Mika Daniel Turrell Profile picture
Freedom, Truth, Beauty, Magic, Mystery, Adventure, Tradition, Nature, Natural Building, Organic Gardening, Homesteading Aesthetic.
Mar 24, 2021 14 tweets 3 min read
Last year we learned that the system can just shut down. This lead to shortages of necessary resources. The way to avoid this is to have a supply already squirreled away for a "rainy day". The LDS church has probably the best long term survival food plan of any other organization that I can think of. Their system is surprisingly simple.
Mar 22, 2021 6 tweets 3 min read
Imagine you have a backyard lot that was lightly forested and contained pathways that lead through a collection of edible perennial plants, fruit trees, berry bushes and mixed with edible wild plants. This is called the Forest garden. Image The idea is that you plant numerous edible bushes, trees, medicinal and culinary herbs, and then let them "go wild". Image
Mar 20, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
With my interest in building a tighter group/community, I have decided I need to start hosting cookouts. Now, I have lots of cast iron pots, pans, dutch ovens, but I need an outdoor set up like this picture shows. I will be looking to build this myself as the spring progresses. I figure I will start with a 3 piece pot rack with some hanging hooks to hold pots and kettles over the fire. Then, a lower height grill would come next that I could put pans on and maybe a metal or brick surround to keep the heat off my legs and into the place I want it. #goals
Jun 16, 2020 6 tweets 3 min read
How to make a plan to change your life.
1) Get a new note book and pen for this purpose only.
2) Make a list of the things you don't like about your current life that you would like to change. Every detail.
3) Visualize your ideal life. Write it all down. Details. .....Include details such as where you live, what kind of home, what your ideal way of making a living is, how much $ you earn, your family lifestyle, the car you drive, the vacations you take, every detail counts. Make it as detailed as possible. Include inspiring photos.
Jun 2, 2020 4 tweets 1 min read
The clowns have a term for what you are witnessing, they call it "Cause Celebre Coup". The first step of which is to find a societal fracture point using race, political differences, or other such divisions, and applying pressure to it—that’s then followed by.... ....the igniting of protests, where ordinary protesters provide cover for agent provocateurs—otherwise known as terrorists and/or saboteurs who perform acts of violence and vandalism—the intent of which is to force a government to deploy its police and/or military forces to....