WRN Scotland Profile picture
A grassroots movement of women working together on behalf of women & girls If you're interested & stay in Scotland DM us or 📧 wrnscotland@womensrights.network
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Jul 3 21 tweets 8 min read
#GeneralElection thread 🧵 Final
At the start of the general election we set out that ANY party that wanted our votes needed to

➡️ Confirm that sex is real

➡️ Give a commitment to clarifying the Equality Act 2010

➡️ Commit to implement the findings of the #CassReport Image Our members have been busy
🗳 We posted on X asking candidate's our questions
🗳 We did a hustings with @WWWheesht
🗳 We did a hustings with @parentseducfife
🗳 We attended hustings across the country asking our questions
🗳 We phoned in to Radio programmes
🗳 We wrote a blog
Apr 18 4 tweets 2 min read
🧵We welcome the announcement that @SandyfordNHSGGC will no longer prescribe puberty blockers for new patients.

We have a question about this
bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotla… We did a FOI in Nov 2023 of @SandyfordNHSGGC Which is at odds with their statement today asked about prescribing
They "assess and diagnose gender incongruence They are not the main prescribers of gender affirming hormone treatment"
We don't generate prescriptions in our system" Image
Apr 10 17 tweets 4 min read
Thread 🧵

We welcome the final report of the Cass Review and are pleased that children and young people in England will be protected to a large extent from the dangers of gender ideology & gender affirming care
cass.independent-review.uk/home/publicati… Here is a summary of the key findings ⬇️
Jan 16 7 tweets 2 min read
A thread🧵
In August 21 our member @MaryHowden before she joined WRN SCOTLAND coordinated a letter signed by 310 people to complain about the CEO Mridul Whadwa The letter was sent to the Chief Executive of Rape Crisis Sandy Brindley & the Trustees of Edinburgh Rape crisis Centre Mridul Whadwa had said in a podcast
'But I think the other thing is that sexual violence happens to bigoted people as well bigots" .....

"But if you have to reframe your trauma, I think it is important as part of that reframing, having a more positive relationship with it"
Jun 25, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
🧵Reflection on #ElectHer event @ScotParl yesterday. The principles around supporting women into politics are great We support that 💯% we need more women in parliament. But ElectHer isn't just focusing on women it also includes men who identify as women There were men there yesterday using our words, our toilets, feeding back in groups for us, promoted in videos & using resources that should only be for women
May 13, 2023 12 tweets 5 min read
Yesterday we sent a letter to @CareInspect about Guidance on the inclusion of transgender including non-binary young people
Here is what we had to say a🧵 We believe it presents a serious risk to the wellbeing of vulnerable children & young people & have requested its immediate withdrawal.
We identified the following
1. Concerns about LGBT Youth Scotland
2 Lack of Safeguarding
3 Breaches of the Health & Social Care Standards
Mar 6, 2023 12 tweets 5 min read
A thread 🧵 @HumzaYousaf has said he will support the Conversion Therapy Bill
Based on this report 👇 written by
"Experts" on an
Advisory Group.
Let's take a look at who these experts are /1 Members of the Advisory Group were
4 x LGBT+ groups funded by the Scottish Government
2 x London based LGBT+ groups
@BACPs– Coalition Against Conversion Practices their 2017 MOU states that Conversion Therapy is unethical, potentially harmful & bacp.co.uk/events-and-res…
Jan 13, 2023 13 tweets 17 min read
A 🧵We were asked yesterday by a journalist what WRN Scotland had done to campaign against the #GRR Bill here's our list
💚written letters to MSPs &MPs as constituents
🤍Had meetings with MSPs and MPs
💜 provided written feedback to the #GRR bill consultation
#NoToSelfID 💚Attended rallys organised by @ForWomenScot at Holyrood
🤍Fundraised through the WRN to have an advan with the message #NoMenInWomensSpaces
💜Organised for the ad van to drive round Edinburgh at the Rally in Oct
Thanks to @moleatthedoor for his help
Nov 4, 2022 10 tweets 9 min read
A 🧵on why #NoToSelfID is still important On 27 October @scotgov voted for the 1st stage of the Gender Recognition Reform Bill #GRR the vote passed 🗳For 88
🗳Against 33
🗳Abstained 4
🗳No vote 4
#NoMeninWomensSpaces Scottish Labour Party @ScottishLabour
voted For the #GRR but they recognise the bill needs ammendments & gave a commitment to "seek to amend the bill at stage 2 to respect the primacy of the Equality Act 2010 and to have that placed on the face of the bill".
Oct 5, 2022 11 tweets 5 min read
A 🧵on why #NoToSelfID is important right now. On 27 October @scotgov will vote to reform the Gender Recognition Act #GRA If the vote goes through this removes the need for a medical diagnosis of gender dysphoria & people can self declare the gender they wish to live as /1 @scotgov and @ShonaRobison have told us that no man would declare himself to be something he isn't to access vulnerable women & children. We know this is not true. There are numerous examples where this had happened.