Tom Bacon Profile picture
Head of Screen Rant's Star Wars coverage. A lifelong fan of superhero comics and films, with a love of in-depth analysis!
Dec 23, 2020 12 tweets 6 min read
If @BorisJohnson has indeed done a deal over #Brexit, I have no doubt it will fall far short of what the country needs - but that it is still better than No Deal. /1 The British Government has conducted its #Brexit negotiations with a minimum of analytical thought, and poor consultation with stakeholders. Given that context, I personally believe it is impossible for @BorisJohnson to get a good deal. /2
Sep 14, 2019 7 tweets 1 min read
Let’s explore Boris Johnson’s analogy - in what sense is Brexit like the Hulk? /1 Firstly, the Hulk is essentially a case of multiple personalities - implacably hostile to one another. That does sound disturbingly reminiscent of the Brexit debate. /2
May 15, 2019 20 tweets 3 min read
Personally, I think a Second Referendum has become inevitable. But how do Remain win it? /1 A Second Referendum is inevitable because a change of Prime Minister won't change the parliamentary arithmetic. /2