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Politics•Money•Culture• Sports•This account exists for my pleasure not yours. Proceed with caution.
14 subscribers
Dec 24, 2022 18 tweets 4 min read
I am very happy that Elon Musk bought Twitter and was excited to subscribe to Twitter blue not because I wanted a blue check but because I see it as a way to support a platform I love and believe in it's potential. However, I am very frustrated with the shadowbanning.

Thread/1 I'm trying to be patient as Elon has a lot of work to do to clean up the mess that was made under the previous regime. I commend him for all that he has done so far but there is still a very clear bias in the algorithm, the quality filters, and the account flagging

Dec 12, 2022 8 tweets 3 min read
My account was suspended for 12 hours for posting a video of Biden literally saying that Democrats built the most extensive voter fraud machine in political history. What's interesting is that Twitter considers this abusive behavior and has threatened to permanently suspend me. What is even more odd is that Elon Musk replied to Kari Lake with this tweet. Why does he say "incitement of violence" in conjunction with questioning elections? Does Twitter still consider questioning an election inciting violence?

Nov 10, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
Hear me out. I'm going to put blame on Trump and DeSantis for the beef now very much in the open about their fued.

Understand that politics and especially primaries are brutal so no matter what comes of this, I will support either DeSantis or Trump if they are the nominee.

I hate that Trump is starting this fight right now when we still haven't even gotten election results in many places. It's narcissistic and selfish and he is making this about him when we need to be fighting for our party and country.

May 5, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
If you loved Bitcoin when it was 69k , you should love it at 36k. Same goes for any crypto or stock. This is an opportunity to accumulate your favorite assets at a huge discount. Republicans take back the house and Senate in November and Trump is back in 2024. Markets will pump! I can't see Bitcoin falling under 28k. I doubt it will fall under 32k but you just never know. Anyway, I will be DCA'ing into my favorite Alt-Coins like DOT, Luna, Glimmer, Acala, Doge, Avax at every dip and accumulate like a boss. I won't miss out on this opportunity
May 2, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Sick of seeing smash and grabs all over California. I have personally witnessed them several times. People I know who work at department stores tell me it happens several times a week. California Democrats are completely responsible for this and yet they keep getting elected. If large corporations like Walgreens and CVS are closing down locations in California, can you imagine the devastation that small businesses have suffered?
Apr 26, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
The financial crisis we are headed towards is the direct result of Democrats being in power! It was Democrats who kept our 2 largest state economies closed ( NY, California) much longer than free states like Florida and Texas.
Feb 6, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
All leftwing outrage about racism is just a virtue signal. They don't actually care about racism, they only care about using it as a weapon to silence or demonize their political opponents and to show other liberals how virtuous they are. If they cared about racism , they would have stood in solidarity with Larry Elder when the white liberal lady attacked him wearing a gorilla mask .
Jan 26, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Just saw 2 women walk out of TJ Maxx with bags full of stolen merchandise. All the workers could do was watch and shake their heads. This is the Democrat Utopia that they want to spread all over the country. This has become a trend in California. The only way it changes is with new leadership and very very tough shoplifting laws. Sadly we all know that won't happen in this lawless sh*t hole .
Jan 18, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
It's really mind boggling how inept the California GOP is. They can't even land a punch ( figuratively speaking ) on the corrupt communist thieves that control our state. There are several reasons for this and it's honestly pathetic. The top reason is that the California GOP wants to be Democrats lite. They refuse to become a stark contrast to the insanity that now plagues our state .
Jan 13, 2022 6 tweets 1 min read
It's hilarious how easily people jump to crazy conclusions . I have been very critical of Trump's vaccine obsession. My criticism is direct and specific to this issue. I also have been very vocal on why I now prefer DeSantis over Trump. What I have not said is that I hate Trump, Don't like him, or will never vote for him , and yet that is exactly what many of you conclude when I criticize him .
Jan 12, 2022 6 tweets 1 min read
Guys, don't ever criticize Trump or you're a liberal is what this movement has morphed into. Sad Let's make excuses for him saying that Rona is like a Spanish flu and would have killed millions and millions if not fir his Vax lol
Oct 30, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
Even if #Bitcoin went to 1 million dollars , that is only a 20x from today and will probably take years if not a decade to get there. My Blue Chip Alt Coins , #MemeCoins, and Shitcoins will do a 20x by December. I love #Bitcoin and will buy back in once the market crashes but no way in hell I would buy it right now even if it does go to 100k by December. $MANA just pulled a 4x in 48 hours lol . #Shiba pulled a 10x in 1 month.
Oct 30, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
My #Memecoin shopping spree continues. I just bought Baby Shiba Inu on pancake swap . Bought $500 worth . Current Market Cap is 48 million. Let's put that in context.

Thread #BabyDoge has a Market Cap of 768 million according to Coin Gecko. If it reaches that Market Cap we are talking about a 16x from today. My 500 dollar investment will be worth $8000 . This is a very reasonable expectation considering how hot the #Memecoin Market is.
Oct 21, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
The people are speaking with their money. Trump's Stock is now at 19 dollars per share and has the most volume of trading on the Nasdaq! Correction: Now trading at $24 per share 😂👊🏽
Oct 21, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
President Trump's Digital World Aquisition Corp Stock is running !! Update : Now trading at 18.30 per share ! 😂🔥🚀
Sep 8, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Democrats can't win on ideas alone, they must demonize their opponents . Look at what they are doing to Larry Elder. Calling him the black face of white supremacy and accusing him of hating women. This is their playbook, meanwhile the state and cities they run are trash! The Conversation should be what are the candidates going to do about the homeless issue, the lack of affordable housing, the crazy taxes , failing schools and infrastructures, the water shortage, the fires , rising crime, etc etc .
Sep 1, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
My Fellow Californians, I don't care if you are a Republican or a Democrat. You can't look at the state of California and the way it has been managed and honestly tell yourself that all is well . You deserve better and in 2 weeks we can begin to rebuild our Beautiful state! You shouldn't have to walk in streets that smell like Piss and sh*t !

You shouldn't have to see disgusting encampments of trash and junk on your way home or to work .

You shouldn't be paying over a dollar per gallon more in gas.
Aug 29, 2021 11 tweets 2 min read
California is proof of how uninformed most voters are. The fires, the lack of water, the homelessness, the poor education, the crime, the bad roads, the high cost of living, high taxes, high fuel prices compared to other states, etc , etc are all directly linked to Democrats Homes are super expensive because there is a lack of supply because regulations are so prohibitive that it makes it hard for builders to be profitable. In cases where they get past the red tape, it still takes forever to get a project up .
Aug 15, 2021 7 tweets 1 min read
So much at stake with the California Recall and yet most Republican voters are utterly clueless. Voting for Elder cause he has name recognition but ignorant when it comes to knowing who has been fighting for freedom for 5 years in the legislature (Kevin Kiley)

Do better y'all Kevin Kiley was the only person fighting against AB5 ,a law that ruined independent Contractors and Freelancers.
Jul 18, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Vaccine enthusiasts are not even a little bit alarmed about the fact that all medical professionals and scientists who caution against taking the vaccine are being silenced and are having their reputations smeared . They don't question that hundreds of thousands of people who try to share their testimony about having adverse side effects are also being smeared and silenced .
Jul 18, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
First Question: Do you believe the Bible is the word of God ?

If you do , then you know that the day is coming where inflation will be so bad that a day's wages will cost a loaf of bread and everyone will be marked with a mark on the head or hand that they will need to buy/sell You can call it crazy but if you are a rational and aware person , we are already heading in that direction.