Trumpism is a cult. I’m here to fight the American Taliban (Y’all Qaeda)Trump is Gone! #atheist Let’s rebuild this nation! Fuck Putin and Russian Gov.
Jul 4, 2018 • 6 tweets • 1 min read
Our forefathers fought to leave a tyrannical government creating the independence that so many have died to protect.
However, we are faced with tyranny again, but it is our government who is guilty of the very thing we fought to protect this country from.
I refuse to celebrate a holiday that represents freedom from Tyranny, when our sitting President worked with a corrupt foreign government to with the very office he is in.
Feb 17, 2018 • 34 tweets • 12 min read
Everyone needs to read this.
Trumps timeline of events starting from 2012 when he started his application for #MAGA ™️ (trademark) Pay attention to the dates of each filing vs the dates of each tweet, it’s important.
Here is the timeline of Trumps patent, this timeline vs his teeets is the key to his timeline of events leading up to his candidacy.
Nov 1, 2017 • 29 tweets • 2 min read
What we know about the 2016 election.
1) Manafort was trumps campaign manager during the beginning, who was a paid Ukrainian lobbyist who was laundering money for Russia.
Oct 14, 2017 • 21 tweets • 3 min read
Here is some perspective.
1. Our POTUS is bragging that he created stocks to plunge. This effects lives and people’s incomes. 2. When companies see a massive decline in stock prices they tend to lay off employees. But in this case, the government intentionally..