allen farrington Profile picture
misery, poverty, sickness, and death
6 subscribers
Mar 17, 2024 31 tweets 6 min read
I can't believe I've been nerd sniped into this but, oh well, here goes, as long as it takes to thoroughly debunk ...

the very first sentence gives away an unforgivable conceptual flaw. there is no such thing as "deflationary money," only degrees of inflation.

1/n now it's not so much that these semantics are important, but the misunderstanding to which they point: prices do not go down because of the properties of a given money, they go down because of capital accumulation.

Oct 6, 2023 14 tweets 3 min read
"but who will invest?"

is the joint-stupidest argument against sound money, amongst all the others.

let's investigate:

- capital allocation will originate with savings rather than collateralized lending.

- this means it will create robustness rather than fragility.

- it means the allocators will be those who have successfully generated a return in the past rather than those who are politically connected.

- it means the required and expected rate of return will be above the average of successfully deployed capital rather than ...

Apr 20, 2023 13 tweets 4 min read
once you get past all the political BS, this report is actually both fascinating and hilarious because McKinsey walks you step-by-step through how central banking destroys risk pricing ...

... entirely unintentionally! they have no idea that this is what they are explaining 🤣 if you can be bothered with the sign-up you should read it yourself, but here is the TLDR of how they manage this:

first they note that low rates squeezes spread industries. so far so good.…
Mar 23, 2023 25 tweets 5 min read
this is very confusing even to bitcoiners.

a sound money's value goes up because it enables capital accumulation that magnifies productivity and increases output.

this *means* the value of your time goes up. it can't fail to mean this. your wages will not drop. note this is not the same as saying that you might be happy with lower wages and may, in real terms, still be earning more on a lower nominal wage.

many may choose to do this.

the argument is about whether wages *have to go down* because of "deflationary money".

they do not.
Mar 21, 2023 4 tweets 3 min read
open question for fiatbros:

how do you think this is going to end? seriously, what's your plan? does the debt ever come down? does inflation ever stop? if so, *how*? *precisely how*?

"see no evil, hear no evil" is not an answer. evil is afoot and you need to act. essentially, you need to provide a thorough refutation of @parkeralewis's brilliant Ender's Game.

reading this may have been the single most important step in my understanding of the importance of bitcoin, so you could even change my mind! imagine that!…
Feb 7, 2023 14 tweets 4 min read
this is so incredibly stupid it's funny.

not only do these clowns have no idea what "money" is, they don't even seem to understand how their own bullshit system of money works:… you know what, let's go through it one incredibly stupid paragraph at a time:

"hoarding" is meaningless. it means "not spending" of which the regime disapproves because it has degenerate macroeconomic pretensions.

if you can't hoard money, it's not money.
Sep 15, 2022 19 tweets 3 min read
you guys are watching the 39th international rhythmic gymnastics world championships too, right? if not, don’t worry, for I shall be live tweeting them for your reading pleasure 👍
Sep 7, 2022 24 tweets 7 min read
time for some liquid simping 💙🧡

to my mind, the game-changing use case for @Liquid_BTC (and really, when you think even harder about it, for elements) is as a level of infrastructure for which there *shouldn't be* a use case yet because we are too early.

1/n it's as a way to digitize securities (and possibly even more abstractly defined financial products) in order to give them two key characteristics: i) similar p2p properties to bitcoin itself, and ii) native manipulation of bitcoin itself as the associated cash flow.

Jul 25, 2022 38 tweets 11 min read
this is an interesting thread but I feel like I should offer some commentary from a bitcoiner perspective:

note these aren't the only ways to use bitcoin, they are just example ideas.

Jun 30, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
I stopped reading The Entrepreneurial State after about 20 pages because I was unwilling to tolerate this flagrantly agenda-driven disingenuous nonsense: Sergey Brin had funding for his Stanford CompSci PhD from the NSF, and Google was set up *with 2 other people* to commercialize the product of *their* research.

"the government funded Google" is so deliberately deceptive it's basically just a lie.
Jun 30, 2022 10 tweets 3 min read
everybody running around saying (some variation of): "Celsius, 3AC, etc aren't defi" - I really don't think you realize how stupid you sound or how much of a self-own this is.

pull up a chair and I'll tell you a tale 🧵 these Centralized Financiers (see what I did there?) blew up because *and only because* they had leveraged exposure to genuinely defi assets.

so far so boring - anybody can lever up and get exposure to anything and it's not the fault of that thing when they implode.

Jun 22, 2022 15 tweets 3 min read
fwiw I didn't do a great job just then of articulating where the value comes from that is then skimmed for "yield".

I'll try to do better here just so there is at least a record of it:

when I say the yields are fake and/or bullshit, I don't mean they don't happen.

yes, they are onchain. yes, you can follow the price discovery in the market through to the matching of borrower and lender and the payment of interest.

it has to first exist to then object to it.

the objection is that it has no economically viable origin.

Jun 13, 2022 9 tweets 3 min read
every single tweet in this thread is wrong. the ignorance is truly impressive. a meta-thread.

money is not a public good, it is a common pool resource. read Bitcoin Is Venice: A Capital Renaissance, or Money As A Commons.

Jun 12, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
I have discovered objectively the coolest game of life starting state. unfortunately, it looks a bit like a swastika 🙄

but look, try it out and I promise you'll get hella non-nazi vibes! I was tryna rebuild it and discovered this one is fun too:
Jun 10, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
I have married my Bulgarian Princess and can take my rightful place as King of the Slavs! Image ImageImageImageImage
May 6, 2022 19 tweets 4 min read
so get this: mainstream macroeconomists are *kinda* right about the Phillips curve but they have no idea why.


if your monetary system is structured such that money *is debt* and hence unbacked credit expansion is almost always the most appealing form of finance ...

... then naturally you will misallocate spectacular quantities of capital in consumption and investment patterns that depend on its artificial cheapness.

you will also become unsustainably leveraged (kinda the same thing but from a different perspective) ...

May 6, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
inflation destroys the social fabric.

from A Piece Of The Action by Joe Nocera or,
Jan 15, 2022 14 tweets 3 min read
a speculative copium PSA:

while millions of adults will never recover from the trauma of two years of fear, lies, and manipulation, a generation of children and young adults will grow up waaaaaay above-baseline suspicious of authority and sensitive to incipient authoritarianism. as vaguely relevant observational evidence, consider formerly communist eastern Europe: while many such countries have had and still have ridiculous rules (where true, largely due to EU pressure) basically nobody actually cares. the rules aren't enforced and the only people ...
Sep 25, 2021 30 tweets 6 min read
I'm sorry but you can't hide behind "you just want the government to clamp down on your competitors!" as an excuse for financial illiteracy.

if I grant that many specific securities laws are stupid, will you grant that the concept of "a security" is a meaningful one?

🧵⏰ ... there are a lot of dummies on here trying to out-ancap one another by claiming that in a "free market" it's buyer beware and you live and you learn, blah blah blah

they don't seem to realize that they aren't arguing for freedom so much as for the freedom to get away with fraud.
Sep 19, 2021 6 tweets 8 min read
🧡 Only The Strong Survive 🧡

A Philosophical, Technical, and Economic Critique of Prospects in “Crypto” Beyond Bitcoin

by yours truly and my partner in crime, @Big_Al256, who, it cannot be denied, hits dingers.… sincere thanks to @muneeb, @resistancemoney, @dhruvbansal, @benthecarman, @TuurDemeester, @RyanTheGentry, @dergigi, @joekelly100, @AlyseKilleen, @coryklippsten, @Theo_Mog, @Excellion, @jlppfeffer, @balajis, @starkness, @intangiblecoins, and @giacomozucco ...
Aug 17, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
closed networks only ever beat distributed networks because the distributed network lacks some utility as a fundamental feature of its design that the closed alternative supplies, either from scratch or by variations on embrace, extend, extinguish:

1/n… the idea of distributed energy suffers from the transience of generated power and the inability to reliably match supply and demand, hence lacks a guaranteed buyer that the centralized grid provides.

#bitcoin fixes this.
