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Jun 24th 2022
LOL great news: women are now afraid of casual relationships!

Not like we haven't been saying all along how destructive hook up culture is to your psyche, your personal value, and your soul 💁‍♀️
We've really come full circle. #SexStrike is trending.

Again, they act like not having casual sex is somehow a bad thing.…
"My Box is Sealed!"

"Put the pussy on strike NOW"

"Delete dating apps. Go dark. No sex till this is fixed."

"Can't touch it!"

It's almost as if... actions have consequences! And if you're not willing to be responsible, you shouldn't be messing around.
Read 4 tweets
May 4th 2022
I remember well my feelings in 1987 when I went to get an abortion. When I was accosted by the “probirthers” outside the abortion clinic who were harassing women using their PERSONAL FREEDOM to obtain the healthcare services provided by a @PPFA clinic. Bec they provide HC servs 2
2/It’s worrisome to me that #Yamiche is outside an abortion clinic interviewing ppl trying to seek services at the clinic.

When I went to get the abortion, I already knew I was pregnant but only a few weeks. Probirthers outside the clinic accosted me, screamed at me #deadlineWH
3/yelling for me not to kill my “baby”. They stuck signs in my face, followed me from my 🚗 in the parking lot all the way to the fence line in front of the clinic — where a staffer met me & escorted me inside — all the while ppl were screaming & threatening me. #DeadlineWH
Read 20 tweets
May 15th 2019
1/4 Hey #sexstrike Think you can just avoid pregnancy with an elective #hysterectomy? Think again. You don't get to get to make those decisions for yourself either. My 3rd high risk pregnancy in a row became an early emergency c-section… #moleg #hb126 #reprorights #stopthebans
2/4 I /my child had to almost die before Dr's would consider hysterectomy (post recovery). I was so scared of getting pregnant again, we had infrequent & wary sex until the operation was performed. Stop robbing women of freedom #moleg #sexstrike #hb126 #reprorights #stopthebans
3/4 Living in fear of unintended pregnancy robs you of personal #freedom. The only thing you CAN do to 100% prevent pregnancy? Not have sex. I didn’t want to die & couldn’t take #birthcontrol. #moleg #hb126 would rob my kids of their mom #sexstrike #reprorights #stopthebans
Read 5 tweets
May 14th 2019
Who's fooling whom?

If you are sitting inside a car, are you now the car?

If you are sitting inside a house, are you now the house?


A wiser man than me once put it this way: Just because a mouse lives in a cookie jar doesn't make him a cookie.

And so, just as surely as you are not a car or a house, a child in the uterus is not her mother, but her own, separate, unique biological entity, a life.
The "heartbeat" bills enacted, or being considered for enactment, in several States are part of a larger program of education. You see, for five decades, the abortion business trade groups and businesses have depended on a comfortable ignorance taking hold of the American mind.
Read 19 tweets
May 13th 2019
The #SexStrike tweet has reminded people of the Republican war against women.


These oppressive, regressive, forced-pregnancy bills are now being discussed in a serious manner on our national news cycle.


Please read on and share if it resonates.

2)GA will be the 4th state to pass a 6 week ban. 15 states have introduced legislation.

Alabama is set to pass a 2 week ban.

Elections matter. Think about this moment in time when you’re trying to figure out if it’s worth making the effort to vote. Please vote.

3)Texas had hearings on a bill to execute women who have had an abortion.

The Ohio bill suggests that an ectopic pregnancy should not be terminated but instead, re-implanted into the uterus, a procedure that doesn’t even exist.

Read 8 tweets
May 13th 2019
You think, “Nope, progressives can’t possibly be any dumber,” and then they proceed to reset the dumbness bar. The latest example is @Alyssa_Milano, who has publicly announced she’s not going to have sex anymore until people can once again kill babies without restraint.
Let’s review. Alyssa Milano is not going to have sex unless and until you allow her to kill babies. I am unclear on what our reaction is supposed to be. Does she expect us to pull a 180 on pre-birth infanticide in order to keep the Alyssa Option open?
Read 14 tweets
May 11th 2019
Let’s talk about the difference between #SexStrike & #StopFuckingShittyMen. Sex strike proposes that all women stop having sex (with men its implied I think, no clue if queer women are supposed to stop fucking each other here) in order to punish men or raise awareness.
As some have already noted, this perpetuates the idea that sex is the only bargaining chip women have & that sex is the only reason men will listen to us. I’m not on board at all. But folks may think that the Sex Strike is no different than my recent proposal.
#StopFuckingShittyMen is about centering women’s sexual needs (don’t fuck men who don’t care about your pleasure or who make you feel bad about your body) as well as refusing to participate in sex with men who don’t deserve our time, attention or bodies.
Read 5 tweets
May 11th 2019
I hate this
Also I hate the idea that not having sex is a punishment for men but not for women - I like sex! Why should I deprive myself of it?

And lots of women don't fuck men anyway!
Read 9 tweets

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