How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App ONLY did Jeremy call the woman who graffitied the Warsaw Ghetto wall with anti-Israel messaging his “very good friend”; 2019-2023, nearly one-quarter of all UK arms exports went to Qatar. Qatar has played a massive role in supplying Ansar Allah (Houthis) and Al-Islah (Muslim Brotherhood) factions with weapons and resources sowing misery and death in Yemen and disrupting global trade. the film, it was the indigenous Guaraní who send the Jesuit priest over the waterfall tied to a cross. Who are the Guaraní in this scenario? And is Steve suggesting that Corbyn is a colonising European bringing Christianity to the “heathen” indigenous people? /2 didn't just recite the infamous chant that invokes the slaughter of Jews, she also praised hate preacher al-Qaradawi as a "moral compass" despite his call to "kill the Jews, down to the very last one," and his thoughts about the best way gay people should be killed.