Cecillia Wang 王德棻 Profile picture
she/her. Civil rights lawyer. Former public defender. Currently deputy legal director, National ACLU. My views here, not my employer's or anyone else's.
Sep 20, 2021 9 tweets 3 min read
A few thoughts on our fellow human beings living under a bridge in Del Rio, TX. Whom US Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas says will all be deported. And on the horrific video of US Border Patrol abusing these fellow human beings, which I will not share here. /1 When I was a first-year law student, one of my first efforts at lawyering was as part of a team fighting the US government (George HW Bush admin) policy of interdicting Haitian refugees — our fellow human beings — on the high seas and turning them away from our shores in FL. /2
Jul 3, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
The case that drove me out of public defendering: client, a Black Latino man, was pulled out of a ticket line at Penn Station by DEA agents. For no good reason. Taken to their office and his bag searched. I filed a motion to suppress. /1 At the suppression hearing 3 DEA agents told 3 different stories. All patently inplausible. One had been found not credible in past similar case by another judge.

Of course the court, who I believe had never granted a suppression motion in all her life, denied our motion. /2
Mar 19, 2019 4 tweets 3 min read
We've lost a valiant battle in Nielsen v. Preap today. Two terms in a row now, #SCOTUS has ruled in favor of the most extreme interpretation of the mandatory immigration detention statute - which results in detention without any individualized hearing on flight risk or danger. So much for abiding by the plain words Congress used.

The vote is 5-4, with Justice Alito writing the majority opinion. Justice Breyer dissents with RBG, Sotomayor, and Kagan.

Needless to say, SGB gets it right.