Climate scientist modelling extreme events in a changing climate, Associate Professor @VUBrussel. Previously research fellow @KU_Leuven and @ETH
Oct 23, 2024 • 9 tweets • 3 min read
In our new paper in @NatureClimate co-led by Chantelle Burton (@MetOffice_Sci) and @SeppeLampe (@VUBrussel), we show that global burned area patterns are increasingly explained by climate change. 🧵…
Let's start with the "Burned area paradox": looking at weather conditions, there is a clear increase in fire-prone weather conditions in many locations on earth, yet remote sensing data shows a decline in burned area globally. How is that possible?
Sep 27, 2021 • 16 tweets • 9 min read
The kids aren't alright
In our new paper in @ScienceMagazine and acompanying @save_children report, we uncover the strong intergenerational inequities in exposure to climate extremes 🧵 1/n
In climate science, we usually study change by comparing 2 time windows, e.g. 'by the end of the century, there will be X times more heatwaves compared to today'. But this approach fails to quantify the climate change burden on a particular generation in a particular location 2/n
Aug 28, 2019 • 12 tweets • 8 min read
How is climate change affecting fire risk? In the recent @IPCC_CH special report on #ClimateChange & land, this is assessed based on 20 scientific studies. The results show the key role of increasing fire weather and population growth in fire-prone regions. #SRCCL (Thread; 1/n)
The above figure shows a 'burning ember', it represents a synthesis of the available scientific knowledge on the topic in one intuïtive color scheme. Every color has a meaning, with darker colors denoting higher risk levels (2/n)