating that this road is going to be fought so hard, this time will be fought like nothing you’ve seen before. Why? Because the enemy has a stronghold here - sexual abuse & cover up have been thriving b/c the enemy comes to seek, kill & destroy. He’s prospered here. We must cast out darkness, by shining light. As painful as it may be to learn what you’ll learn, we must look & see, then protect
Jun 8, 2021 13 tweets 3 min read
When I went forward in 1991 to tell my Pastor about my abuser, my Mother was with me. When we left that office, my Mother was no longer 'with' me, she bought into the narrative that we needed to protect the church. We were told to be silent, silence became my world,pretend(thread Not because I wasn't coming unglued inside & needed help, not b/c I was ok, I was a teen who didn't understand what just happened & what it meant in my identity. I was suddenly wary of everything. I was physically sick, lost so much weight, couldn't eat, shriveling w/ a smile(2)
Jun 7, 2021 10 tweets 4 min read
Thread: Before I release some correspondence between myself & others in regards to the committee & following #CaringWell I want to point out that some were acting on the only available action/directive they could, I do feel few were doing more behind the scenes & faced such+ opposition due to road blocks by higher authority & mass bullying (as said in Moore's letter) and I heard about that long before that was released, I'd posted many times about the "red tape" "roadblocks" because I knew that the opposition was fierce. Why? Because people like +
Jun 5, 2021 5 tweets 4 min read
When I spoke w/@R_Denhollander, @pbethancourt, @ToddUnzicker, @JaredcWellman etc re. next steps &(hopefully) educating comm. members, the most disheartening thing to learn was of the roadblocks & lack of ability to get past certain members (Stone/Boto etc) it would be pointless @R_Denhollander had been working to direct steps, advise, communicate on our behalf, @SusanCodone had been trying as well. @R_Denhollander walked through it with me to help protect my interests & heart. She told them that whatever I asked (of them)should be done & at my pace