Aleksandra Lewicki Profile picture
Reader in Sociology @SussexSocCrim & Co-Director @SEI_Sussex: Politics of Race in Europe, Migration, Political Activism, Ass.Editor @scmrjems
Jan 12, 2023 8 tweets 5 min read
OUT NOW: A new special issue of @scmrjems on ‘Race, Racialisation and the East of the European Union’ edited by @i_kalmar & @aleks_lewicki – the collection examines the role of various dynamics of racialisation in crafting ideas about ‘Eastern Europe’. A short summary (1 of 8): (2) The introduction by @i_kalmar situates the collection within dynamics of racial capitalism, which (re)produces racism against ‘Eastern Europeans’, but also racism by people from Europe’s East towards those positioned as non-European or ‘further East’:
Jan 10, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Very excited to start new pilot research together with @polina_manolova and @DrKristianShaw - the project is funded by a British Academy seed corn grant and called ‘Invisible grammars of resistance? Exploring political subjectivities after East-West migration in Europe’: (2) The focus is on 'labour struggles', 'border struggles' & 'struggles for political rights' in Britain and Germany - and the creative repertoires of resistance that they bring about.
Nov 18, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
My new paper argues that people from Europe's East are distinctively, yet ambigiously racialised in Europe's West. ‘Eastern Europe’ is inferiorized within Europe, but at the same time often positioned within global racialised categories of ‘Europeanness’. A short summary (5) (2) This distinctive racialisation, I argue, is not a product of 21st century mobilities but reflects and reproduces the longstanding peripheralization of the region.
May 26, 2021 11 tweets 4 min read
1/11 Gesundheitsminister @jensspahn @bmg_bund
macht Verwandtschaftsbesuche in der Türkei und auf dem Balkan verantwortlich für einen hohen Anteil an Neuinfektionen im Vorfeld der 2. #Covid-19 Welle. Einige Fragen aus wissenschaftlicher Sicht (@MDIntegration): 2/11 Auf welche Daten stützt sich diese Aussage? Geben die ihm vorliegenden Daten Einblick in den Zweck der Reise? Lassen Sie Rückschlüsse auf die ethnische Herkunft der Reisenden zu?
May 24, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
A bit of personal news - @NeilDooley and I taking over as Co-Directors of the Sussex European Institute @SussexPolitics @sussexsociology. The @SEI_Sussex will be a space for thinking about inequality, European 'peripheries' & the post-Brexit landscape: Its a great honour to say the least - I for one am scared and excited in equal measure :-)