Varna|ورنہ|বর্ণ|வர்ணா Profile picture
Feminist || Left(ish) ✍️📚💭✳️👁️‍🗨️🌐💡💻🖇️🔖 Words in TheWire, WaPo, IE, ToI, OneWorld SA + Trying to find my place in the world
Jul 30, 2020 22 tweets 4 min read
A lot of the concern around #NEP2020 is about children who may have to move states while in school. This is a perfectly legitimate question. In this thread I shall try and explain a) what happens to such children now and b) what the NEP actually says about this. Thread. There are, very broadly, three categories of households that face this situation. Low-income, middle class and the wealthy. Now for the low income group migration and broken edu for children is hardly a new problem.
Jul 29, 2020 20 tweets 5 min read
There is a reason why left liberals are infuriating. Of all things to critique, please do NOT provide expert commentary on #NEP2020 which is WRONG - all education research, globally states unequivocally that foundational learning in one's mother tongue is good pedagogy. #thread Foundational learning focus on teaching skills that makes it easier to acquire further skills - for example, to do algebra you must first understand the number system. Similarly to learn any language, one must acquire skills of oral reading fluency, comprehension and meaning