Dr. rer. nat. Valentin Bruttel Profile picture
father, scientist, bioengineer, immunologist. CSO https://t.co/v0TMm56qSI private account, all opinions my own member of https://t.co/BSBx7WXTKB
8 subscribers
Feb 2 10 tweets 7 min read
Prof. Ebright: "Gestern vor fünf Jahren begann Fauci als Reaktion auf einen Artikel, der einen Wissenschaftler zitierte, der erklärte, die Daten seien mit einem Laborursprung des neuen Coronavirus vereinbar, am Samstag um 2:47 Uhr morgens eine Flut von emails zu verschicken. Diese führten zu einer Notfall-Telekonferenz am selben Tag führte und den Beginn der Vertuschung markierte."
Heute wissen wir, dass Anthony Fauci über die NIH/NIAID das Labor von Shi Zhengli in Wuhan direkt finanziert hatte und dass mit seinen Geldern dort auch gefährliche Gain of Function Forschung durchgeführt wurde.
An dem call nahm auch @c_drosten teil, der Shi Zhengli ebenfalls kannte und sich darin laut Kollegen "mit mehr Vehemenz als nötig" gegen einen Laborunfal ausprach.Image
Vor der Telefonkonferenz hatte der Virologe Kristian Andersen Fauci eine Email geschickt, in der er anmerkte, dass "einige Merkmale (in SARS-CoV-2) (möglicherweise) künstlich erzeugt wurden", und dass er und seine Kollegen Edward Holmes, Robert Garry, Mike Farzan "das Genom als nicht vereinbar mit den Erwartungen der Evolutionstheorie", also als nicht natürlich entstanden ansehen.Image
Jun 24, 2024 7 tweets 3 min read
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren @CorneliaBetsch, @BrinkmannLab, @alena_buyx, @c_drosten, @ChSFalk1, @ECMOKaragianni1, @ViolaPriesemann, @Sander_Lab, @hendrikstreeck, @Karl_Lauterbach, @BMG_Bund, @Bundeskanzler, am 25.10.22 wurden in der Expertenkommission Falschaussagen zu einem... Image von mir veröffentlichten Preprint verbreitet. Diese Arbeit enthält einen entscheidenden Beweis dafür, dass die Coronapandemie in einem Labor begann. Auch in einem Gutachten der @Uni_WUE / @Uniklinikum_Wue wurde unser signifikantestes Ergebnis trotz Nachfragen "übersehen".

Jun 22, 2024 10 tweets 6 min read
A shoddy opinion piece proves that @thenation is letting its audience down and undermines the fight to improve our knowledge of Covid. They attack a scientist @Ayjchan) and science journalist (@zeynep) by propagating opinions of people with documented conflicts of interest. The article falls into a genre I’ll call “conflicted expert opinion,” where experts in somewhat related fields and with conflicts of interest pontificate with their notions about the pandemic virus by quoating others with clearly documented conflicts of interest.
Nov 2, 2023 11 tweets 6 min read
🧵How few anonymous accounts censor Wikipedia with regards to the origin of SARS-CoV-2, and why you should supporting Wikipedia until this is resolved.
I love Wikipedia. It's a great place to start reading into new topics, to find relevant literature, to look things up.
However, the page on the origin of SARS2 is highly misleading. I tried to improve it. And got censored. Here are some of the biggest problems, and why they are not getting resolved.
Jul 16, 2023 10 tweets 4 min read
unpopular opinion:
no one on earth truly understands how vaccinations fully work, and which patient-dependent long-term side effects (MHC-dependent molecular mimicry) and unexpected benefits (local immune activation) they bring. let's start re-thinking tests and trial designs. IMO there are 2 camps with an enormous trench in between. Some say vaccinations are safe, don't cause relevant side effect, some see vaccinations as the source of all evil. I do not agree with either side, and think we could all benefit from a serious scientific discussion.
Apr 8, 2023 21 tweets 12 min read
Wie Deutsche Medien Ihren Lesern immer noch den größten Quatsch zum Ursprung von SARS-CoV-2 unterjubeln.
Heute die @DIEZEIT, Artikel von @flor8i und @ClaWuest:

(Gott sei dank mit paywall)
1/ https://t.co/XV9mwiOyeKzeit.de/gesundheit/202…
Image Vorweg ist es wiedermal ein Riesenproblem, dass nicht über die MASSIVEN INTERESSENSKONFLIKTE von Eddie Holmes aufgeklärt wird. Holmes hat 2018 mit dem WIV eine 99,5% proteinidentische Virensequenz hochgeladen, irreführende Artikel veröffentlicht und verweigert Zugang zu Emails

Apr 1, 2023 5 tweets 3 min read
@BioSRP @pricklyresearch @thackerpd @R_H_Ebright @mattwridley @franciscodeasis @gdemaneuf @WashburneAlex @Ayjchan @alisonannyoung @BillyBostickson @nicholsonbaker8 @Bryce_Nickels @ydeigin @tony_vandongen @angoffinet @mbalter @ryangrim @BiophysicsFL @atuntable @ColinDavdButler Ebola 2014 really starts to look like a lab leak.
Terrible lab safety. Infected lab workers. Ebola never seen in 2500km radius before.
Garry said 2014 and Andersen 2023 that they started Ebola projects in Kenema (and had a NIH grant), now Garry insists they did not work on Ebola. Image
@BioSRP @pricklyresearch @thackerpd @R_H_Ebright @mattwridley @franciscodeasis @gdemaneuf @WashburneAlex @Ayjchan @alisonannyoung @BillyBostickson @nicholsonbaker8 @Bryce_Nickels @ydeigin @tony_vandongen @angoffinet @mbalter @ryangrim @BiophysicsFL @atuntable @ColinDavdButler They were certainly able to test for a EBOV if they were working on it, a PCR primer pair costs $10. So they could have informed Scripps way before samples even reached Europe.
There is more, like unusually many mutations/high mutation rate initially, then normal again??? Image
Mar 25, 2023 12 tweets 6 min read
Leaving Twitter

Dear Friend,
GoF research especially in the field of synthetic virology still is extinction level threat as @AshleyRindsberg recently phrased it.
Despite constant ghost bans, Twitter was important to investigate the origin of SARS2.
The recent #RaccoonDogHoax proved that
a) Zoonati have left the realms of objective, responsible scientific investigating &reporting.
Facts will not change their minds.
The truth is just too terrible.
b) There really is no evidence for a zoonotic origin
Mar 21, 2023 19 tweets 23 min read
@flodebarre @KatherineEban @JamesCTobias wait a minute - that's it?
are you calling it a report to avoid peer review or because you have no raw data?
where are the ancestral genomes?
what are the sample collection methods and time points?
all the fanfare - about virtually nothing?
here some super obvious weaknesses:
🧵 @flodebarre @KatherineEban @JamesCTobias 1st sentence wrong, the preponderance of according to Prof. Embarek likely thousands of early samples was never sequenced. Case screening specifically targeted people connected to HSM, all we can say is that it was a sampling hotspot. HSM samples are clearly not ancestral.
Jan 21, 2023 19 tweets 12 min read
Now this is interesting:

seems like a State Key Laboratory of Pathogen and Biosecurity scientist from Beijing uploaded a sequence from a 2019 Henan sputum sample. He thought it was from pseudomonas, but it is actually 100% the SARS2 spike without the FCS. Remember, contaminations happen, this sequence could have come from another sample analysed in the same deep sequencing analysis.
This strongly indicates that a 100% SC2-identical spike (minus FCS) was worked with in 🇨🇳 in 2019.
Were 3nt (coding A) removed before adding the FCS?
Oct 29, 2022 6 tweets 4 min read
I will be on a one week twitter break, need time with less noise and to focus on the preprint.
Quick notes on that:
- we were encouraged to improve our preprint prior to submition based on the press release written by @OKurzai and colleagues
idw-online.de/de/news803624 - we encourage everybody to study our preprint and to form their own opinions
- we were informed that we will not get any answers to the addressed questions
access to the final calculations or any option to comment on the press release
Oct 20, 2022 18 tweets 10 min read
Dear all,
it's been both pleasure and hard work to write this manuscript with @WashburneAlex and @tony_vandongen. The aim was to focus on a very peculiar observation made quite a while ago: a very suspicious pattern of endonuclease recognition sites in the genome of SARS-CoV-2. This fingerprint is found in many synthetic viruses.
It can be avoided by so called "no see'm" cloning, but in this case the sites cannot be used to introduce further alterations in the reverse genetics genetics system - such as an FCS or RBM substitution (made w/ biorender).
Jul 29, 2022 4 tweets 7 min read
@cdjstrydom @pathogenetics Us: but we actually found genetic evidence that direct SARS2 ancestors were cultured on lab cell lines.
Zoo: didn't we and the Chinese delete all sequencing results contradicting a natural origin?
Us: you tried, but the NIH fucked up and @jbloom_lab later recovered them. ImageImageImage @cdjstrydom @pathogenetics @jbloom_lab Zoo: yeah, that one, but didn't (Hans) Kristian Anderson or Stuart Neill or someone reject these actual real scientific findings as irrelevant for @biorxivpreprint?
Us: yeah, but they were then uploaded to researchsquare.com/article/rs-133… ImageImage
Jul 2, 2022 27 tweets 14 min read
Scientific & circumstantial evidence shows SARS2 originated from a gain of function experiment:
We didn't investigate or tighten regulations.
We now face the Omicron pandemic, and again, scientific evidence shows it's not a natural variant.
a🧵 I highly value any constructive, scientific critizism.
Please no "you are not a virologist BS".
Also, I accept things as true if >99.99% certain.
Nothing is ever 100% in science.

Let's get started
Part 1: Why Omicron isn't a natural variant
Part 2: Where could it have come from
Jun 3, 2022 12 tweets 8 min read
location, transmissibility, number and type of mutations strongly suggest so😬

disclaimer: this is a PRELIMINARY analysis, a first look, an invitation to an open discussion,🙏rt!
I hope to be wrong.
But the data...😱
1/x Image Disclaimer 2:
Please leave all your
-ad hominem/you're not a virologist
-monkeypox is harmless
-but some expert said something else
-you're a conspiracy theorist
-first prove it 100%
arguments at home.
Point out
-analytical mistakes
-opposing data
-better explanations
May 30, 2022 19 tweets 10 min read
The Origin of SARS-CoV-2 goes to court...

The case

Drosten ./. Wiesendanger

What can or cannot be said in scientific debates according to GERMAN LAW 👨‍⚖️

a 🧵

#SARSCoV2 #GainOfFunction #CovidOrigin
1/x Brief background:
Prof. Wiesendanger is a leading scientist in Nanostructure and Solid State Physics and published a detailed study in which he analyzed contrasting circumstantial evidence and publications by virologists about the origin of SARS2:
Mar 17, 2022 12 tweets 14 min read
@HaveADoodahDay Buckle up, it's kind of a spy story.
So the Chinese completely closed down the WIV, none of scientists were allowed to talk to media/freely publish after Dec 2019 for a while, and all the databases with viral genomes were taken offline.
@HaveADoodahDay The WIV still published, but mostly BS.
They had published a part of a virus almost identical to SARS2 (Ra4991), which they now tried to make look not related by changing
- the name to RaTG13, sample type

and maybe RNA sequence.
Jan 6, 2022 11 tweets 10 min read
@jbloom_lab @StevenSalzberg1 Let's analyze the individual arguments:
1) Number of spike dN mutations:
We know plenty of cases in which ~5-8 dN spike mutations evolved in immunocompromised patients.
That's still far off the ~30 we have in omicron.
Synthetic SARS2 spikes with 20 dN mutations were made in labs. Image @jbloom_lab @StevenSalzberg1 2) Number of dS mutations:
Omicron split off ~March-June 2020.
It only accumulated 8 silent mutations until ~Sept 2021.
Most other variants accumulated ~2 per month.
Most logical explanation: it was frozen for ~1 year
(as done in 🇿🇦: nature.com/articles/s4158…) ImageImageImage
Dec 3, 2021 21 tweets 13 min read
@ydeigin So to sum this up:
1) SARS2 Omicron genome looks like it was "separated/frozen" between June 2020 and late summer 2021 -
This has never before been seen in nature, only in lab leaked pandemics
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1977_Russ… @ydeigin 2) SARS2 Omicron has 25:1 non-synonymous:synonymous mutations ratio.

Natural evolution would result in 25:50-100 ratios.
The only logical explanation here is targeted manipulation.
Oct 24, 2021 6 tweets 4 min read
@nextmove_de @nextmove_de jetzt auf BILD Niveau?
70% aller Leser lesen selbst wenn sie kommentieren nur die Überschrift, und die klingt hier nach tödlicher Gefahr.
Dabei hat sich hier wohl noch nicht mal jemand verletzt.
@nextmove_de Und das Problem sind nicht die Autos, sondern wenn überhaupt eine fehlerhafte Elektroinstallation, oder hat schonmal wer ein eAuto-Ladegerät mit 2poligem👇 Stecker gesehen?
Und selbst im worst case sind 150V und 1,5 mA nicht gefährlich, FI Schutzschalter lösen bei 30 mA aus.
Jun 15, 2021 18 tweets 9 min read
How SARS2 was stitched together
Nowadays,SARS2 like viruses can be generated in lab within weeks pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32365353/
If this was possible in Wuhan 2018/19 is debatable.
However, Shi Zhengli had 2 grants to investigate which manipulations enable bat viruses to go pandemic.
1/x Image This was pointed before by members of DRASTIC drasticresearch.org, @TheSeeker268 @ydeigin
CV: ws-virology.org/wp-content/upl…
Let's say the WIV did not have yeast artificial cromosomes yet, they would have had to rely on bacteria as described here:
2/x Image