WietseWind - πŸ›  XUMM @ XRPL Labs Profile picture
Building on the XRP ledger. β™₯ Wife, kids, 🦜 & programming (TS, nodejs, Linux ..) - BDFL at @XRPLLabs - XRP ledger tools development πŸŽ‰ @XummSupport/@XummWallet
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Jun 1, 2023 β€’ 6 tweets β€’ 2 min read
🧡 Why is it always the ETH/EVM ecosystems coming up with new cool features and ideas, and why is the XRPL always playing catch up?

Because of smart contracts.

You don't have to change the entire blockchain protocol: you get a blank canvas, come up a new feature and build it. I've been around in the XRPL ecosystem long enough to be certain it's not because of a lack of brains and creativity by XRPL devs.

It's insanely hard to write core XRPL code. Even harder to get your idea merged by @RippleXDev devs, close to impossible to get it voted in.
Oct 12, 2022 β€’ 11 tweets β€’ 3 min read
Dear Xumm users in our homeland, The Netherlands πŸ‡³πŸ‡±

The wait is over. You can now use On-ramp services: send EUR from your bank account to XRP in your XRP Ledger account.

Off-ramp will be added later this week.

Tap your Xumm "Home button" and On/Off-ramp will be listed.

🧡»» Xumm users in The Netherlands can now use Onramp services: E πŸ€” How does this work?

You onboard once, we do the required KYC & Proof of Address. You can then open the On/Off-ramp xApp any time.

We give you a deposit description which you can use to send from your IBAN to our IBAN. Within minutes you'll have the XRP in your XRPL account.
Aug 4, 2022 β€’ 15 tweets β€’ 4 min read
SOL vs @XummWallet 🧡

As far as I know it's still not certain how the SOL attack happened. There are a couple of theories, the two most shared/speculated:

- Faulty crypto (signing) implementation
- Generated keys compromised (sent in plain text over the wire after generation) While it's never 100% possible to say a wallet is not at risk (not even for hardware wallets) of any security issues, I feel it's safe to say that neither one of the speculated issues apply to Xumm.

We feel we are doing a better (more transparent) job than the wallets involved.
Aug 4, 2022 β€’ 10 tweets β€’ 6 min read
@TheHodlerX As far as I know it's still not certain how the SOL attack happened. There are a couple of theories, the two most shared/speculated:

- Faulty crypto (signing) implementation
- Generated keys compromised (sent in plain text over the wire after generation) @TheHodlerX While it's never 100% possible to say a wallet is not at risk (not even for hardware wallets) of any security issues, I feel it's safe to say that neither one of the speculated issues apply to Xumm.

We feel we are doing a better (more transparent) job than the wallets involved.
May 15, 2022 β€’ 7 tweets β€’ 4 min read
Most common attack vector used to scam crypto users? Tricking the users into entering their secret key, or sniffing it when a service asks for the secret. *NEVER* share your secret.

Did you know if you use @XummWallet @Tangem cards, this type of scam/attack won't work on you? With the secret generated & stored inside a chip inside the card, you won't even have a secret to accidentally share.

Not having the secret is not a recovery problem if you configure a second "back up" card. Takes just a few minutes. This his why we sell min. two cards.
Mar 28, 2022 β€’ 23 tweets β€’ 6 min read
I'm getting a lot of questions about XRPL nodes, what they are, why they exist, what their specs are, etc. Here's what I replied in the past few days, hoping that it'll help more people. There isn't one type of node. There are full history nodes, non full history nodes, validating nodes, etc. They run the same software, they are connected to the XRP Ledger, their config, use and hardware requirements are simply different.
Oct 31, 2021 β€’ 17 tweets β€’ 5 min read
I have some explaining to do.

The past couple of days were challenging when it comes to the @XummWallet / XRP Ledger infrastructure I'm responsible for.

The amount of XUMM users & clients connected to xrplcluster.com has been rising and rising. Scaling was required. A couple of weeks back we scaled the XUMM platform, confident that we'd be able to handle the user growth for some time to come. We also made sure that future scaling would be easier.

Right after scaling, our cloud provider had multiple outages. That never happened before.
Sep 29, 2020 β€’ 6 tweets β€’ 9 min read
@Hopiumhater @aspingos22 @XRPLF @Ripple @Coil @GateHub I think the XRPL is not unattractive to devs: the technology, connectivity, speed, tools are all very attractive. The reason the XRPL isn't the go-to tech for the development you're aiming at has multiple causes, like:
(1/...) @Hopiumhater @aspingos22 @XRPLF @Ripple @Coil @GateHub (2/...)
- The account reserve, limiting the amount of users one can reach (as they should be willing to pay the reserve to use the XRPL) (Disclaimer: I believe the reserve is a good thing, but let's face it: it limits the user base)
Aug 31, 2020 β€’ 8 tweets β€’ 3 min read
After receiving a significant amount of questions about XUMM being in beta & the amount of XRP that's safe to store, this is me answering that question publicly 😊

ℹ️ Your XRP is "stored" on the XRP ledger, not "in" XUMM. XUMM is non custodial. Keys lost? No recovery ⚠️ We are confident that security, encryption, storing, sending & receiving **XRP** in XUMM has been thoroughly tested.

We're improving the user interface here and there, adding features & translations & sending, receiving & trading IOU's (non-XRP currencies) are work in progress.
Aug 28, 2020 β€’ 4 tweets β€’ 2 min read
Automated #XUMM testing πŸŽ‰ @baltazar223 working on fully automated testing, of the XUMM user interface, interaction & encryption 😎 Image Onboard. Generate account. Confirm secret numbers. Check account. Compose a transaction. Sign transaction. Confirm signature. Fully automated, pre-release.

(Yes, closing in on version 1.0)
Aug 21, 2020 β€’ 4 tweets β€’ 2 min read
Tutorial, instructions & a tool to prepare for claiming your @FlareNetworks Spark tokens πŸŽ‰

While the Flare network *isn't live yet* and the Spark token distribution *hasn't started* you can already prepare your accounts

For #XUMM & @xrptoolkit users

coil.com/p/wietse/Prepa… Image
Jul 15, 2020 β€’ 7 tweets β€’ 3 min read
Last tests & fixes for a massive XUMM update. The next 1~2 days: last internal testing & fixes. Next week: community dev. testing. Estimated public release: end of next week.
Over 60 changes, additions, improvements & fixes, mostly developed by Ali @baltazar223 & @ThisIsTRISS πŸ€— Don't let the version number (0.5.1, just a .1 on the end) fool you: it doesn't honour the amount of work & improvements at all, but we decided to stick with it.

After this update we take a bit of time for @baltazar223 to work on automated internal testing procedures, etc.
Jun 18, 2020 β€’ 4 tweets β€’ 1 min read
Checks feature on the XRPL: so let's say you want to pay Netflix on the XRPL (who knows, maybe one day they'll accept XRPL payments). You don't want to pay the entire year in advance, and you don't want to lock up (escrow) the entire year in payments: (1/2) (2/2) You generate 12 Checks for the monthly amount each, and every month Netflix will try to cash one of your checks on the XRPL. If they can't because you are out of funds, the service simply gets terminated.
Want to terminate < 12 months? Cancel the remaining Checks.
Jun 18, 2020 β€’ 5 tweets β€’ 2 min read
#PayID just went live. #XUMM is one of the launching wallets with #PayID support. All XUMM users can send to PayID addresses (with XRPL destinations).

Q3~Q4 2020 we'll launch *XUMM Profiles* with hosted PayID addresses 🍻

coil.com/p/wietse/PayID… Just like email addresses, a PayID can be issued to you by a provider. One PayID can contain multiple destinations (multiple rails), so one PayID can contain eg. your XRPL address, a bank account, a BTC address, etc.
May 31, 2020 β€’ 5 tweets β€’ 2 min read
⚠️ Please note! If you are using @Ledger software (and possibly other clients) you may receive a message about an expired certificate. Known issue, your is safe. This will be resolved shortly. No need to worry.
May 28, 2020 β€’ 4 tweets β€’ 1 min read
Today, May 29th. Guess who 😎 Image When you read this: πŸ₯³ 🍻 πŸŽ‚
May 18, 2020 β€’ 4 tweets β€’ 1 min read
@jeremy_87110 So you connected your Uphold account to the TipBot :D +1 #xrptip Image
May 18, 2020 β€’ 4 tweets β€’ 3 min read
The TipBot (#xrptip) is now live on @UpholdInc πŸŽ‰


VISIT xrptipbot.com, LOG IN and CONNECT your @UpholdInc account!

βœ… xrptipbot.com: Connect account & migration
βœ… Twitter tips
βœ… XRP TipBot App
βœ… Personal Donation pages
βœ… Tip Button (donations)
βœ… Multiple social accounts <> 1 Uphold account
βœ… Customize Uphold Card per social account

⏳ILP (Coil)
May 17, 2020 β€’ 6 tweets β€’ 2 min read
All nighter. Coding the TipBot @UpholdInc migration πŸ’ͺ Sign in flow βœ…
Card (Uphold) creation βœ…
Selecting custom cards per TipBot account βœ…
Balance migration ⏳
Hook Tips to Uphold πŸ•™
Update App πŸ•™
May 1, 2020 β€’ 15 tweets β€’ 7 min read
My answers on some questions I didn't get to answer during the #XRPMeetup by @DiscordinCrypto (thread) Because XUMM accounts are on ledger, non custodial (user owns keys) accounts, activated with at least 20 XRP (reserve)
Apr 17, 2020 β€’ 7 tweets β€’ 2 min read
I believe there are some misunderstandings about Destination Tags on the XRP ledger. A destination tag can be compared to an extension number, when calling a company. You can call the company, but you'll need to be put through to the right person. With the extension number, you can call someone directly.