Arkadi Gerney Profile picture
New Yorker in Washington. Father. Married to Nancy Meakem. Policy / politics / grilling. 4 rules. 3 mgmt principles. 1 codicil.
Oct 6, 2018 9 tweets 2 min read
Yes, we absolutely must vote in the mid-terms.

But, in the next 30 days, and the next 300, and the 3000 days after that—we should also grapple with something else.

Naturalistic Fallacy and its place in our assumptions about American democracy.... Naturalistic Fallacy is the habit of confusing what IS for what OUGHT to be.

It's the tendency that so many of us have to look at the world as it IS—trees, Congress, shoes, courts—and ascribe some higher value to these things than some other formulation of what things COULD BE.
Mar 25, 2018 148 tweets 62 min read
The #MarchForOurLives on the covers of 154 US Newspapers. 👇 Tucson, AZ #MarchForOurLives :