Juanita Jackson 🌻#🟦 Profile picture
Educator; Consultant; Retired District Principal; https://t.co/FqZ4pl6HSK
Oct 28, 2024 5 tweets 1 min read
It’s bad in @VCHhealthcare right now! Super long wait for ambulance for family member. 2 hours and still waiting for one. I won’t be able to give more details right now. Now waiting for over 4 hours on the floor. They can’t be moved. This is beyond what we have ever experienced ever. Please call your elected MLA’s tomorrow if you know who they are. People probably die everyday due to this failure and we don’t know how many.
Nov 15, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
HT ⁦@AndrewEwing11⁩ “The early assumption that children are safe from COVID was wrong. The effects of COVID on the brain are seen in people of all ages. Several studies have now shown changes in the brains of younger COVID patients.” Jan 2023 whn.global/scientific/cov… “In one study the effects of COVID on children’s brains, ranging from infants to teenagers were examined. In that work, 7 percent of hospitalized kids later developed serious neurological problems, including seizures. These children suffered major brain damage…”
Dec 16, 2022 104 tweets 26 min read
“Engineers call for better air quality in schools” - Sandro Perruzza is the CEO of the Ontario Society of Professional Engineers. Joey Fox is leader of the society's air quality advisory group. Information Morning - Moncton with Jonna Brewer cbc.ca/listen/live-ra… #BCEd #BCPoli
Dec 15, 2020 7 tweets 2 min read
"B.C. School Trustees Association president Stephanie Higginson said there doesn’t appear to be any benefit to changing the length of winter break to keep kids out of school."

Daily Poll: Should B.C. schools extend winter break due to COVID-19? vancouversun.com/news/local-new… "While other provinces have extended winter break or pivoted back to remote learning, B.C. currently has no plans to do the same.

Last month, B.C. School Trustees Association president Stephanie Higginson said there doesn’t appear to be any benefit to changing..."
Dec 15, 2020 5 tweets 3 min read
There are so many tools still left in the toolbox that you have not used to lower the cases in our health regions @jjhorgan @DrBonnieHenry @adriandix mandatory masks; ventilation upgrades; lower class sizes; remote learning options made widely available for parents so that they don't have to force their children back and schools having to reshuffle and reorganize for January
Dec 14, 2020 13 tweets 3 min read
With permission from @niovipatsicakis

I'll do my best to thread this and unroll at the end...

"Teachers' Human Rights Are Being Violated!

On December 10th, the world celebrates Human Rights Day. "...Yet I am speaking out as government is violating Teachers' Human Rights by denying their right to safety and exposing them to mental and physical harm. The work that teachers do is incredible, BC’s educational system is looked upon as tops."
Dec 14, 2020 9 tweets 1 min read
#wewontforget inaction
Dec 14, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
Shared anonymously by a BC teacher:

"I just got Covid, 100% from the school according to the contact tracing. I was the second one in our cohort to get it. There are several students confirmed positive so far in the last 10 days" ... "...half the cohort is away today, some as a precaution and the rest just won’t respond. We have heard from parents that other students have tested positive since then but we are still waiting for any confirmation from Fraser Health."...
Dec 11, 2020 4 tweets 2 min read
#SANTASEESRED4BCED Drive and drop off a non-perishable food item or an unwrapped gift at your locally elected MLA’s office M-F next week. Your letters are also needed. This event focuses on concerns for Children and Staff in Public Schools not protected from #COVID19 and... ...getting Rapid Testing for Elders and Staff in #LongTermCare - write about both or choose one - Thank you for your upcoming participation!
Dec 11, 2020 5 tweets 1 min read
This is from the Toronto Health Department re singing and playing of wind instruments both indoors and outdoors:

"Toronto Public Health recommends that singing and the playing of wind instruments both indoors and outdoors be cancelled for the present time." However, if they must continue:

"In accordance with the Grey lockdown regulation of the provincial Reopening Ontario Act, every person who is singing or playing both indoors and outdoors must be separated by plexiglass or another impermeable barrier..."