Andrea Mew Profile picture
♡ managing editor @IWFeatures @IWF + writer @evie_magazine ♡
Feb 13, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
A close friend sent me this email he received.

He’s a straight, white man in his twenties and he’s been SOL on a job hunt for MONTHS.

He applied for a program at an upcoming trade show — essentially a job fair.

Denied, based on “gender and other factors beyond your control." Image This wasn’t the first time he was denied a job based on his race.

A higher-up at a company told him that the hiring manager needed to go with a diversity hire… despite him being perfectly qualified for the job.

Disenfranchising men and cutting them off from work is disgusting.
Aug 29, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
Inclusivity apparently doesn’t apply to those who dare to have differing opinions from the progressive hegemony…

At least, that’s what Oberlin College demonstrated by chastising and gaslighting Kim Russell for recognizing biological differences between males and females... 🧵 When I met Kim, I couldn’t believe that this school would attempt to silence a woman known fondly as the “hippie love coach.”

Oberlin has a reputation as a “bastion for progressive politics,” but Kim told me it is most hypocritical institution she has ever worked for.
Jun 7, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
An adolescent therapist came to me with borderline unbelievable stories to tell about how ≈ 90% of her caseload is now transgender-identifying kids.

“We are being told, ‘Don’t investigate what’s going on. Don’t find out if they have a comorbid personality disorder or if they…… She told me that because pediatricians, children’s psychiatrists, and therapists are being discouraged from finding the root cause of their patient’s mental health issues, many are leaving the field entirely. Image
Aug 24, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
What if instead of forgiving student loan debt, we held the schools raking in millions of dollars through predatory practices accountable? After LBJ (arbiter of numerous big-government overreaches) expanded how the federal government financed colleges through the Higher Education Act.

Student loans became available to everyone without prerequisites for qualification, which made the student loan an ENTITLEMENT.
Jun 24, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
LOL great news: women are now afraid of casual relationships!

Not like we haven't been saying all along how destructive hook up culture is to your psyche, your personal value, and your soul 💁‍♀️ We've really come full circle. #SexStrike is trending.

Again, they act like not having casual sex is somehow a bad thing.…