The CSSL is a research station of UC Berkeley specializing in snow physics, snow hydrology, meteorology, and climatology. The lab is at an elevation of 6894 ft.
Mar 22, 2023 • 4 tweets • 2 min read
We accumulated 3.5" (9 cm) of #snow over the last 24 hours and it is expected to continue over the next couple days.
We've talked about snowfall totals and this year's move to second place, which is fantastic, but what about the water content of our snowpack? 🧵
Above is a plot of Snow Water Equivalent (SWE; the amount of water that can come from melting the snowpack) from the @USDA_NRCS SNOTEL site at the Snow Lab. We can see that 2022/2023 currently has the highest SWE of any year back to 1984 for this date (69"; 175 cm). 🧵