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Jun 12, 2023 37 tweets 8 min read
Where family friends Taehyung and Jungkook meet in their teenage years after a long time.

Tae is promised to marry Jungkook's twin sis for a while and they all know that.

But Tae has a mutual crush on Jungkook instead.

His sister catches them romancing one evening. ImageImage ㅡ Jungkook has a twin sis - Jungha
ㅡ They haven't met in a long while
ㅡ It's mutual crush but undefined relationship
ㅡ Jungha likes Tae
ㅡ Tae pretends to like her so that the family doesn't hate him
ㅡ But he secretly likes JK a lot

Tw // Homophobic families
May 28, 2023 28 tweets 6 min read
Jungkook sees the story that Taehyung posts with Bogum hyung and does not understand how his best friend got so hot.

Since when did he get so hot?

Why is it making Jungkook feel things?

Things he never felt before with a man. ImageImage Image
May 27, 2023 39 tweets 8 min read
Taehyung wakes up all excited for his birthday when he finds that his husband doesn't wish him and neither do his twins.

He pouts, thinking they forgot and goes on with his day.

By the time he gets back, his husband and kiddos surprise him with a party. ImageImageImage It was a very tiring night yesterday as Taehyung came home late from work, loosening his tie as he walked in, stressed out.

His husband was in the living room, almost falling asleep with the television on.

But upon hearing the sound of his husband's footsteps, Jungkook wakes up
May 19, 2023 48 tweets 10 min read
Single dad Jimin holds his baby Koo in his arms, trying to calm the crying 7-month old in his arms, with tears in his own eyes.

Yoongi, his neighbor knocks on his door at night, worried.

His nephew Taetae is very worried about the baby.

"Is Koo okie?" He asks softly ImageImageImageImage It was way past midnight, and Jimin was still awake after his long working hours on the laptop.

Ever since he had Koo, he took up work remote, so he was always on the laptop.

His girlfriend had passed from childbirth and now he was all alone on taking care of Koo.
May 18, 2023 42 tweets 10 min read
Jungkook and Taehyung were inseperable. Always with each other.

And each other's first priority too.

JK's girlfriend Mira disliked Taehyung. She never wanted him around.

And one day, it led to an argument and a break up.

And Tae was the first to know. ImageImageImageImage ㅡㅡㅡ Image
May 17, 2023 77 tweets 16 min read
Jimin, Jungkook's brother, invites his friends over for a sleepover.

And all his friends, including him were playboys, constantly flirting with others

Jungkook had a mutual crush on Tae

But Jimin was so protective over him

What if he finds Tae kissing his lil bro? ImageImageImageImage - 01 ImageImage
May 14, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Jungkook began feeling special ever since the first time his boyfriend Taehyung began calling him out whenever he met up with his friends.

It was quite sweet. The shy glances, their racing hearts, all while Taehyung introduced his lover to his best friends. Image "This is my boyfriend, Jungkookie~" Taehyung says, aware that his friends knew who Jungkook was, of course, as they were part of the same group.

But this was the first time he was introduced as his boyfriend.

And Jungkook felt elated.
May 13, 2023 38 tweets 8 min read
Three year old Tete gets to his parents' family friend's newborn baby Koo for the first time.

Koo holds onto his finger, big round eyes staring at the boy.

It was at this moment that Tete fell in love with him.

Only to find out years later that baby Koo is deaf :( ImageImage The excitement began to build up for the three year-old as his parents and him waited at the hospital.

He glanced up, legs moving back and forth from the chair and his feet not even touching the ground.

He sees a bunch of kids running around, some sick, some healthy.
May 12, 2023 44 tweets 9 min read
Jungkook gets the courage to go up to his crush, Taehyung, the popular kid

He holds up a rose in front of everyone and tries to say the words

"I l-l-li-lik-lik-likeㅡ y-yㅡ" he stammers

Everyone around him laughs and he drops the rose, running away, hiding his tears ImageImageImageImage - Tae is a popular among the student body
- JK has a condition where he stammers a lot
- Just pure softness :(
- Tae will do anything to protect JK 🥺
- Hurt/comfort

Interact please!! ❤💗
May 11, 2023 42 tweets 9 min read
CEO Kim Taehyung's son Sehun thinks his father is too worked up over his job and makes him a tinder account.

Kim Taehyung thinks it's a game and that Jungkook is a character in the game. 😃

All while Jungkook is whipped for him. 😩 ImageImageImageImage 1. Image
May 10, 2023 39 tweets 9 min read
Jungkook decides to text his hot Bio professor yet again.

He was determined to be pressed against that marble countertop, with the older male kissing him.

So he sends him a questionable cake for his bday 🥴 ImageImageImageImage - Sequel to yesterday's drabble! ❤

- Prof Tae / Student JK
May 9, 2023 37 tweets 9 min read
Jungkook has the biggest crush on his hot Biology professor Kim Taehyung.

And to test if he is married, he decides to try something.

All his flirting goes in vain 😃 ImageImageImageImage -- Age gap of 5 years
- Tae - 27 / JK - 22
- Jungkook is determined to win his heart somehow
- Taehyung is oblivious and "professional" even though he has a liking to Koo


Please interact!!
May 8, 2023 14 tweets 4 min read
Jungkook is the innocent little doe-eyed male that follows his crush hyungie everywhere

But who would tell him that behind those innocent eyes lies an obsessive Koo

Who would do anything to keep his Taetae away from others.

Because he didn't like to share.

Not Tae. ImageImageImageImage ㅡㅡㅡ Soc med + written
- Tw // violence
- Jungkook is very in love with his Tae and would go to any length for him
- Tae isn't sure of his feelings yet
May 8, 2023 25 tweets 6 min read
where the lovely couple pranks each other often

And this time, it was Jungkook's turn to annoy his boyfriend by speaking and texting in Shakespearean English

Chaos ensues as his lover tries to get him to stop

Especially since his mother was coming over to meet them. ImageImageImageImage Image
May 4, 2023 40 tweets 9 min read
where prince Kim Taehyung is in love with his bodyguard who is completely oblivious.

But Jungkook is also very much in love with him, trying to hide his feelings as he is only his bodyguard.

Just two idiots in love. ImageImageImageImage ehehe if i write this, it'll probably be:

- crack
- idiots in love basically 🧍🏻‍♀️
May 2, 2023 32 tweets 7 min read

where taekook decide to elope one night because both their families were homophobic and did not accept their relationship

So the males decide to run away and get married

Except on the night they were ready to go, Jungkook's little sister sees and hugs her brother. ImageImageImageImage Everything was ready, they had been planning on this for weeks now.

Taehyung had saved up money from working two jobs, one at the pet store and the other one at the cafe near by.

So did Jungkook, who worked at a grocery store and another job at a boba store.
Feb 11, 2023 10 tweets 3 min read
Taehyung goes to the gym every week but not for the purpose of working out his muscles.

Instead, he works out his eyes by witnessing the pretty long-haired boy that is at the gym.

He just admires him from afar, until the boy finally makes a move.

"That all you do?" ImageImage Taehyung is caught off-guard one evening as he sits in the same spot, a few feet away, on one of the equipment in the gym, the one that you pull down with your biceps while sitting.

Immediately, he turns away, pretending to pull it down, making a strained expression.
Jan 10, 2023 23 tweets 6 min read
#taekookau Tae is too shy to tell his feelings for his cute neighbor directly so he writes a letter, asking his 4 yr-old son, Jiminie, to go and give it next door.

But Jungkook has a son too, a 5-yr old Yoongi who is stubborn and will not let jm in unless he knows what's in it. ImageImageImageImage Jungkook was upstairs, working on his laptop regarding some documents that needed his attention.

The blinds by the window were pulled up so he could get a clear view of the handsome neighbor.

It was creepy, sure, but he loved having a glimpse of Taehyung at least once.
Nov 28, 2022 99 tweets 18 min read

Jungkook stands, heart pounding in his chest as he stares blankly at the empty corridor lined with rooms.

He slowly knocks on the one he's familiar with. He's been here last night

He didn't think he'd be here again for Tae

Not after almost being caught by his wife.

"That was close, hm?" Taehyung says, loving the adrenaline rush it gave him. The thrill of being caught.

Jungkook walked back and plopped down on the couch, next to Taehyung.

The older male gently pulled him closer.

"Is my moon tired?" he asks.
Oct 13, 2022 100 tweets 21 min read
"Taehyung, turn on your camera." The handsome professor says, in a stern tone, staring right at the cam.

"Nope." The response comes back quick enough.

Jungkook takes a deep breath.

"Mr. Kim Taehyung, do I need to repeat myself?"


Nobody knows they're dating.

311. "A teacher. And a student. Why?" Taehyung questions again, talking to no one specifically, but maybe he was questioning the universe that created this life.

Still, no one had a logical answer to it.

Jungkook lets out a small breath.
Jun 5, 2022 28 tweets 6 min read

Taehyung finds out that his cold and mean boss is actually and cute and cuddly 🐰 hybrid.

Fortunately, Taehyung was done with the project report so he didn't have to worry about getting reprimanded by his boss yet again about discipline and work policies and what not.

He was tired of hearing it every week anyways.