Ex-@StgMiraMedia @OpenSociety @CEU but that's a while ago. Originally studied E-European history. Love elections, maps, charts. Also on Bluesky, better there.
Feb 25 • 13 tweets • 9 min read
Thread: how Die Linke almost died in its efforts to escape a demographic trap — and was vindicated in the end. 1/
As precursor to Die Linke, the PDS was long foretold an organic death. As generational party for aging Ossis, motivated by disgruntlement about post-unification economic hardships and cultural resentments, its fate was to die out over time, surely.
Mar 21, 2024 • 18 tweets • 7 min read
Since my post about the frighteningly right-wing skew of younger voters in Portugal triggered one or two too many generalizations, a couple of brief examples of how wildly these trends vary across Europe.
In Germany, at least so far, the far right tends to do best with the middle age groups (federally but in most state elex too). The youngest voters skew left, but not by much; mostly they just pick different parties on each side (Greens, FDP vs SPD, CDU):
Bunch of stuff to take away from this map I made about a #Eurobarometer question on support for military aid to #Ukraine — but one is to be wary of anyone who holds forth about what "East-Europeans" think of the war in Ukraine.
(That massive north-south contrast should help deconstruct the once ubiquitous label "Central and Eastern Europe"!)
Here's the map on % agreement with military support to #Ukraine. Over 85% in the Nordic countries, Poland, Lithuania, and the Netherlands: datawrapper.de/_/ix0A0/