Helen Redmond © Profile picture
Senior Editor/Multimedia Journo, https://t.co/v5hLD6mnxU… nicotine, vaping, methadone, co-director Swallow THIS: A Documentary About Methadone & COVID-19
Jan 19, 2022 12 tweets 3 min read
A 🧵on dual use. What is "dual use?" When it comes to quitting combustible tobacco - cigarettes - a person continues to smoke but ALSO vapes. We see dual use with people who take methadone or buprenorphine & continue to use illicit opioids (use on top) But dual use is also seen in other attempts at behavior change. Ever try to eat more healthy? You eat brown rice but still go to Burger King on the regular. You get double cheese burgers with bacon, DON'T hold the🍟! But you like brown rice, too
Mar 2, 2020 8 tweets 3 min read
Yo @ben_stockton in your piece on IQOS, Professor Johanna Cohen is described as the "director of the Institute for Global Tobacco Control at John Hopkins University." You neglect to mention that Dr. Cohen is "Bloomberg Professor of Disease Prevention at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health." That is how she is described on the Hopkins website. Why leave out the Bloomberg designations? #justsaying
Nov 5, 2019 6 tweets 3 min read
There is no group of people that public health has stigmatized more than smokers. For decades they have produced materials that shame & blame smokers, tell them they are stupid, are going to die painful deaths, it's their fault they got cancer. It is astonishing. Here is a video from the DYSDOH "Cigarettes are eating you alive." From the CDC youtube.com/user/NYSDOH Another from the CDC They are lurid, disrespectful, sickening.