WrathofKahneman Profile picture
No investment advice, not professor Kahneman. Tracking XRP/Ripple/Xahau developments w/ sources. No riddles, prices, giveaways or DM's; just work.
Feb 8 10 tweets 3 min read
Is SWIFT integrating #XRP through EastNets?
Some buzz floating around that’s worth unpacking.
I don't think so, but there is good news here...

(TL;DR in last tweet…) #XRP #XRPL #XRPCommunity #Ripple #SWIFT 2. Eastnets is a “SWIFT Certified Service Bureau” that facilitates access to SWIFT’s global messaging network. They’re a licensed 3rd party like Accenture or ACI Worldwide that provides infrastructure for financial institutions to process xborder payments.
Dec 17, 2024 9 tweets 3 min read
💵An #XRP buyback?
Understanding the news about GAM Investments' request of SBI, a thread. It's wild to see this in an open letter addressed to SBI and @yoshitaka_kitao! 1/9

[#3 is the TL;DR]
[#5 is my favorite]
[#9 is the conclusion] #XRP #XRPL #XRPCommunity #XRPLCOmmunity #SBI #RIpple 2. Yesterday, @sentosumosaba discovered this provocative document. An SBI Holdings investor, GAM Investments, is asking SBI to consider buying back #XRP. It's a great catch, thank you!
Sep 11, 2023 17 tweets 5 min read
🍿This is wild🍿Turns out there is a soap opera surrounding the #Ripple acquisition of Fortress Trust. Bankruptcy, theft, Terra - this is a ride, so buckle up..
🧵 2. On Sept 7th, Fortress issued a statement they were compromised by a 3rd party. The announcement was largely damage control, though they mention “We also have some big company news we are excited to share later this week..more to come!”
Sep 10, 2023 16 tweets 9 min read
Why did #Ripple buy Fortress Trust & how is it different from Metaco? My hunch is it is more about consumers than ODL.
And maybe one other thing.
A 🧵

(Disclaimer: I'm not in the industry so there could be a lot wrong here. Please chime in if you know!)
cnbc.com/2023/09/08/rip… 2. the difference?
Metaco doesn't hold DA's on its own behalf. Instead, they provide infra allowing qualified custodians to hold DA's for others. Fortress Trust is a qualified custodian, meaning they actually hold assets & are legally responsible for them.
Jun 1, 2023 9 tweets 4 min read
Care about #XRP? #XRPL?
There is an important debate about the XLS-38d Cross Chain Bridge amendment you will want to understand. Why?
Centralization and its legal implications. A simple summary of the discussion. 🧵/9 2. As written, XLS38d Bridges require "witness" servers, a 3rd party server that verifies a chain locks up assets to be represented on another. A witness server testifies Chain A locked up 100 XRP in a "door account" & the the door account on Chain B issued a wrapped 100 eXRP. #XRP #XRPL #XLS-38d
Apr 23, 2023 15 tweets 8 min read
Portfolio: #Ripple now lists Oceanus as a partner on their landing page. Announced as an ODL partner in November, who is Oceanus and why would they use an #XRP using product? (Starts slow but gets very interesting towards the end..)
🧵 in, uh, a few.. Image 2. Let's get this out of the way upfront - the preceding pic is from their '22 Annual Report, as is most of this info. They went nuts with the "Ripple" theme, but they are an aquafarm co, so not a #Ripple advert 😅
Apr 23, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Observation: #Ripple has actually doubled down on crypto, moving away from marketing themselves as a plain payments network. They used to advertise RippleNet w/ crypto options. Now they market themselves as crypto for enterprise, pushing the pay network off center stage. 1/3 Image If this isn't a change, it could be important corporate clarity. They are not one payments network among many, a Wise or Visa competitor. They are fundamentally about crypto, the XRPL in particular, and this is better reflected in the marketing now.
Mar 27, 2023 13 tweets 5 min read
FRAMING: In Aug, #Ripple published "Payments by the Numbers Guide." that sets their course very clearly, presenting 3 use cases; remittances, SME payments, & Treasury Flows. Surprised this hasn't generated more discussion as it's illuminating.

1/10, but there are pictures. Image 2. The doc is straight to the point, using 3 partners to demonstrate 3 use cases for #RippleNet.
TREASURY = Pyypl Image
Feb 26, 2023 10 tweets 6 min read
Portfolio: New #Ripple partner Star Dreams General Trading is located in Dubai, "a regional leader in the import, processing and export of agri commodities. " There's not too much to say from the outside looking in, but there are a couple of points.
stardreamsgtl.com/about-us/ 2. Based in Dubai, by far the country serviced most is India (if I have accurate data). On it's own, this isn't remarkable, but given India's crypto ambivalence, it's a strong move to use ODL in corridors that might require INR?
reuters.com/world/india/no… #ODL #Ripple #XRP #star dreams
Feb 25, 2023 8 tweets 4 min read
Portfolio: Recently announced #Ripple partner Choice International (UK), is a co that supports money transfer businesses especially with de-risked nations requiring tight AML/KYC; places where liquidity is difficult. So how are they using ODL?
choicemoney.co.uk/about-us 2. The main co offers all manner of services including cards and white labeled mobile apps.
Jan 22, 2023 16 tweets 5 min read
Can the XRPL represent the value of everything, all at once? Can $XRP be backed by gold? Both questions seem related to misunderstanding what $XRP is & how it functions, a boorish, simple🧵/14.
(Note: just condensing XRPL.org. All misunderstandings are mine.) 2. First, according to XRPL.org there are 2 types of assets on the XRPL.
1. XRP
2. Tokens.
That's it.
Two categories with different properties. Honestly could end the thread here. But I'm avoiding work, so here goes...
xrpl.org/currency-forma… $XRP
Jan 21, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
Daily Davos Creeper thread; a collation of #Ripple news at the intersection of Davos (WEF) and the UAE. There's smoke, is there fire?
A 'lil 🧵
2. Let's start by noting the meta-discussion surrounding Brad's mention of #Ripple's status in the UAE. To the listener it seemed he believed alternate information about Ripple's UAE status, despite the UAE minister to his left asserting "You do not".
Jan 2, 2023 4 tweets 4 min read
A brief overview for folks reading about @Ripple & $XRP use in 2023. Years ago, Ripple offered 3 products:
xCurrent = payment messaging
xRapid = #XRP as bridge currency
xVia = an API solution
Co's originally signed bilateral agreements w/ partners to move value. And now?
1/3 #RippleNet #ripple $XRP #XRPL #XRP Now these functions are integrated into one service, "RippleNet," a payment suite managing messaging with the option to use "On Demand Liquidity" (ODL), an $XRP using product, if desired. Bilateral agreements are no longer necessary between users.
Dec 9, 2022 19 tweets 9 min read
A weekend 🧵
Because we're not all programmers, perhaps this will be a useful guide to fight through XRP disinformation about secret XRP, buybacks and ledgers, using the most powerful tool available...

1/16 2) The most powerful FUD-fighting, #XRP-boosting, conspiracy clearing tool on the web?

The XRPL is opensource.
Let that sink in :)

And it's not Ripple's, despite their influence. This in many ways, answers questions that routinely circulate about XRP
Dec 7, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
🔎More ODL ?
- Nov 16: @Ripple announced a new ODL partnership with MFS Africa. Mobile money was highlighted.
- Dec 2: Longtime ODL partner TransferGo launched service to Ghana, Senegal, Uganda, Kenya, & Benin Republic, 6 countries MFS operates in.
pulse.com.gh/business/local… ODL is not mentioned in the TransferGo P/R, only the proximity to the MFS Africa announcement suggests it. Article also highlights how users are able to avoid currency fluctuations, which has been a Ripple talking point.
Dec 2, 2022 13 tweets 6 min read
Secret #XRP Ledgers!!! 🔎
Are they real?

Let's be clear; there are no secret ledgers where real XRP is priced at $100k. It is impossible and represents a misunderstanding of how the #XRPL works.
A🧵/12 2. Just think of it - want XRP to be $50? $500? $5 million!? You could do it on your own private ledger! XRPL.ORG / Github even shows you how!
Then squeeze your super valuable XRP back onto the market, right?
Dec 1, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
Yesterday, @Ripple led a $72m funding round for digital asset market maker Keyrock. Active primarily in spot markets so far, it has been expanding into OTC markets recently.
investingcube.com/market-maker-k… "Keyrock leverages its own technology to offer flexible and scalable liquidity solutions to marketplaces and asset issuers like #Ripple and over 85 other trading venues." They lost a small amount of assets to FTX. coindesk.com/business/2022/…
Nov 17, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
Get questions re: Partior given these articles. JPM spun off Partior, a "neutral" global payments platform. ETH based (no fees). It's competition for Ripple in one sector but - and this is significant - it is also further fragmentation, not consolidation.
ledgerinsights.com/partior-jp-mor… What Partior has done, as you might infer from the article, are systems for large value tx's, like SWIFT. They look like correspondent schemas, laid out in smart contracts for speed & automation.
Nov 16, 2022 10 tweets 5 min read
Don't miss the news that MFS Africa is now a #Ripple ODL partner amidst all the news of the day. This is a potentially huge partnership. Why so exciting? A humble 🧵beginning w/ the obvious & moving to the not-so-obvious in 7 tweets..
financialit.net/news/cryptocur… 1. First, mobile uptake is important. #Ripple notes worldwide use is expected to reach 70% of the global population, largely in markets in APAC & Africa. This is a perfect high volume, small payment application that could generate tremendous volumes.
Sep 17, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
A lil' #Ripple partner mystery:
1. Payment Rails (Montreal), an API-first approach, enabled developers "to seamlessly add international payments to their platform, website or apps, giving access to global markets."
But then, they disappeared.
paymentsjournal.com/payment-rails-… 2. In reality they just rebranded in 2021 as Trolley with "ambitions to drive payout-based growth..." and "progress in meeting the payout needs of a borderless, internet-based economy."

At the same time, they closed a $7m series A funding round.

Sep 17, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
OT:"The Best Way to Predict the Future is to Issue a Press Release."

This article goes. so. hard.
-Gartner hype-cycle is meaningless
-tech acceleration is just marketing
-tech narrative becomes mythic natural law

ed-tech but bears on crypto, metaverse
hackeducation.com/2016/11/02/fut… I cannot recommend it enough! Someone rec'd it here a few months ago and I've since reread it every few weeks. She deftly pokes holes at the mythology of Silicon Valley progress presenting itself as natural and inevitable and not deliberate choice and financial interest.