Ani O'Brien Profile picture
Like good faith disagreements & principled people. Dislike disingenuousness & Foucault. Care about women’s rights, justice, & democracy. Opinions my own ⚢
4 subscribers
Jan 7 39 tweets 14 min read
Unbelievably it seems I need to provide evidence for my assertion that Andrew Tate is a misogynist, exploiter, human trafficker, & an appalling person to run a political party.
So here is a thread of some examples. Some are straight from the horse's mouth, others are reports that get called a smear campaign. I think there is enough evidence that he is awful. Samantha is a victim of the British rape gangs. The first sentence is straight up sexist. Tate claims to be entering politics because of the grooming/rape gangs & yet this is how he treats a vicitm. Image
Sep 8, 2024 12 tweets 3 min read
Why should any woman, let alone a minister, be required to participate in the oppression of her sex? Seems Phillip has never met a restriction of women's rights he didn't support aggressively. Image
May 11, 2024 46 tweets 16 min read
These are of course in addition to the fact that women (and most men) want single sex spaces in which to pee & poo.
🚽🧻🚾🚻🧴🚿🛀 Britain doing almost exactly the same law change that @winstonpeters and @nzfirst have drafted…
Jun 29, 2023 49 tweets 16 min read
The number of people who tweet me acting as if they know me (usually don't even follow me) is quite extraordinary. I tweet primarily about politics & women's rights. Occasionally I tweet tidbits about my life, but mostly I comment on things, don't share personal details. I get constant tweets calling me names & casting aspersions on my character. I mute anyone who is abusive so I don't see a section of NZ Twitter but I get sent screenshots by wellmeaning people. I live rent free in these people's heads. Or a version of me they have invented does.
Apr 17, 2023 6 tweets 4 min read
People seem to struggle to believe that schools would be transitioning kids without telling their parents in NZ. This is from just 1 resource recommended on MoE website. It misrepresents the Privacy Act. The Govt is promoting this.… ImageImageImageImage This is the plan that this promoted in the resources supplied on the govt website.… ImageImageImage
Mar 25, 2023 32 tweets 6 min read
🧵 I thought I’d share what i was going to read out at #LetWomenSpeakAuckland - some of it is abbreviated. 2/ What I write is unlikely to convince the rabid mob who are invested & committed to their narrative. Nonetheless, I write this for the much larger number of people on the periphery who may see their nonsense and accept it as truth without context.
Mar 24, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Disgusted. The organisers of the mob (Max Tweedie & Shaneel Lal etc) who whipped up a frenzy must take responsibility & condemn those who assaulted KJK. The media who knowingly painted her as a Nazi, knowing she isn’t, are responsible too. You justified violence against her. The Police utterly failed. From the Green Party to Lal & Co they were clear they were going to bring violence. Where were the police? I am sickened by the violence that was enacted joyously today and I’m sickened that women cannot trust police to do their job.
Mar 1, 2023 17 tweets 3 min read
🧵My personal take on the Drag Queen Story Time and the protest in Avondale.

1. I actually enjoy drag shows. Love RuPaul. Sure the jokes can be misogynistic at times but the same is true of many films, books, comedians etc. 2. In my opinion drag is adult entertainment. It’s full of sexual innuendo, sexualised costumes, adult themes etc. Even drag queen names are often pun-tastically rude.