Alex Otti Profile picture
Governor, Abia State. Tweets by me are signed AO.
Jan 1, 2024 4 tweets 9 min read
A Journey of Great Expectations


1. Umu nne m Ndi Abia, I joyfully welcome all of us to the New Year, 2024. We thank the Almighty God for preserving our lives over the past year and for bringing us into the joy of what promises to be a great cycle for our people.

2.We also remember our loved ones who journeyed to their final resting place and all who suffered different forms of personal tragedies in the past year. We pray for peace to the souls of the deceased, fortitude to the families of the bereaved, and restoration to all who went through painful losses in the last 12 months.

3.2023 was a watershed moment in the political history of our great State and I am most grateful to God and the individuals and groups He used in resetting the political direction of our beloved Abia. Nothing that was achieved in our political history in the past year could have happened without the divine direction and infinite support of the Almighty who orders human events as it pleases Him. We therefore give all honour, adoration and glory to our Heavenly Father.

4. We have marched victoriously into the New Year and I join every family in the state to celebrate the joy of a new beginning. We have been called to embrace the New Year with great hope and optimism, confident that no challenge, however daunting, shall overwhelm us.

5. The past year offered us the opportunity to take back our collective destiny and I am glad we drove home the message that in a democracy, power belongs to the people. It was the year the majority came to a consensus that we had stayed for far too long on the mountain of mediocrity and failure, and needed to advance forward to reach the Promised Land.

6. Although we are still far from our desired destination, the fact, as attested to by many, including apolitical observers, and even honest partisan watchers in other political camps, is that Abia is changing for the better and a new sense of optimism is emerging about our dear state and its future.

7. With our modest accomplishments in the last six months on road reconstruction and rehabilitation, especially in Aba and Umuahia, reinvigoration of the health and education sectors, restoration of security in communities that had been previously overrun by criminal gangs, effective urban waste management, prompt payment of salaries, support to the economically poor and vulnerable amongst others, it is evident that we are on a mission to rebuild and restore the glory of our fatherland.

8. Umu nne m, you may wish to recall that while speaking to you shortly after we took the oath of office on May 29, 2023, we made a solemn commitment that we shall make regular payment of salaries and pensions a priority. It gladdens my heart to report that our workers and retirees now know exactly when their entitlements will be paid and thankfully, we have never failed them. In the New Year, as we had promised, we shall review the salaries of all the employees of the State Government upwards to reflect the economic realities of the time. Work on this is in the final stages.

9.Beyond our strides in improving the social and economic conditions of the Abia public, we have also done very well in fostering harmonious relationships with the other arms of government, the legislature and the judiciary, providing all the necessary support as we consistently build trust in ways that make for robust engagements in the discharge of our constitutional responsibilities to Ndi Abia.

10.The media, members of the civil society, traditional, religious and community leaders have been very supportive in driving the message of the New Abia to all parts of the state. May I assure you that we do not take your goodwill for granted.

11.The year 2024 will be our year of consolidation on the gains made in the past 7 months.Image We recently signed the 2024 appropriation bill of N567.02 into law after It had been passed by the State House of Assembly. To show the direction of this government, an unprecendented 84% of this sum has been earmarked for capital expenditure including road projects, rebuilding and remodelling of schools and hospitals and a proposal to build a best-in-class medical village in the State to stem the tide of medical tourism by our citizens.
12.Beyond the huge sums which the state shall be investing in the critical sectors to spur economic growth, create employment opportunities and revive local businesses, particularly MSMEs, we have already been engaging members of the organised private sector to take advantage of our business-friendly policies to invest in the State, especially in manufacturing, trade and commerce, transportation, mass housing schemes, hospitality, sports and tourism. Our general approach as a government is to create the right environment to support the success of businesses in ways that enable job creation and the expansion of opportunities for individuals and local entrepreneurs in all parts of the state.

has been at the heart of our transformation and reform agenda. We shall move to a new gear in 2024 starting with the digitization of the operations of our public institutions for ease of access and efficiency in service delivery. We shall also leverage the advantages of technology to drive state-wide human capital development, economic empowerment of the youth and most importantly, job creation in high-reward areas, especially outside our geographical borders.

14.The world is changing rapidly and we cannot afford to be left behind. ICT offers us a pathway to sustained socio-economic development. As a government, we are keen to take advantage of the opportunities emerging therein to advance our governance objectives.

office, working closely with the ministries of science and technology and digital economy and SMEs, has articulated the State’s strategic blueprint for the ICT sector. In the New Year, the components, including hands-on training and exposure, business plan competition with financial grants and seed funding to those with bankable ideas, mentorship and so much more shall be rolled out for the benefit of all interested participants.

16.Recently, I signed the Greater Aba Development Authority (GADA) bill as passed by the State House of Assembly into law. GADA, on the strength of the law setting it up, will drive the holistic development of Aba into a functional, modern mega city, supporting enterprise growth, family life and leisure as promised in our manifesto.

17. In 2024, we shall continue our policy of being attentive to the needs of the poor and vulnerable. In addition to our independent initiatives aimed at supporting economically disadvantaged individuals and families, we shall continue to honour our commitments in the various programmes of the multilateral agencies we are subscribed to, mainly ones that are targeted at persons living in chronic poverty, nursing mothers and those with difficult medical conditions.

18.The State recently secured the support of the European Union to develop a robust social register. When completed, the Abia Social Register will direct our allocation of resources to the vulnerable. Additionally, it will help relevant agencies of government to monitor how the various programmes and initiatives sponsored by the State and its Partners impact them.

19.Before the end of this month, we shall be setting up an international body of advisers known as Abia Global Economic Advisory Board, (GEAB) made up of accomplished internationally recognised experts from across the globe who will help in our journey to take our state to the world as a preferred investment destination.13.Technology
May 24, 2021 51 tweets 9 min read

Nigeria’s National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) published its report recently on unemployment. In the said report, the rate of unemployment as at the last quarter of 2020 stood at 33.3% representing an increase of [...]

#OutsideTheBox ImageImage 2/ 6.2% when compared with the Quarter 2 unemployment rate of 27.1%. Breaking the numbers down, the NBS stated that the total labour force, meaning persons within the ages of 15 and 64, was 122m, showing an increase of 5m from the labour force of 117m people in Quarter 2.
Mar 29, 2021 59 tweets 10 min read

Earlier in the week, someone sent me a video of a news item about the ministers and senior government officials of Uganda sleeping at a major conference where the President of the country, [...] 2/ Yoweri Museveni, was giving an important address. The list of the sleeping officialswasshockingly long and includedThe Vice President, the Prime Minister and his Deputy, and the Finance Minister.
Feb 1, 2021 55 tweets 9 min read

It was sometime in October 1984. I had just been admitted to study Economics at the University of Port Harcourt. After processing my papers and having been registered, [...]

#OutsideTheBox 2/ I proceeded to the Students Affairs Office where the halls of residence were allotted. After the fairly long process, I ended up at the Nelson Mandela Hall. My new hall of residence had 6 blocks: A to F, and each block comprised 4 floors with multiple rooms.
Oct 22, 2020 10 tweets 2 min read
1/ It is regrettable that government authorities have failed for years to intervene to stop the acts of violence and brutality perpetrated against innocent Nigerians by security agents for too long, which has obviously culminated in the present anger and frustration being [...] 2/ expressed by protesters across the country. Peaceful protest by citizens is one of the universally recognized democratic rights which cannot be taken away from citizens.
Jun 8, 2020 54 tweets 10 min read

Before going into the main issue of the day, permit me to delve into a story that will serve as its backdrop. The story has to do with the trials and triumphs of a very well-known Nigerian public figure, Peter Gregory Obi. 2/ Love him or hate him, many people agree that Peter Obi is one of the few leaders of the country that has his head properly screwed on his neck.
Mar 9, 2020 56 tweets 9 min read

1/ Today, I am going to depart slightly from my tradition of avoiding any discussion relating to my previous life in the last financial institution that I headed, namely, the erstwhile Diamond Bank PLC.

#OutsideTheBox 2/ I will, however, disappoint those who are expecting me to comment on some of the more recent events in the bank. My response remains that I do not have the anointing to know what is happening at, and to, a place that I left more than six years ago.
Jan 27, 2020 49 tweets 8 min read

There is this popular Lagos saying that people have the tendency of looking for opportunities or valuables in Sokoto when in fact, those opportunities exist in ‘shokoto’ also spelt as Sokoto, but pronounced differently. 2/ Sokoto is the Capital of Sokoto State in Nigeria which is understood to be very far from Lagos. It is about 980 kilometers away from Lagos and can take a better part of a day’s journey by road depending on the state of the road and the speed of travel.
Dec 23, 2019 55 tweets 10 min read

1/ We live in a dynamic world where numerous ideas are constantly being introduced by creative and daring minds.

#OutsideTheBox 2/ These radical innovations live or die purely on the strength of how they are received by a discriminating society that has the freedom to choose and which votes literally with its wallet. The only sad situation is that for us in Nigeria, >
Oct 14, 2019 55 tweets 10 min read
1/ Your Revenue is Not Too Low, Your Costs are Too High:

For several years now, our annual budgets have consistently not been fully implemented. The main reason for this is that our revenue projections have continued to exceed our actual revenue generation.

#Thread 2/ Even when the budgets are prepared based on realistic estimates, there would always be some unexpected events that throw the projections completely off. For instance, given our dependence on crude oil, the volatility in oil prices is such that projections based on the