RinArtssance Profile picture
23 || I write drabbles and no to little art || bkdkbk || bnha/jjk/GO/OFMD
Mar 11, 2023 55 tweets 10 min read
#bkdk a/b/o fantasy au, one sided krdk

Where annually there is a festival in their town that celebrates their dynamics. It is also the time when people are encouraged to scent the person they want to court. Being one of the people with an unattractive smell, Deku is on his toes every festival-- wearing his very own hand-made scent patches everytime.

As he walked around the festival, he feels a hand run over his back and suddenly his senses sharpen. Turning around to see Kirishima looking at him with those puppy eyes, begging for a chance.
Jan 29, 2023 43 tweets 8 min read
#bkdk sad prompt(?)

Deku pushes himself on the swing, "What do you think is the easiest way for a person to do to lose a friend?" He asks.

Bakugo scoffs, "Telling them how they feel. Love can be very awkward between friends."

"I love you." Deku says without missing a beat. Bakugo stares at Deku and laughs, incredulous. "Ha? Deku, what are you on?"

Deku says nothing and continues to play with the swing, refusing to look at Bakugo. Bakugo grip tightens around the handle as he bites the inside of his lip.

"Oi, you're kidding, are you?"
Jan 29, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read

"Where the fuck is he?!" Bakugo shouts to the police as he barrels past them.

At the same time, the hero Deku walks up the rubble with his blackwhip supporting him as he walks limply. In his hand was a child clutching for dear life on his costume. Bakugo runs up to them, sighing with relief as he helps Deku down.

"Come on give me the kid and the medic will--" He tries to take the kid but he held on tighter crying harder as he hand onto Deku.
Jan 28, 2023 35 tweets 6 min read

Deku likes Bakugo. Everybody knows that, even Bakugo.

"Well, I guess it's out haha" Deku scratches the back of his head, "I wasn't exactly good at hiding it, aren't I?" He laughs.

Bakugo glances at him and says nothing. Not wanting this to be the reason for them to be tense with each other, Deku forces a smile and adds,

"Don't worry, Kacchan. It's more admiration than love so it wouldn't be a problem or anything."

Bakugo hums, "It better." Unknowingly cutting a part of Deku's heart.
Dec 8, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
#bkdk where Bakugo sees the second ofa user around Deku but he's the only one he sees. And obv don't know that he's an ofa user so Bakugo assumes that Deku got hit by a quirk and the one hanging around him is what Deku manifest to be his ideal man or type. It almost all checks out that Bakugo is close to what Deku's type is. Spiky hair, sharp eyes, (cool scars), broad and strong shoulders and build. But it actually pisses Bakugo off why he isn't the /one/ to actually be Deku's type when he's already everything that checked out.
Dec 6, 2022 52 tweets 9 min read
#bkdk tw blood, angst

"That's the problem with you, Deku!" Bakugo shouts, they walked through the crowd arguing over something Bakugo forgot about that turned into something bigger than it should've. "You're so fucking self-righteous, and don't fucking what's wrong with what." "What?! Self-righteous?!" Deku argues back. Bakugo crosses the road, not hearing any more of Deku's retorts.

"It's not my fucking fault you're blinded by your insecurity!"

Bakugo snaps and turns to him but he sees Deku running up to him.
Dec 5, 2022 17 tweets 3 min read

Bakugo going to "business trip" when his /arranged/ marriage is getting closer and meeting Deku, a new pastry shop owner who clearly has potential for pastry making but isn't really making much progress with his business. He helps the shop owner of the small town with his shop. Slowly and surely they fall in love with each other, until his mother's assistant finds Bakugo to take him home.
Nov 16, 2022 63 tweets 10 min read
#bkdk sad || do not trust me

"Are you lost?" The greenette asks as he assess Bakugo, who was soaked from the rain.

A beat, "No." He mutters. "I just don't have anywhere else to go." "Yeah, it is raining cats and dogs out there. Come in, come in. You can stay here for the night." The greenette invites him in with a smile. "The name is Deku, by the way."

Bakugo hums, "Kacchan."

"Oh, what a cute name! Haha come in, Kacchan."
Nov 10, 2022 28 tweets 5 min read
#bkdk fantasy au

Mute Deku finding injured Bakugo who is in his dragon form. Deku has read about dragons, but have never really encountered them before now.

Bakugo refuses to let the man treat his injuries and stayed in his dragon form. The dragon's injury is not getting any better, and Deku has been signing to him trying to get him to finally give in and let the man help him.

But Bakugo was stubborn. And Deku was, well, even more stubborn. He stayed with the dragon at the other side of the river bed.
Oct 27, 2022 17 tweets 3 min read
What happens when a ghost gets hanahaki?

#bkdk where ghost deku gets hanahaki for Bkg and since Deku is technically see through Bkg sees the flower that's suddenly growing inside Deku 👁👁 Bakugo trying to grab the flowers out of Deku but he can't...

The flowers has been eating away Deku's energy spirit but Deku doesn't really notice it because he is just a ghost. Happens all the time (he thinks but Bakugo knows better)

Oct 27, 2022 24 tweets 4 min read

Where Bakugo want to help Deku with anything but like Deku's quirks are very convinient especially blackwhip that he doesn't really need that much help.

Bakugo curses him, "You and your stupid quirks." He says then mumbles, "Fucking blackwhip." Deku didn't really hear what he mumbled but because the other OFAs were there and 6th is the most nosy one, he heard it.

So then the Banjo took it personally and then Deku has to ask Bakugo to be nice and say sorry to Banjo.
Oct 19, 2022 20 tweets 4 min read

Oftentimes, Bakugo would find himself staring at his ceiling wondering what would've happened if he wasn't the person he was back then.

If he was nice to Deku and had actually put his pride aside to be his friend. How different would he be? How different would his life would be?

Somehow, Bakugo can imagine it but it all feels fake in a way he couldn't understand.

It may be a good thing, yet it also feels wrong if that were the case between him and Deku.

It felt... empty. Lacking.
Oct 16, 2022 35 tweets 7 min read

"You're dating him because he loves olives?" Hearing it from Bakugo, the more Deku felt like his reasons for dating are getting more and more ridiculous. Which, in all honesty, it was.

Who can blame him?

"Yeah I mean," Deku shrugs, "You know the olive theory." "No I don't. And at this point, I don't think I wanna know."

Even after his complaint, Deku explains the olive theory in extreme detail to Bakugo. He could've just explained the theory in simpler words but they both had time to spare, so Deku just explained like he always did.
Oct 6, 2022 20 tweets 4 min read

Bakugo can't see Deku's face. It was bright, like literally bright because his face was glowing. It wasn't some kind of shit that people think that he's glowing in his eyes because he was in love with him or some shit but Deku's face was actually, quite literally glowing. "Whoa man! What happened to your face?! It's uhh glowing, and I can barely see your face."

Barely? Bakugo can't see jack shit.
Oct 2, 2022 33 tweets 6 min read

"I like Deku." Bakugo suddenly says.

Shinso turns to him, confused. "Okay? Are you telling me or are you only realizing it now?"

Bakugo stills. He stares at his bowl pf ramen before finishing the lasts of its soup. "I'm just realizing it now." "Congratulations, I guess." Shinso also finishes his and ask for his bill. "What's with the sullen look then?"

A pause.

"I don't know. It just feels... underwhelming." Bakugo held unto his heart.
Aug 5, 2022 26 tweets 5 min read

"Kacchan, the PR called me up earlier." Deku says, rubbing the back of his neck. He avoids looking at Bakugo and found his shoes much more comfortable to look at. "Right after you umm confessed to me." He mutters. Bakugo hums, "I know, Izuku. I was there." He proudly pointed at himself and says, "I'm the one who confessed to you."

Deku blushes, "I-- I actually am gonna give you an answer."


A pause.
Aug 3, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read

"Are you tired of loving me, Kacchan?" Deku asks quietly. Bakugo slowly turns to him, he gently takes Deku's hand and intertwines it on his own.

"It is tiring. But it is still love, isn't? " Bakugo replies, he lets Deku rest his head on his shoulder. He drew circles on Deku's hands with his thumb, "I guess there are times that it's hard keeping up with you. And, maybe even with the love you give." He adds.

"The love I give?"

Bakugo hums, "Yeah." He sighs and leans in to Deku. "It's hard. Tiring. Trying to match up to that."
Aug 3, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
#bkdk where pro heroes bkdk are interviewed and was asked about the most searched questions about them. Deku gets the most wholesome questions like, "How many freckles does Deku have?" . While Bakugo gets the most ridiculous ones like, "What is Dynamight's tits size." This would be the most ridiculous interview because the question is for Deku and Bkg is the one answering them all.
Jul 31, 2022 24 tweets 4 min read
#bkdk secret relationship au where they both don't know they're in a secret relationship but actually they do because they tell that lie to their friends but they never talked or asked each other about it. Case no. 1: Deku

Uraraka stares at Deku, sipping her coke. This gave Deku the worse case of anxiety as he waits for the girl to finally speak.
Jul 31, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read

Bkg: *tapping on his table*

Deku: *notices the tapping*

Deku, internally: oh, it's morse code... I wonder who Kacchan is sending it to.

Deku: *looks around the class and notices that no one is paying any mind to it* Huh

Bkg: *still tapping*

Deku: ig it wouldn't hurt Deku, writing it on paper: ..-. ..- -.-. -.- --..-- / .. / .-.. --- ...- . / -.. . -.- ..- .-.-.-

Deku, decoding it: *blushing in his seat*

Deku: *unknowingly (tap) reply back*
.. / .-.. --- ...- . / -.- .- -.-. -.-. .... .- -. / - --- --- .-.-.- .-.-.- .-.-.-
Jul 31, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
Now when i think about lrt ,,, i think about how i'd want a bkdk fic where Bakugo meets Deku's extended family. Yoichi, fourth, and nana are the only tolerable uncles and auntie. The others piss the fuck off Bakugo but they're Deku's family so he has to put up with it. Yoichi and second are married ofc... the second relates with Bakugo on the fact that the family is a mess to be with,,,

The uncles put Bakugo on a test for his love for Deku.