Anderson Clayton☀️ Profile picture
she/her | Chair of the North Carolina Democratic Party. “Where the weak grow strong and the strong grow great.” follow us 👉 @NCDemParty! #RuralMatters
Nov 22, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
I don’t think anyone should be calling me saying they’re running for DNC chair without a thoughtful explanation for how they plan to invest in strong, sustainable state party infrastructure AND how *much* that means they plan to invest if they can raise it + operational costs. And that means paying state party chairs! That means changing the percentage of allocation for state parties in the DNC’s budget during election years. That means caring about the full ballot - the down ballot.
Sep 30, 2024 11 tweets 3 min read
Our hearts are heavy with loss of life and destruction from Hurricane Helene. Our deepest sympathies are with the families who have lost their loved ones, their homes. Our beautiful mountains and their colorful communities have been hit hard, and in some cases entirely destroyed. There is a massive effort underway to get help to folks in Western North Carolina including state and federal relief but we know there will be additional needs. If you’re able to give, please consider a donation to help North Carolinians as they clean up and recover from Helene.
Sep 10, 2024 10 tweets 3 min read
The GOP-majority on the NC Supreme Court voted today — in another unprecedented decision — to cost the taxpayers of North Carolina millions by ordering the state board of elections to remove RFK Jr. from the ballot and reprint ballots without justification. It is abuse of power. This is not the first time this court made a decision that goes against everything our judicial system stands for. In ’23, this court ignored “stare decisis” and unleashed partisan and racial gerrymandering in North Carolina again to disenfranchise voters.…
Jun 10, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
"You have to fight for every single person. You've just got to show up and show them that you care about them and show them that you're empathizing with them and listening to them." — Dem Nominee for State Treasurer @WesleyHarrisNC 🗳️

✍️: @RaleighReporter… “Clayton says the state party will have 5 staffers on its "Project 100" team that are working with county-level party organizations to partner on door-to-door canvassing. ‘We want to train people how to do this work, so it's not just for 2024, but it's past that, too,’ she said.”
Mar 31, 2024 25 tweets 9 min read
📣 DEADLINE: Help me raise $10,000 by midnight for @NCDemParty to stop MAGA in their tracks. Trump can’t win back the White House without North Carolina… and this year we have a historic opportunity to flip NC blue!

Read this thread, share, and chip… @NCDemParty First, some context: Trump won North Carolina in 2020 by less than 75k votes. That year, our great Democratic Governor @RoyCooperNC also won North Carolina by a staggering 248,186 votes—blowing Trump’s margin out of the water.
Mar 5, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
🚨 we got a report this morning of a voter who was turned away from a polling site trying to use their *VALID* student ID to vote. Their student ID is on the approved list from the state board of elections. This is why voter ID disenfranchises voters — especially young voters. 🧵 Students! Make sure you know your rights going into polling locations this year in North Carolina. Attached below is the approved list of all school and university IDs that were approved through the hard work of @CollegeDemsNC this last year. #ncpol ⬇️⬇️⬇️…
Sep 2, 2023 8 tweets 3 min read
It’s time for a reckoning in our state capitol. ✊

Thank you to the hundreds of students who showed up on Wednesday in solidarity with each other.

Gun violence isn’t a partisan issue. North Carolinians believe in universal background checks and red flag laws. Republicans don’t.

On Monday, we got news that UNC was on lockdown. I spent the next hour checking to see if our @UNCYoungDems were safe and okay. Soon after the “all clear” had been given, we saw Republican legislators offering thoughts and prayers to students and faculty on campus.
Apr 28, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
There’s never been a single-day rollback of racial progress as there was today in North Carolina.

The NCGOP and our Republican Supreme Court delivered on disenfranchisement of Black communities at the ballot box with 3 tragic rulings that make it harder to vote in our state. 🧵 🚨 VOTER ID

The NC Supreme Court in a 5-2 vote, restored a 2018 law that requires voter ID at the polls.

We know that voter ID laws are discriminatory against our most vulnerable communities — low-income, racial and ethnic minorities, elderly, and folks with disabilities.
Mar 11, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
“And that’s at the hands of Republicans who don’t want to see working people in positions of power in this state, because they know the Democratic Party…that’s who comprises us. We are your teachers, your service workers, your nurses, the people who are on the front lines.” One of the greatest barriers to running for State House or State Senate is the fact that North Carolina has a “citizen”, or part-time legislature.

Legislators in North Carolina receive a salary of $13,951 a year with a per diem rate of $104 while in session...
Feb 19, 2023 15 tweets 9 min read
Howdy y’all! It’s been a wild week since I was elected Chair of the North Carolina Democratic Party! While I may have used the phrase “it’s like drinking from a fire hose” more times than I care to admit this week, it’s been the best experience of my life. So here’s a recap! 🧵 On Saturday, Feb. 11th, I won. It was unbelievable. And something I never expected to happen. Equally though - you don’t get much time to react before you’re thrown into the thick of it! The gavel was handed to me mid-meeting, & I ran the rest of the almost 7-hour meeting!
Jan 12, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Folks, let’s dive into what’s happening in Raleigh right now. Yesterday was the first day back in session for the 2023-2024 general assembly, and already the NC House Republicans passed rules allowing for the speaker to call for a vote on Cooper’s veto WITHOUT notice. 🧵 What does this mean? It means that our rights hinge on the power of EVERY single democratic House member being able to make it to the general assembly at a moment’s notice to protect Cooper’s veto of bills banning abortion, divesting in education, and other GOP pursuits.
Jan 12, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Today I’m proud to announce my first round of endorsements! I have truly incredible people in my corner — folks who share in my vision for an NCDP that works from the grassroots on up. If you’re in this fight with me, add your name! ⬇️ #ClaytonForCarolina It’s the honor of a lifetime to have the support of Senator Howard Lee, a civil rights pioneer and the first Black mayor of a majority white town in the South. I’m also honored that former Sen. Ernestine Bazemore and former Rep. Charles Graham are behind me.
Aug 22, 2022 14 tweets 3 min read
hi! I’m a firm believer in knocking every door, but I realize that right now, that could mean putting your own safety at risk! here are a couple of tips I do before knocking a packet of #rural doors: 1. Call through your list first. I realize that many of the reasons you’re probably knocking these doors are because rural voter data #sucks, BUT sometimes you’ll get lucky. It’s a great way to tell someone you’re going to come by, or figure out ahead of time who is HOSTILE.
Feb 5, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
This is a great question and something I’m thinking about constantly. De-escalation training for all rural organizers is a must i think. And national campaigns can definitely fork over the $$ to do that. (honestly - every organizer i think could use this!) but also just… being able to understand the signs / tips from seasoned organizers. I always share my location with someone when I’m canvassing. I tell SOMEONE when I’m going to be on the doors, how long, when I should have service to check in with them, and when they should check in with me
Feb 5, 2022 18 tweets 4 min read
Rural organizing story time: I was driving home tonight with my friend Noah in the car with me and we were discussing the number of speeding tickets I’ve gotten. Now, I fully admit — I’ve had a good number lol. I was in the middle of arguing the point of because I’m on the road… …more organizing in rural places, I’ve had more speeding tickets. And then…that got me me thinking. About the one time I was rural organizing, I was pulled over, but I DIDN’T receive a ticket. And Noah looked at me and he said, “I don’t think I’ve ever heard you tell that one.”
Feb 4, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
my absolute @persondems crew at the Roxboro Chamber of Commerce Banquet tonight! ✨🥺

loved being councilwoman outlaw’s plus one ☝️(and this little photo booth 🥲)

#RuralMatters I should add to this and say specifically — rural democrats matter. Don’t forget it y’all.
Feb 3, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
Got the best email from the Neighbor-2-Neighbor Rural Organizing Committee in Orange County! While Orange Co. is known for progressive hubs like Chapel Hill + Carboro, there’s more to that county!

I’m excited to join them tomorrow to discuss #rural organizing in red precincts.🧵 ImageImage Too often, as a party, we write off rural precincts in urban counties. But in 2022 and beyond, we’re fighting for every vote in every precinct across North Carolina. I need #rural democrats to hear, see, and believe that this is possible and a worthwhile fight in our hometowns.
Jan 30, 2022 13 tweets 3 min read
Those closest to the people, should be closest to the power. They should be directing and guiding decisions — not foot soldiers to marching orders. That goes for how state parties operate. Turning folks (officers) away from a meeting b/c of registration? Doesn’t seem democratic. I was turned away today for the NCDP SEC meeting. A meeting where — we were voting on the NCDP budget for this year. I hadn’t registered for the meeting, though I thought I had. And I explained that. Yet, I serve as a sitting state party officer + I was told I could not attend.
Mar 17, 2021 19 tweets 5 min read
For the past three months, I’ve worked with @RuralOrganizing on a project conducting exit interviews with #rural organizers from across the country this past cycle to learn what happened. We talked to 70+ organizers and here’s what I learned:… First, I should note how vital it is we collect data on what happened after an election. Too often, organizers, who are constantly engaging the grassroots, are let go afterwards and their volunteers/connections/experience/ideas go with them...
Oct 23, 2019 11 tweets 8 min read
During my first week on the ground in Iowa, a woman came up to me and said, “I’m a single mom, I work two jobs, and I have two kids at home. I won’t answer the phone when you call me and I won’t be at home when you canvass me. How is your campaign reaching me?”

(thread) 🗣 I told her I didn’t have an answer, but that I would find one. And low and behold, that’s when @bentoniavoices became an ambassador for @mamas4kamala— a grassroots movement of caregivers across this country who want to see @KamalaHarris as our next POTUS.
Sep 6, 2019 12 tweets 4 min read
I tell people all the time that campaigning in Iowa is different than anywhere else. And I’ve been trying to find the best way to explain what I mean by that. Tonight, I was knocking doors in Poweshiek County, and met Lamoyne, a former county supervisor there. #IACaucus We began talking about the caucus and the importance of personal interactions with caucus-goers.

When I asked what issues he sees in the community, he talked a lot about concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs).