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The International Forum for Democratic Studies @NEDemocracy is a leading center for thought & analysis on #democracy around the world.
Jun 4 4 tweets 2 min read
Interested in learning more about the recent rise in foreign agent laws? Check out our curated list on the topic below featuring work from @JoDemocracy, #Power3.0, and @ThinkDemocracy's #AbigailSkalka 🧵: @JoDemocracy "The adoption of the Foreign Agents Law...make[s] brutally clear the Georgian government’s rejection of the West and turn toward a bid to consolidate autocracy." Read "Why Georgia Has Erupted in Protest" by Ghia Nodia @JoDemocracy:
Feb 23 7 tweets 3 min read
In the latest #DigitalDirections newsletter: when data governance undermines privacy, prosocial tech design governance, foreign influence in the 2023 Polish elections, new @IRIglobal report on Big Tech’s contribution to Putin’s censorship, and more.

Image @IRIglobal To learn about how states have used data governance to codify state surveillance and subvert democratic norms, check out this edition’s #BigStory.
Jan 31 6 tweets 4 min read
With the addition of Iceland, Seychelles, Liberia, and Lesotho, the Portal now contains resources relating to authoritarian influence in 177 countries. Read on to see a few of this month’s additions, and explore the site at
Image New to the Sharp Power Research Portal “Social Controls: China-Style Surveillance is Coming to Serbia” @m_bjelos @BalkanInsight

Explore resources related to technology:
Dec 28, 2023 6 tweets 4 min read
This year, the Sharp Power Research Portal grew to include over 1200 resources relating to the transnational exertion of authoritarian influence. Read on to discover new additions to the site, spanning five key sectors. 🧵

Explore all 1200+ resources:
Image NEW to the Sharp Power Research Portal: "Iran state-backed hackers are shifting to disinformation, Microsoft says" @samsabin923 @axios

Explore resources related to media and information:
Dec 21, 2023 6 tweets 4 min read
This year, the Sharp Power Research Portal grew to include over 1200 resources relating to the transnational exertion of authoritarian influence. Read on to discover new additions to the site, spanning five key sectors. 🧵

Explore all 1200+ resources:
Image NEW to the Sharp Power Research Portal: "Iran state-backed hackers are shifting to disinformation, Microsoft says" @samsabin923 @axios

Explore resources related to media and information:
Nov 9, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
In the October #DigitalDirections newsletter: China enhances its authoritarianism with technology, Latin America faces an AI revolution, and more. 🧵
Image The PRC leverages emerging technologies to undercut democracies’ stability and legitimacy, while expanding its own influence. This edition’s #BigStory is adapted from @He_Shumei’s contribution to the new @JoDemocracy book, Defending Democracy in an Age of Sharp Power.
Mar 29, 2023 4 tweets 3 min read

@ThinkDemocracy is excited to launch a new essay series examining #techandaccountability in the public sector. Essays will be released each week, starting with a cogent overview of public-sector digitalization by @K_Izdebski.… In the essay, author @K_Izdebski surveys the risks that emerge from the intentional abuse and careless use of digital technologies in the public sector, offering recommendations for #responsibledigitalization.…
Mar 28, 2023 5 tweets 3 min read
COMING SOON | The Digitalization of Democracy: How Technology is Changing Government Accountability

In the lead up to the #SummitforDemocracy, we will be releasing an essay series examining how digitalization in government is transforming state accountability. Teasers below 🧵 Essays will be released weekly, starting tomorrow. In the first paper, author @K_Izdebski provides a big-picture overview of how tech is changing the equation for state accountability, and what democracy’s advocates can do to guard against digital risks in government.
Mar 28, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
On the first day of the #SummitForDemocracy, @ThinkDemocracy is releasing a series of documents characterizing key challenges to democracy and suggestions for response.… Collaborative, cross-border influence operations by authoritarian regimes like China, Russia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and Venezuela aim to prevent democracy where it does not yet exist and weaken it where it does. Read more on authoritarian influence here:…
Mar 28, 2023 7 tweets 4 min read
The latest #CounteringKleptocracy newsletter from @ThinkDemocracy is out! Read this thread to see some of the highlights from the March edition.… In the #BigStory, @ThinkDemocracy’s Ariane Gottlieb and @AidanMcGahey discuss how kleptocracy has fueled Tehran’s repression of the #WomanLifeFreedom protests.
Mar 8, 2023 5 tweets 4 min read
Women’s empowerment is a fundamental part of the global fight for democracy. ✊

But women’s rights remain under attack by autocrats keen to repress women on the frontlines of freedom. On this #IWD, we invite you to check out the below @ThinkDemocracy products to learn more: Writing for @JoDemocracy, @zetterberg_par and @elinbja explain how and why authoritarian governments use “genderwashing,” the adoption of gender-equality reforms to obscure human rights abuses. (2/5)…
Dec 3, 2021 7 tweets 6 min read
Authoritarian powers that restrict media freedom and manipulate public discourse at home are increasingly seeking to curate information flows abroad. The new Sharp Power Research Portal ( catalogues research and reporting on these efforts, including… Image Concise analysis from @edwardlucas @cepa on China’s strategy for dealing with the West, which involves censorship, divide-and-rule diplomacy, and the leverage of trade and investment.…
Dec 2, 2021 13 tweets 15 min read
📣 PROJECT LAUNCH: @ThinkDemocracy launches the Sharp Power Research Portal, a resource hub cataloging research and reporting on authoritarian #sharppower in 134 countries.

View the interactive map and database: Image Global interdependence between autocracies and democracies has made open societies vulnerable to authoritarian manipulation in unanticipated ways, and the impact can be difficult to measure.