Aaron Klemz Profile picture
Well, heaven knows I've tried. Work @MCEA1974, serve as Chair of Fridley EQEC, this is personal.
Jan 25, 2022 25 tweets 9 min read
A PolyMet thread on the morning of the Groove on from PolyMet rally. 🧵 Or "How I Learned to Stop Worrying About Lying Liars and the Lies They Tell." (1/ I've been working on the PolyMet sulfide mine proposal since 2010. Since 2013, I've worked for organizations fighting this terrible idea. Over these years, we have delivered MANY petitions and public comments, many in the dead of winter. (2/
Jul 2, 2021 17 tweets 3 min read
Let me explain what's happening in the #mnleg Senate, how it works, and why it's important for @GovTimWalz and the DFL to stand strong for the policies that Minnesotans care about even in the face of the Senate GOP threats 🧵 This is more than a tantrum or a waste of time, and messaging in that vein is only hand waving. The whole goal of the GOP strategy is to deprive DFLers of wins, thereby causing their base to stay home, while scoring emotional wins that fire up their base. (2/17)