Tom Lawson Profile picture
Father. Husband. Anaesthesiologist. Intermittent Artist. Attempted writer. Other Adjectives and Nouns. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿
Jun 5, 2024 16 tweets 5 min read
The Gotham Anaesthetic Department: a 🧵 #MedTwitter

Batman : he gives you the anaesthetic you need, criminals should be thankful they don’t get the anaesthetic they deserve Joker: an agent of chaos. Every department has one. Seemingly making it up as he goes along, mixing way too many drugs in the same syringe / a litre bag of fluid
Nov 2, 2022 18 tweets 6 min read
Hogwarts department of Anaesthesia:

Dr Potter CT1 - From the moment he picked up a laryngoscope, he’s been told “Yer a gasser Harry” Dr Granger CT1 - passed her primary FRCA at the first opportunity, has 3 QI projects on the go, 6 abstracts under review and can spell ‘Amitriptyline’ without having to look it up
Jun 5, 2021 5 tweets 8 min read
Getting the most out of your monitor: a tweetorial thread. Inspired by a twitter question from @mork66236485 and @GongGasGirl's chairing of the @aagbi's latest recommendations on monitoring. Lets start with a series of #OnePagers on aspects of the ECG #FOAMed #MedTwitter One more on the ECG. So much of what we do is pattern recognition, so the next three look at waveforms for three of our most used monitoring devices; arterial/SaO2, capnography and CVP. #FOAMed
Jun 11, 2020 19 tweets 8 min read
Ok here goes - my first attempt at a Tweetorial - let me know what you think ... Intro to Decision Making in General - but maybe in Anaesthesia / Airway Management in particular ... @RCoANews @WeekesLauren @doctimcook @jopo899 @elboghdadly @sally_ghazali @GongGasGirl @dasairway Decisions are complex and come in two broad categories; What would you do coming to this junction on a dark and stormy night requires a perceptual decision based on sensory data (not a lot of higher cognition)