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♀ ⚢ #WomenWontWheesht
Nov 21, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
The original list did not include the 30 murders in the USA this year.

So I've had a look through these tragedies.

One person has been included who didn't identify as 'trans', but has been included for reasons I'm unclear about. Of these 30 murders, zero have been determined to be as a result of transphobia.

In 26% of cases there is no suspect & therefore no motive. (Compared to the 40% for the USA as a whole)

6 people were murdered by their current/ex partner.

3 Hit & Runs.

3 unknown motives.
Nov 21, 2024 15 tweets 3 min read
"Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDOR) is an annual observance on November 20 that honors the memory of the transgender people whose lives were lost in acts of anti-transgender violence"

As always, this isn't quite what it seems. The list includes 370 names of transgender people who we are honouring because they lost their lives due to transphobia.

Or does it?
Feb 20, 2024 9 tweets 2 min read
Just a wee 🛢 because I'm pissed off.

@wwwheesht had to fight for @dundeewomenfest to include their women's event in the programme.

They did, eventually, because, well as it turns out, unlawfully discriminating against us was unlawful.

Some of the abuse we received because we objected to being unlawfully discriminated against was awful. Including, as usual, threats of violence.

We hoped that would be the end of it & we could just crack on & give Dundonian women the chance to talk about whatever they wanted

Jan 8, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
I wasn't sure whether to post this as I've not discussed it publicly up to now.

When Jack joined the Scottish Feminist Network, he got access to many women's personal information (names, addresses, employers etc) including mine.

When I discovered he was a member, a number of trustworthy & respected founding members got together & a decision was made to make women aware & disband the 'network' as the "security measures" clearly weren't robust (they haven't changed).

Nov 2, 2023 7 tweets 1 min read

Unfortunately, we have no idea how many people ID as 'trans' in Scotland.

And even when the Scottish census data is published, we still won't know because, for reasons that are entirely unclear, ScotGov decided it was unimportant. So, assuming the E&W figures are broadly the same, that means that 22,000 over 16's ID as 'trans'.

Up until yesterday's ruling, there was some confusion about whether these 22,000 people should be assumed to be their sex, or their "gender identity" legally.
Aug 22, 2023 15 tweets 4 min read
I know TRAs aren't sending their brightest & best (or maybe they are...)

But the next time they whine about the usual nonsense, just send them this. Yes, they are.

It's not a "right" to have others actively participate in your beliefs. Image
Jul 25, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
It's now been a couple of days since my friend was assaulted in Aberdeen.

And I have some thoughts.

The hatred & aggression I saw in the thug's eyes who attacked Julie was, genuinely, chilling.

I don't believe he would have stopped (Julie was so lucky that a passerby intervened & stopped this unprovoked attack)

I have watched the video over & over again & it scares me every time.

Luckily we didn't capitulate to the demand to "stop fucking filming"

Jul 1, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
There's a number of reasons why a man, earning £55k a year, pretending to be a "struggling mother" is problematic.

We know that Mothers suffer financial hardship because they're mothers & not fathers.

The Motherhood Penalty v The Fatherhood Bonus. The difference is due to gender.

Not the gender that GenderUnicorns pretend they feel deep inside, but actual gender.

Where society views fathers as stable & committed to their work & views mothers as less reliable & more distracted.
Jun 5, 2023 11 tweets 3 min read
It never ceases to amaze me that kids think that declaring they're "trans" or "queer" makes them somehow marginalised, non-conformist or rebellious.

It's the most predictable & conventional thing they can do.

So, a note to all the gender-ideology-conforming bairns. When the world's largest revenue corporation are advertising your ideology, it's mainstream & trite. Image
May 19, 2023 14 tweets 12 min read
Having had the misfortune of interacting with some wee TRAs recently, I couldn't help but be struck by the similarities between their behaviour & that of cult members.

So I did a bit of digging & found an article in Psychology Today by Ewan Morrison. Ewan lists the 12 common stages of a cult & highlights the key points.

Beginning to ring a bell? Image
Mar 24, 2023 16 tweets 6 min read
A one-off #TheySaidFuckingWhat, in a week where World Athletics refused to allow ongoing cheating.
Our Dear Leader gave her final speech, amidst saccharine "good lucks", & Humza pretended he didn't know/did know what a woman is. So, to set the scene, a TIF on TikTok was whining that she shouldn't use the women's loos bc "Some Dr decided I was female at birth" & she decided she wd scare women.

A Dr stated that, no, nobody "decided" her sex at birth, it was determined at conception.

Behold the replies
Mar 22, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
What do "docs decide" I hear you ask.

Why, the sex of a baby. Obviously.

Do you not watch enough documentaries you bigot, etc, etc.

#TheySaidFuckingWhat Doctors DO decide the sex of babies.

It's actual factual science.
Mar 19, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
🛢 I'm a little confused.

I've been told for years that, despite being an independence supporter, I am a YOON because I don't support the SNP. I explained that the SNP's culture of misogyny, dishonesty, cronyism, bullying, unprofessionalism, secretiveness, incompetence & Presidential-style politics made it impossible for me to support them.

I was told I was wrong.
Mar 5, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
I am beyond pissed-off.
It's #InternationalWomensDay next week & my TL is full of stupid people & businesses/oganisations whining that men should be included.

No. Fuck off.

IMD was in November. And even fucking worse, they want to exclude me, & every single woman I know.

They only want to include men who pretend to be women & women who are so desperate for male approval that they define themselves by regressive & repressive stereotypes.
Feb 3, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
For all of you SNPorDie types out there, just a few nuggets of info

* The Scottish Prison Service is not an independent body. The Chief Exec reports directly to ScotGov.

*The Equality Act doesn't say that men who identify as women are women.

* The same Equality Act allows for separate male & female spaces (including prisons)

* So the SPS's policy could have, legally, stated that all male prisoners were sent to male prisons.

* Segregation is not the same as a 'VP Wing'

Jan 20, 2023 52 tweets 16 min read
You may have noticed over the last few days there's been a couple of small protests by, mostly, straight men protesting about the Scottish Secretary protecting UK wide equality legislation, but pretending it's about Trans Rights (nobody knows what these "rights" are) You may also have noticed that Women's Rights activists did not turn up in their balaclavas to counter protest & assault the protesters. Image
Jan 1, 2023 17 tweets 2 min read
Discussing "gender identity" with the family tonight. The agreement is that it's very similar to having a favourite pair of socks.

Here's why... Most people don't have a favourite pair of socks. And, cry as you might, you can't persuade us we do.
Dec 13, 2022 14 tweets 1 min read
Your SNP Government lied to you

They said a GRC was simply an admin issue to make the lives of those who pretend to be the opposite sex easier.

They lied. They've just argued & won a court ruling that a GRC changes a person's legal sex for every scenario.