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Ask “What is the United States all about?”
Aug 6 5 tweets 1 min read
@KamalaHarris @Tim_Walz Walz is a good choice. Democrats should not move to the left. Walz has embraced many progressive reforms, but he’s also shown a practical policy side. He captured bi-partisan support in Minn for infrastructure improvements. 1/ @KamalaHarris @Tim_Walz /2 I disagree that environmental policy designed to protect the planet is progressive more than practical. On this front, Walz is in the correct lane. His record is strong on protecting voter rights (also not a progressive policy) 2/
Oct 12, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
@MarshaBlackburn 1x/ Why do folks want you to think Republicans do better on the economy. The 2 worst years in the last 25 were the final years of #GOP Presidents: 2008 and 2020. Consider: Until 2020, quarterly GDP had never experienced a drop greater than 10% /1x @MarshaBlackburn 2x/ since the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) began keeping track in 1947. It happened in 2020. /2x
Mar 3, 2021 7 tweets 3 min read
@bryanbehar The Republican party was the loyal opposition for over 40 years after the Depression. Things started happening after Brown v Bd of Ed, then Civil Rights Act. GOP realized it's policies didn't align with majorities. It shifted from pure party of business to party of / 1 @bryanbehar 3 / of the GOP was business). Republicans gave lip service to these issues without much action. BUT the GOP culture coalition began shifting hard with Obama toward open racism and the intolerance of the evangelicals came out in the open. Few recall that the Southern Baptist / 3