Zoe Gardner Profile picture
UK & EU refugees & migration. LGBT+, feminism & generalised incoherent ranting to boot. I do research & campaigns. Dehumanisation is not a line, it is a circle.
5 subscribers
Mar 8 7 tweets 2 min read
Cutting benefits payments *specifically* for people deemed unable to work due to illness or disability is a genuinely shocking choice from Labour.

Aside from the incredibly obvious moral horror of it, it shows how our economy is set up all wrong. #r4today I don’t know about you, I want to live in a country that generously supports people unable to work.

People with disabilities, the long-term sick, single parents, etc - none should live in poverty. They should be able to depend on the state for a good quality of life #r4today
Feb 12 4 tweets 1 min read
On denying refugees citizenship, I’m choosing my words carefully.

It’s cynical.

This issue was pushed on GBNews the last weeks, because the new Borders Bill actually repealed unused Tory legislation that imposed the requirement to remove anyone who arrives irregularly. #r4today So I see this as a direct appeal to GBNews & anti-migrant voters, & all the anger it provokes from us is intended to achieve that desired effect.

In short, this is exactly what the Tories did:
They are not pretending to be decent, they WANT to be seen as cruel. #r4today
Jan 9 4 tweets 1 min read
Forgive me but I still just cannot claim to understand the farmers’ complaint.

“I have lots of valuable land worth millions & one day my kids might have to pay tax on that” 😱😱

Yes. Like the bloody rest of us.
(Or rather at half the rate of the rest of us but yknow) #r4today There are plenty of ways I agree we should support farmers,.
Tackling vulture capitalist supermarkets squeezing them for one.
But maintaining tax exempt status, especially for what I see as one of the most under-taxed areas there is, inheritance, is just not one of them.
Oct 25, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read

Smugglers store small boats!!!

Now why WOULDNT that be the headline story on #r4today? What could possibly matter more than the continued manufacture of a sense of threat over small boats? 🙄
They’ll find another boat if you confiscate this one Just imagine if every time we hear this nonsense they also specified:

“Asylum seekers are left destitute in France & routinely harassed & abused by police.
They have no other way to reach asylum in the UK than with smugglers.” #r4today
Aug 21, 2024 5 tweets 1 min read
Yvette Cooper’s borders announcement today is a betrayal of everyone who voted for change.

Ten days since racists attacked asylum seekers & mosques & today Labour announce they’re ramping up the failed narrative that we can just get rid of the people we don’t want here. #r4today Over last decades we vastly increased immigration detention capacity.

More & more people locked up, while we try to get rid of them, although in most cases we don’t do that.

They experience that brutality. We pay the immense cost. And what changes?
Absolutely nothing. #r4today
Aug 7, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
Farage’s demand that we further appease anti-migrant hatred with another swipe at human rights is the opposite of what we need.

But the underlying suggestion here that HAD the Southport killer been an immigrant, riots would be justified is the foghorn giving him away.
#r4today The men, women & children terrorised as the hotel was set alight & a mob daubed racist slogans across its walls would have as little to do with him if he had also crossed a border as they do now.

Farage’s demand for the “truth” is papering over his own dangerous lies. #r4today
Jul 1, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
Textbook interview from Cleverly on how to normalise & empower the far right:

-Only problem he identifies with Farage is his plans to stop migration won’t work
-Reinforces the idea migration is bad & Farage’s aims are legit
-Says Tories are the real anti-migrant vote #r4today Directly afterwards we hear from France where the EXACT same narrative pursued by Macron led to a far right victory in the election.

We hear the same again: we need remove migrants, more failed measures of immigration control, control Muslims, migrants are the problem🤦‍♀️#r4today
Jun 17, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
Over 40 people killed at sea by the Greek coast guard.

9 of those people deliberately thrown into the sea.

There literally are no words for European (in which I absolutely include the UK) depravity in the name of border enforcement. #r4today Literally leaving babies adrift at sea on rafts. On camera. In broad daylight.

That is “stop the boats” in action. There’s no way to push back asylum seekers that doesn’t kill.

Our borders kill every day, Greeks are just taking a bit more active involvement these days. #r4today
Jun 4, 2024 9 tweets 2 min read
This is only the “immigration election” because we’re all once again dancing to Farage’s tune who, unbelievably, is on one of the BBC’s flagship programmes #r4today AGAIN this morning.

To the public, it’s an election about the NHS & cost of living. For which we need immigrants. Zero net is an insane anti-growth proposal that would see our NHS waiting lists explode, make it impossible to recruit teachers for our kids, trash our ability to build houses, and desperately damage our economy leaving us much poorer.
May 8, 2024 9 tweets 3 min read
Because none of the 6 or 7 reports released this year by credible academics, researchers & service providers detailing horrendous exploitation, & debt bondage driven by the temporary work visa system Jenrick oversaw, seem to have been covered on #r4today🤷‍♀️

🧵👇 This @FocusOnLabour report reveals migrant farm workers are unable in practice to change employer due to visa restrictions, leaving them trapped when underpaid or not given enough work.
They can then be coerced into poor living &working conditions #r4today labourexploitation.org/publications/b…
Apr 23, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
The Rwanda bill passed.

Very few asylum seekers will ever be sent there, but this morning, thousands of homeless men, women & children who came to us with nothing & asked for help but we left in limbo, have fear hanging over them of violent deportation to a dictatorship #r4today And it’s the violence I want you to think about today.

Because there is no way to carry out the deportations Sunak is crowing about without serious violence.

People will struggle, they’ll be restrained, may attempt to self harm or kill themselves. Over & over again. #r4today
Apr 3, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
The old “ID cards to stop migration” argument again 🙄🙄

Unnecessary, expensive, exclusionary nonsense.

They have ID cards across EU - FAMOUSLY a region with no issue of undocumented migration???

Just grasping to reinforce a false narrative that migration is a threat #r4today WE DONT NEED expensive, bureaucratic ID systems.

That’s not how you solve the issue of real people denied papers to safely undertake journeys to safety, community & opportunity.

It’s just another recycled sideshow from people with no answers for society’s real problems #r4today
Mar 9, 2024 9 tweets 2 min read
I think we’re still very unlikely to see a May election. I tend to agree with those like @lewis_goodall who argue, why would Sunak go for certain defeat today, over probable defeat tomorrow?

But there’s a scenario playing out in my head now that I can’t stop thinking about, so… We know the Labour lords are not planning to stand up too hard against the “safety of Rwanda” bill. Maybe one or two rounds of pinpoint but likely wrapped up within a week.

That means the bill is almost certain to pass unamended by 26 March when parliament rises.
Mar 1, 2024 6 tweets 2 min read
The news will be all about Galloway today - that’s why the government published these 13 immigration inspection reports in one go yesterday, to bury them.

But the scale & degree of chaos, mismanagement, dereliction of duty & incompetence they reveal is astounding, truly #r4today
Image Quality control of asylum decisions abandoned
Kids put at risk of trafficking
Country risk research incoherent
Inadequate security checks in airports…

in a sane country the whole government would resign. Instead they carry on, just without the independent scrutiny🤷‍♀️ #r4today
Feb 27, 2024 20 tweets 4 min read
David Neal,

(former Independent Chief Inspector of Borders & Immigration sacked last week by Cleverly for telling the papers about chaos at the Home Office who sat on 14 of his reports in a row without publishing them)

is about to give evidence to HASC parliamentlive.tv/Event/Index/3c… Neal opens:

"I've been sacked for doing my job and doing what the law requires of me"

Oooh he's mad.
Nov 27, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
Leaked proposals to reduce immigration are a joke:

1. Raising salary threshold is classist & pointless, only limits our ability to recruit doctors, nurses, etc

Many jobs are excluded from minimum salary thresholds anyway cos we so badly need workers incl care & farming #r4today 2. Putting a cap on the number of health & social care worker visas… do I have to explain why this is counter-productive, unpopular & idiotic?

An arbitrary cap based on anti-migrant politics rather than our actual healthcare needs is insane & bound to be reversed #r4today
Nov 10, 2023 12 tweets 3 min read
I feel the need to break down why this article has got it so, so wrong.

It's central argument is we can increase migration, and embrace it, as long as we show we can have tough borders & wont let asylum seekers cross them irregularly.

Sounds tempting... economist.com/leaders/2023/1… There are 2 ways in which it is wrong -

1. There's no evidence we embrace the 'good' migrants once we've kicked the 'bad' ones hard enough. We just shift who the bad ones are.

2. It is only by regulating irregular migration we can stop it - even increasing visas isn't enough.
Aug 17, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Senegal has been in political crisis - ignored in our news - for months.
Deadly violence, internet shutdowns and repression.

There is no safe way for the victims to escape and build the safe futures they have every right to hope for.

So we let them die at sea. 63 more today. For as long as I’ve been alive, European politicians have pursued the same strategy of increased cruelty, cutting rights, passing the buck, & demonisation.

It has never worked. It will never work.
When will we be tired of insisting the solution is more of this cycle of failure?
Jun 17, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Greek authorities’ story has changed again.
This is what refugee pushbacks & passing the buck inevitably leads to.

Finally the world is looking at Greece’s deadly migration policies. But as @minnierahman says, these are also UK policies, enacted on a different coastline #r4today The UK has learned all the wrong lessons from Greece.

Their brutal response has led directly to more deaths.

There is no way to make people who have nothing left, only hope, disappear. If we don’t offer alternatives, they will risk the crossing & smugglers will profit. #r4today
May 13, 2023 10 tweets 3 min read
Riddle me this, cos I’m seriously thinking it through.
Starmer is right on a couple of things, namely the Tories are no longer what they used to be, but a far right populist, extremist outfit. And Labour have moved into the ground vacated, & are now a moderate right wing party… Who is our left or even centre-left option?

Cos it’s fine if Starmer’s Labour is “coming out” as the real Conservatives. You do you.

But neither me, nor my family, nor most young people have ever, nor plan to ever, vote Conservative you see. Not under any name or colour…
May 12, 2023 9 tweets 4 min read
High net immigration figures will be built up into a frenzy in the next weeks. A couple things to remember:

- the rise is driven by people on visas, not asylum seekers, who remain a tiny proportion

- the immigrants are people who bring huge positives to our communities #r4today - The immigrants being from India & china “instead” of the EU is a neutral.
The only thing that matters is what rights they have on their visas

- More people’s visas now are short-term & highly restrictive, that do not have a pathway to settlement.
That’s not positive #r4today