Dr Timothy Eden RD 💙🏳️‍🌈 Profile picture
Junior doctor & dietitian (courtesy of Barts and the London & KCL) Special interests #gastro #endo #MedEd Cordon Bleu trained in a former life - forever #foodie
Apr 2, 2020 13 tweets 5 min read
🚨📢 #Tweetorial on #ICU nutritional management in #COVID19 – disclaimer this is from my own insights having worked as an ICU #dietitian & working as a #juniordoctor #Hammersmith ICU resources will be tagged at the end - WARNING it’s long - so grab a ☕️ 1/13 Calculating requirements (Energy)
▪️If BMI>25 therefore opt for AIBW/IBW
▪️Many with single organ failure, ventilated & febrile +
▪️Equations to help – PENN STATE & Mifflin St Jeor – factors temp/vent settings OR if in doubt or time limits ASPEN BMI>30 11-14kcal/kg/ABW/day 2/13