Aidan Courtney Profile picture
Founder and director of tech companies. Opinions are hopefully informed, invariably Keynesian. Also at @KWWK_Consulting
LittleGravitas 🇪🇺 🇪🇸 🇺🇦 🇮🇱 🇵🇸 #FBPE Profile picture Heinz-Peter Stohl Profile picture 2 subscribed
Dec 23, 2022 19 tweets 4 min read
An annual thread on Brexit

TLDR: Brexit is similar to US Prohibition (which lasted 13 years). Brexit won’t end soon but won’t last forever, so take a 10+ year view.

Tweeting on it once a year gives me time to think. This is #slowtwitter 1/19 To recap, last year I tweeted about some of the similarities between Brexit and US Prohibition. But there is much more to say. If the similarity holds, I still have 10 years or more to make the comments, hence an annual thread. 2/19

Dec 24, 2021 20 tweets 4 min read
Just finished re-reading @okrent ‘s masterful history of US Prohibition, Last Call, and cannot overstate the parallels with #Brexit

TLDR: The campaign for Prohibition succeeded, but its implementation failed. Yet it took 13 years to reverse. Take a 10+ year view of Brexit. 1/20 Image Like Brexit, the temperance movement which led to Prohibition was driven by growing disillusionment of those who felt that 'their' country was changing too fast. Rooted in rural communities/small towns, it was radicalised as a reaction to the growth of the major cities. 2/20