Tom Theuns / Profile picture
Asst. Prof. @PolSciLeiden Assoc. Researcher @SciencesPo_CEE EU | Democracy | political theory Occasionally cross-posting here Find me on
Jun 10, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
In this fragmented #EP2024 result there are lots of stories to tell.

One thing I'm missing in commentary this morning is the near-total absence of a left-wing vote in Poland and Hungary.

🧵 The media/analyst framing I've read so far focuses on two duels.

In Poland, between the governing #CivicCoalition (KO), dominated by Tusk's Civic Platform (PO) and the hard right Law and Justice party (#PiS).

In Hungary, between Orban's #Fidesz and challenger Magyar's #Tisza.
Sep 14, 2022 9 tweets 6 min read
I want to call on @ECPR to review recent tweets by @Gia_Passarelli, a member of the Executive Committee.

Prof. Passarelli received criticism after organizing a #manel at the recent @sisp__ conference.

In my opinion, his demeaning responses break the ECPR Code of Conduct.

🧵 Prof. Passarelli's responses came as replies to two threads under tweets criticizing the manel from @duncanmcdonnell and @CasMudde