Adam Hibbert 🎗️ Profile picture
Tactical voting got us into this mess. We need change. So vote with your conscience, not for the least bad. Promoted by the SDP, 72 Bath Street, Glasgow G2 4JR
Oct 16 9 tweets 3 min read
I wonder, @RosieDuffield1, is there any point engaging with this Tory administration in @Kent_cc, or are they all brain-dead, toothless seatwarmers?

There appears to be zero scrutiny, zero accountability, a total indifference to the welfare of the families in their schools. After some correspondence, they grudgingly suspended access to the problematic guidance, which was subject to a legal review in Oxfordshire, but immediately replaced it with links to both a Stonewall pack and an arguably worse Allsorts pack, which was retracted shortly after.
Mar 8, 2022 23 tweets 5 min read
In honour of #IWD, a fairly in-depth thread on what the core issue is with the Bill @ScotGov has introduced. Lot of folks like @MhairiHunter and @agcolehamilton are spinning this as simple admin, as Sturgeon did last night. That's a lie.

Thread: De-medicalising transgender identification cannot be understood as an isolated, technical matter. Removing the medical hurdle will be to complete a profound shift in our institutional posture towards trans issues, from a healthcare framing, onto a human rights framing.